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Everything posted by DUSTY BODDAMS

  1. CK, if the targets were in close it might be faster but it could be slower at distant targets trying to steady the short gun. Boils down to which one you like best. PF no problem there you can use your same load data out of your 45 acp. Before I ever built the first 73 45 acp I built a Marlin 45 acp. If the 45 cs is feeding well then it should feed acp as well. Extractor would have to be modified as well as the barrel set back to headspace proper. I would think that the 45cs would just pile the brass up and would be an easy retrieval. Dusty Boddams
  2. All good ideas but remember the trigger pull is a safety check. It's not a game of gotcha. TO.'s should always be looking over their shooters checking for mag in pistol and model 12's etc. " nice model 12" "is that a model 12" even other competitors get in on it
  3. CK, the slide release is faster for me and I don't think you would have a problem retraining. You can use your off thumb to hit the slide release and that works really well.
  4. As an interesting side note but not 1911 story.........I acquired a really nice p-38 ww2 dirty bird stamped with holster ,spare mag etc. took it out to my work bench checked it out put five rounds in the mag pulled the slide back and let it go and it promptly put 2 rounds thru the wall right above my work bench without any assistance from me! I unloaded it carried it down to a gunsmith friend and low and behold there was a sear problem. Long story short anything mechanical can fail. Dusty Boddams ;)
  5. JFN, an interesting read for sure! that information could really help someone from power factor failure
  6. Jorge, have you had that shotgun taken down completely and fully cleaned? Some of these model 12's have been setting for many years with old gummy oil. That would be the first thing to do also when taken down go all the way to the firing pin,pull and inspect it.
  7. J, I don't think it would be the magazine spring to strong, to weak can cause problems. Tell me what issues are you having? Are your shells falling out of the gun? Double feed? Gun hanging up and just not wanting to cooperate? Dusty Boddams
  8. ;D now that's worth going to the mailbox for! Dusty
  9. I've no skin in the game. Do not know either smith BUT chucks is the best looking from your pictures. Looks top shelf! Dusty Boddams
  10. BD I had a 25 and that was a solid nice shotgun with really good dimensions. Of course it wasn't legal and it didn't hold enough shells but as a field gun it could not be beat. Other than the obvious differences it operated smooth and had good fitting but was not polished out as much as a model 12 and the wood on mine looked oil finished instead of varnish .
  11. GRIFF ;D ;D ;D that shur is a good looking avatar you got there!!
  12. Can't add an extended tube under current rules. That said if you get one of them South African a5's bring it with you and we will shoot an "off the books " stage with it and see how it does against a model 12.
  13. I know the gun your talking about and I would love to get one. They are expensive but if that gun was legal it would be king of the road........ Dusty
  14. ;D actually as we use shotguns in wild bunch based on six rounds the remmy knock offs and the Brownings would not be competitive at all. Dusty
  15. AM, that's a pretty rig! Looks very well made! Dusty Boddams
  16. ;D ;D BD, looks like you a great winter range WB match. I guess you could say it's a pretty big DEAL! Congratulations to you and everyone that shot so well and to those also that went shot and had a large time.;D ;D Dusty Boddams
  17. CK, you might consider taking it fully apart it could very well be full of lint,ancient gun oil and who knows what. Check the extraction springs,could really be gummed up. Also take the firing pin out and make sure that's ok. As the above gentlemen state cutting it will only help.... Dusty Boddams
  18. STL ;D ;D EXCELLENT! A clean wild bunch match especially at a major match is quite an accomplishment! Dusty
  19. Merry Christmas to all! Jfrank I was just telling a friend about that video,a talented and entertaining bunch! Dusty Boddams
  20. 😀 well said BD, lm a big fan of the 230 that mimics the fmj. At the same speed. Can't help on the powder either because I use WST. Looks like ya'll had a big time down in the bayou! Dusty Boddams
  21. Yes sir, the mosins are being used to good effect! Dusty Boddams
  22. LV, open class at our club anyway is just that. Any 1911,any pump shotgun and any sass legal rifle. Score is not kept.this is to give new folks a chance to try wild bunch without committing to the equipment required. I think we might have had 1 person in 3 years take advantage of open class. Dusty Boddams
  23. You know the model 25 is a great shotgun just like the model 12. Stocks inner change. There are internal differences. Jokes aside its just not legal cause it's not legal. No reason really except for stopping rule creep. The right call was made with the model 12 and making it THE best legal shotgun for WB. The powers that be handled the shotgun issue very well or we would have Stevens 520,rem 10,11, 870 "hey it looks the same", browning a5's and so on. On the upside if it were legal I wonder how many competitors would like starting out with a 2 round handicap? ;Dit would always enable a great excuse why they didn't win!
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