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Everything posted by DUSTY BODDAMS

  1. Sounds cheap! i would think that would have the makings of a good solid bamm rifle as long as it's got a good bore,original sights and stock that hasn't been sporterized. Is it a rifle or carbine? Dusty
  2. It's amazing how much cooler a pith helmet is out in full sun compared to everything else. It's correct for the era to.
  3. Forgot to mention the 351 actually slugs 351 diameter thru the bore
  4. LV, I own both. The 35 Remington is a powerful rifle for the era. Mine will shoot about 2 1/2" at 100 yards. The Winchester sl had different calibers depending on it being a 1905,07,10. The easiest caliber is the 351 and in factory form it's comparable to a 357 maximum and the maximum case can be made to work with modification. The 35SL Winchester would be about as easy it's just a shorter version of the 351. I've tried reducing loads in my 351 and have not had success. The 351 is a blowback kinda setup and has a big heavy chunk of steel inside the forearm to control the inertia . Expect to pay about 200.00 for original 10 round magazines. Almost forgot they made a 32SL that was the catalyst for the m1 carbine. Different cartridge won't exchange. Back to the 351 brass is available,bullets are available and it's a fun fast rifle. Friend of mine has shot turkeys and hogs with his. Dusty
  5. ;D hey just to tell y'all about cool things showing up at bamm.....we were at the Oklahoma state WB bamm and I spy an odd duck walk over to it and sure enough an all original correct 6.5 jap carbine. Looked about 85/90 percent condition. Talking to the owner he said it had been in his closet since he was a little kid. Really I said,where did you get it? Oh,my dad brought it back during ww2 he says........how cool is that!? He thought bamm was the greatest thing ever because he had never used this rifle all these years and now it's getting exercised. Dusty Boddams
  6. ;D LD, so what's the bamm rifle gonna be this year? Short or long mosin? 03? K31? Or you just gonna bring a bunch? Dusty
  7. Back 40, I think just a generic 12 ga. Mag tube spring and cut to length But if the cat daddy is wanted they have stainless steel at Nu-line guns for 14.95 stock number NLG-16212ss I don't need one but I think I will order a couple........
  8. Back 40, just a regular spring from brownells will have you running and gunning! Dusty
  9. Back 40, watch out! It starts with just one bamm rifle and then..............
  10. SE, appreciate the reply! I'm also in that camp along with a little more. I came to shoot,not dance!
  11. Ok all I've got a question. I went to the Oklahoma state wild bunch match a couple of weeks ago and came away really impressed. They had 37 shooters and 18 shooters for bamm. I always make plans to attend this match due to the fun and great friends. What motivates you as a shooter to attend one state level match over another? Proximity Friends Food Course of fire Amount of shooting to little/ to much......if that's possible Prize pool of drawings Side matches Evening entertainment What else? I already know the big reasons for not going would be Time,Money and Health but I want to know what attracts you as a competitor to a certain match.
  12. Lone dog! What are you saying? Do you think there could be a chance of a flying bird at the state match? ;D Dusty B
  13. Dan, I run about 23" on mine because that's where the cutts was at. I have one 18 1/2" and feel it's just a little whippey for some applications. Of course these are all model 12's that I compete with now. Dusty Boddams
  14. Dantankerous, you're correct about bamm. It was a dreamed up as a side match to get to play with a bunch of very cool old rifles and do something they were designed for......combat.....other venues offered paper target or silhouette type matches but we wanted our own. Bamm started as just a local thing and grew from that to what it is now. At our state matches we have side matches that are special for WB. We even had a thing called bammbalooza that folks are just now recovering from! Point is if you want to get interest bring your revolver and ammo and invite folks to shoot it. Let them cut loose and really crank on it. Start collecting shooters that are like minded and talk it up at a local level. Then start having a side match on the local level and be sure and keep talking with tell us how much interest your getting because it sounds like fun! I actually got one of my old smiths out with a couple of full moons after reading and seeing Rolan kraps nice pistol. Mine still has the service grips and while the kick wasn't bad you knew the trigger had been pulled! That was with my 230--165 pf loads same as I shoot WB main match.
  15. GS, that 621 sounds like an anomaly. My deviation is usually about 10 or so. WST is very consistent. I don't know if something odd happened but I would repeat the test. Fred and Travis also use this exact load...... We are shooting coated bullets and getting 710 or so for a pf of 163-165
  16. ;D actually GJ you have 522 here abouts total round count for main match and LC said 450 so what are you saying? Dusty
  17. I don't see a problem but HJ or committee will chime in shortly. You know you can start your first mag pouch just left of your belly button and then shove the other 2 up against the first. Might be easier and cheaper since you already have good mag pouches. Just a thought. Dusty Boddams
  18. One thought is getting more clubs to agree to monthly matches and having it as a real WB match. It's difficult to get folks to fork over money for equipment etc. and only have a 5th Saturday match or twice yearly etc. It could be a simple thing to drag in a set of WB distance rifle targets and use the cowboy rifle targets as WB pistol and use the same shotgun targets. Let the Cowboys shoot the stage and then let the WB loose. With five or more let them posse together and have a match! There are shooters who will WB that are not shooting cowboy now. Getting across to the clubs that this will draw shooters they would not ordinarily get means additional free income just for setting up a few more targets that are already laying around but cowboy shooters aren't using. As far as power factors, 38 rifles and everything else that is used as an excuse is just that. At our home club we have an open class allowing ANY 1911 any pump shotgun and any sass legal main match rifle.........very very rarely used. Back 40,if your having monthly matches give them an open class shoot the 38 rifles,tell all to not worry about power factors at your local monthly shoot. A preacher told me you got to get them to the church before you can baptize them. I think he had a point. Dusty Boddams
  19. Nickel steel Marking I think would put it before 1931. Nothing negative that I know of. If possible you might run some shells thru or shoot it just to make sure it runs to your satisfaction. If the guns been sitting in a corner for the last 60 years a full strip and clean would be most beneficial! Welcome to the world of 12's!
  20. August, sounds like a lot of fun. ;D But caution a Thompson smg fires from an open bolt! Thompson semi's fire from a closed bolt like a 1911. We've done this with a soumi and a semi Thompson for a stage at a local match. It's safe and fun! Dusty Boddams
  21. Remarkable! I am amazed at how Lucas oil stays where you put it and does not just go away. Ok so what's the purpose of the blue oil? I heard it was the machine gun oil that they designed. I've used the automotive products for a long time to. The only reason I tried the gun oil was because of how good the vehicle products are.
  22. BD, 3-4000 rounds is a bunch! How often do you lube? What bullets and powder y'all use?
  23. Over the years I've tried many oils and cleaners etc. that were supposed to be the greatest thing. Anytime that went by with most of this resulted in a slow sticky gun. Some of it useable but some seem to evaporate. Past few years I've been using Lucas gun oil the red stuff in the little bottle. I've noticed that my rails stay wet. Point of the story is I field stripped and cleaned the pistol,a les Baer for the November monthly shot that match dec. was canceled looked at it for Jan. Rails were still wet did not clean it. Same for Feb. and March did not clean it . Took it out and shot it ,got the round count up north of 650 with lead and zero malfunctions. I chickened out on shooting another match before cleaning but when i field stripped it the lucas oil was still on the rails and the pistol was not all that dirty. I really think it could have ran longer without a problem. I don't have any connection to Lucas products other than as a consumer but I do think this story is worth mentioning. Dusty Boddams
  24. JJ, I would not consider loading the cases that are drilled out with anything other than wax or a blank. That's exactly how we used to do blanks in 45 colt. Sell them for scrap! Dusty Boddams
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