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Everything posted by DUSTY BODDAMS

  1. Sounds like it's gummy or dry. I know you said that you just cleaned but why don't you check it again and also make sure your rails are oiled and see if that helps. Dusty Boddams
  2. WB cleburne Tx. 3-25-17 this weekend! Featuring five fast and fun filled stages! BAMM after the main match..........
  3. BD, now that is bonafide cool! 8) It looks like really great progress being made! If you handed me the chunks of steel in the picture the only thing I could have done would be to weld 2 of them together to make a hammer and drive the third piece into the ground :o ;D ........ You got skills! Dusty Boddams
  4. Howdy BD, ok, dang it! You tease everybody with these chunks of raw steel and don't say another word....... ;) Didn't your momma teach you better? Some of us want to be informed! Dusty Boddams
  5. MM, I would call one jamming all the time very odd. The money bet would be the ammo being used or how dirty the rifle. I personally know of a 1/2 dozen that run perfect. Mine have been used extensively since I came up with the idea. I think that was 2011 or 12 and I won the Louisiana state championship overall using that rifle. Lots of wins since then and very few problems. It's got to be remembered that all 73's are sensitive to overall length, heck 92 winchesters are sensitive to overall length. ;D bottom line I like mine. easy to feed, fun to use. It's just convenient not better than anything else , ;D well other than it cures blow by and an accuracy increase....... Dusty Boddams
  6. ;D And congratulations to all the winners and shooters of WB. Looking at the scores I would say that was a bonafide drag race! ;D I always enjoy shooting with Capt. Because I told him last time he won this match that when I shot with him and he beats me I can say dang he's a national champion,I did all right. But if I ever edge him and scrape by him I can say hey he's the national champion! ;D I win either way! No joke my friend congratulations! Dusty Boddams
  7. BD, reminds me of the movie last man standing with Bruce willis ;D Dusty
  8. GS, it seems with the Purcella bullets which are hi tec coated and aluminum gc that for some reason several have to be shot to settle the gun to them. Some rifles that I have kept shooting perfect immediately and 2 others had maybe a box and went to shooting normal again. One of those was a garand and the first 10-15 rounds looked like a mad woman throwing rocks! Ouch! Kept at it and it's back respectable again. I think Fred's 03 did that and he cleaned it shot it some more and it went to shooting fine. Matter of fact he shot an 8 point buck with his 03 using his bamm load with that lead bullet. DRT 8) distance was around 100 yards. Impressive! Dusty Boddams
  9. GS, this is going to sound odd.......when I started shooting the hi tec coated Purcella bullet it was instant success. Couple of other gentleman started shooting it and didn't get near the groups until they shot several rounds and for lack of a better explanation seasoned the bore so to speak. You might just run a box thru it and see what happens or switch powder and do the same. One other idea if the action screws are not tight the gun won't group.
  10. GS, just a thought,have you ran any jacketed rounds thru it? Maybe clean the bore as much as is easy and practical then run about 20 rounds or so of jacketed and clean it again. Remember think low hanging fruit! No reason to wear out yourself or your bore if it's shooting like wanted. I agree with you also that it could be something about the 96. Could be something to do with the twist,bore condition, rifling etc. really a lot of different things. one other thought is it as dirty with a different powder? If you have some 4759 laying around that could be tried for 10 rounds and see what happens. What's the velocity with the 2400/13.5 load?
  11. :) GS, I'm with you, I've got all kinds of cleaners etc. but mainly just use a few. I'm going to try patch out. Chuck's sold on it. Several times I've bought rifles that were so heavily cruded up that I thought the bores were bad and bought them as project guns only to find out after great effort that there was a great gun in that mess. I don't know what foreign countries used as we used cosmoline but I think it was something different also the fact some were dipped a very long time ago and then redipped later on maybe repeatedly perhaps even with different products it's no wonder that it's sometimes so difficult to remove. Dealing with bores I've cleaned and cleaned shot them and cleaned some more and got them in good shape but a clean white patch eludes me on a military rifle. The answer? Look down the bore and if it looks clean and well defined-- let the good times roll! With the bullets I use in bamm I get no leading just residue. Matter of fact I get no leading in my garand either. My WB guns these days stay so clean in the bores that I could shoot a lot of rounds and not clean them but I always field strip, run a few patches ,Lucas oil and back together. Do you have any leading issues or any problems in particular? Dusty Boddams
  12. Back 40 ;D ;D of course there's the smarty response like elastic or a bobble head joke........but Seriously I think either looking on eBay and finding a new campaign hat in your size or a Stetson with the right sized brim in the right color and have it shaped into a campaign hat. I don't think there's a chance in the world of finding a ww1 or 2 hat in that size. Clothes are as simple as going to Walmart and getting a Dickie work outfit in khaki or as complicated as getting in touch with one of the reproduction company's for a uniform. Comfortable boots are Corcoran jump boots and they look close to ww1 marching shoes. For leggings buy reproductions of ww2 because if you're trying to cover a boot top ww1 were made for the shoe. Dusty Boddams
  13. ;D ;D jackaroo, that sounds really neat! I like the idea of that. You do know what your starting here? A specific costuming for BAMM and there's a lot of really neat uniforms from all over the world. ;D ;D Capt. Jarrett has a 1938 Harley, I think he has the scabbard for his Thompson too............hmm.......you still using the 7mm Mauser that you had at the OK WB state match? Dusty
  14. Jackaroo, how you doing? I know you directed the question to HJ but dang this is interesting! You're thinking of costuming specifically for BAMM. Just how cool is that?! Dusty Boddams
  15. Dan, fully legal and great for the game. It's brass cased,making well over power factor. Standard 45acp load with a lead bullet. As has been said before the pf is an absolute floor so it's better not to be close. These will serve you well. Dusty Boddams
  16. Great to hear from. I thought I heard you were headed to Australia?
  17. Odessa? The same Odessa that I had so much fun shooting at the Texas state championship? Dusty
  18. BD, that's about as far back as a 1911 can be started ....if you don't dig the ore yourself..... ;DBD, the guessing game....... Your right handed You conceal carry Compact automatic is the weapon of choice Am I close? ;D ;D ;D Yes my blue jeans wear out exactly the same way! Dusty Boddams
  19. Dan, I know they have costuming contests. I know we had one at state last year I think. Most of the costuming of course is based on military and a lot of it is really good but any costume that fits in the era and has that really correct sharp look,catches the judges eyes is a contender. Ours was judged during the match for both days. Mens and women's. Dusty
  20. Cantankerous, shoot no! We don't think your trying to stir anything. We just consider it good conversation. Thing about most all WB folks you meet we are shooters thru and thru. We play WB by the rule set but the background of all is amazing. Lots of these folks shoot in combat style matches, cmp, sporting clays,trap,skeet,cowboy,zoot shoot, long distance etc. being accomplished shooters a variety of hardware is owned by all. Therefore every so often a oddity will be seen at the local WB match. Won't be competing generally but will be used by all that have an interest. Thompson carbines being one of those Suomi's being another, all fun and very interesting. When you dive off into BAMM if not already a lot of interesting old bolt guns make there way to the firing line. Dusty Boddams
  21. AC, sure you could cut off a coil. There is plenty of spring in there. Also it should be noted the bolt that holds the hammer is left handed. If you haven't had one apart apply Patients liberally ! Dusty
  22. Dan ;D ;D ;D that shooter is gett'n after it in the third video! I've got a Thompson carbine and a few others that I shoot with have the carbine or genuine real deal full autos. They are lots of fun and well made. Thru generous friends I have fired the full autos a considerable amount and have even competed with them in a machine gun match and done quite well. We have also done a couple of off the books stages and used the Thompson carbines as a prop in those and it was successful. J. Frank, a wise introduction. Limited round count and you gave them a mini school. The Thompson has to be one of the best machine guns for introducing new shooters with the forward weight and good weight in general. Also interesting is just how accurate they are with the switch flipped. My carbine is really accurate also but of course is longer barreled I put a m1 Thompson forearm on mine and like it better than the vert grip with the longer barrel. Dusty Boddams
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