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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

J. Frank Norfleet

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Everything posted by J. Frank Norfleet

  1. So F & I WB is Friday, WR WB starts Monday, what'ta do Saturday and Sunday?
  2. Only if you have a pocket full of rocks!
  3. If we are going to have rule creep. Let's creep up to 7 rounds in the magazines.
  4. Jeez Garrison, take a chill pill. A newbie asking questions. So what if they are the same questions that have been answered a thousand times. They weren't here when they were answered the last time. And the search function on this site is horrible. Rarely will it take me back to a thread I read here months ago. So I no longer use it. And so what if someone stirs the waters, who cares. Maybe if there was a little debate here this site would have some traffic. Lost Vaquero, the Big Boy is not legal. A lot of folks have bought them and they are horrible. If you are truly considering a Henry original post a link to its description and the powers that be will tell you if that rifle is legal. Hint, if there is any question, it is probably not legal.
  5. So SKSs are legal now? ;D Dusty that helped, mine will be 12 3/4 with a metal butt plate
  6. So I would have to add wood back? I can't just fit a correct butt on the stock even though it is a little shorter? When I shot service rifle the rules were the same as here. Internal modifications ok, external mods no. The way external modifications were judged was, "did they change the profile of the rifle?" Sight color was not an issue. Hooded sights with an internal diopter were also ok because they did't change the profile of the the rifle. Sights are not an issue for me, I know how to make a shiny front sight dead black. I would like to know about the stock.
  7. Two BAMM rule questions: 1) My Krag Carbine is unaltered except that the previous owner cut the stock and added a rubber recoil pad. It is an ugly 1950's red pad and I was thinking of replacing it with a new black one so it wouldn't look so bad. Is a recoil pad an external modification? 2) When I shot Service Rifle we would paint the front sight bright red or green. Is that an external modification?
  8. You are not the first, the front sight is problematic. Get a different front sight because it is likely to happen again. Other than the front sight the Ruger SR1911 really runs.
  9. That attitude works well, unless you win. Then your equipment better be legal!
  10. I disagree. All of shooting is a "gross motor skill." There are 2 reasons that the slingshot slide release method is taught. Some shooters lack the strength to de-activate the slide stop and for beginning shooters it is the same action as cocking the pistol. I don't use the terms gross/fine motor motor skills. A better way of looking at it is conscious and subconscious skills. To illustrate, I learned to drive a standard. For a long time everything I did had to be thought about and planned in advance (conscious skills). Now after 40 plus years of driving I no longer even think about shifting gears or if I hit a slick spot I instinctively turn the wheel without thinking about it. Through practice and repetition I have moved all those skills from the conscious to the subconscious. When I push a mag home my support thumb instinctively hits the slide stop as it returns to its spot (I shoot modern). What ever technique you use, practice and repetition is necessary to make it a subconscious action. Because the mind can only think about one thing at a time and I need to be thinking focusing on the front sight aligned on the center of the target.
  11. It only gets better! Welcome to the party. JFN
  12. Boggus you are correct. I think that JMB designed the 1911 to be carried with the hammer down on a round in the chamber. I know folks that carry them that way. Allie, I also bet they didn't just load 5 rounds in each mag! Cocked and Locked? Let the discussion begin. JFN
  13. Don't even worry about the Cowboy. I shot one cowboy match and sold my guns and holster. WBAS is too much fun. JFN
  14. Colt marketing at its best. The model is not named after a shooter, but a gun writer. But it does have some features that I really like and might make a good pistol to live in my truck for every day shooting. JFN
  15. Anybody got to fondle or shoot the Colt Wiley Clapp government model? Thoughts? JFN
  16. I read the original question differently. In a classic type lll malfunction or double feed, the fastest way to clear it is to strip the mag. Most of the time the slide will close on the round in the chamber. My understanding is that you may insert an empty mag to lock the slide back when the round is fired. If the mag you stripped has rounds in it, reinserting it will be a MSV unless you lock the slide back. If the mag you stripped has rounds in it and it never leaves the pistol you may reseat the mag for a no call. JFN
  17. CC Don't split too many hairs, generally a slide lock malfunction is caused by a bad mag or weak mag spring. I'm just looking at when it happened. Wow, Joe having a bad day? No, I'm not looking for reasons to award a MS. I just stated that the simplest reading of the rule is a failure to lock after the last round is fired. In this situation: as a shooter I would have locked the slide back before reloading (which I have done) and as a TO I would have said "slide" to the shooter. My goal is to avoid giving the shooter a MS and avoid controversy over a rule. If the MD and shooter disagree with my instructions as a TO, give the shooter a reshoot. JFN
  18. You made a good call. I see the rule as pertaining to the slide not locking open at the end of a string. As a shooter I would have locked it back before reloading to avoid controversy. JFN
  19. Sacramento Johnson, Your observations are a correct. As MD for the Wild Bunch side match for our local club's annual match I had to realize that the shooters were not regular WBAS shooters. They were CAS shooters who wanted to have fun shooting the side match. Most were not regular WBAS shooters and they definitely were not there for the "challenge." So the stages are written and the targets placed accordingly. The last thing I wanted was to frustrate them and maybe a fun match would entice them to become more interested in shooting a bigger WBAS match. JFN
  20. I wouldn't mind it being held in conjunction with a state cowboy match if the WBAS match was on the weekend and the cowboy match was on weekdays. As it is, when the state wild bunch match is held with another match, we suck the hind tit. As the Boggus said, just another side match. My vote is for a stand alone match. JFN
  21. I must admit this change makes no sense to me? From Stage Disqualifications, page 21: • Shooting on the move. (Violation of the “Basketball Traveling Rule.”) From pages 23-24: 1. The rules for movement (Basketball Traveling rule) does not pertain to shooting on the move. Shooting on the move is expressly disallowed. (SDQ) The “basketball traveling rule” was originally intended to pertain to a competitor who inadvertently cocks a firearm in a position other than the designated firing position or was moving both feet whilst engaging targets at the firing position. One foot may be moved to adjust stance or correct balance. The Basketball Traveling rule was not intended to relate to multiple movements between shots. (e.g., Shooting multiple shots during continuous movement.) And from the Glossary of Terms, page 28: Basketball Traveling Rule – aka movement with a firearm. Once the firearm is cocked, one foot must remain in place on the ground until the firearm is made safe. This means after the pistol is first charged one may move when the slide is locked open and the trigger finger is outside the trigger guard. One may move with a rifle or shotgun when the action is open or hammer down on an empty chamber or an expended case action closed. First, it seems to me that there are contradictory statements. Either "shooting on the move" is "basketball travel" or it is not, i.e. moving both feet with a round under hammer. Second, if it is not, then what is "shooting on the move?" and why were the first two quotes added to the rules? JNF
  22. Trying to get my mind around this while keeping it simple: > Action open and empty - No Call > Action open with spent round in action - No Call > Action closes after being cleared and empty - No Call (long gun is cleared on the line at the end of the stage) > Action open with live round on carrier - MSV (can be corrected before next firearm is fired) > Action closes after being cleared and spent round is in gun - 1 MSV (can be corrected before next firearm is fired) > Shooter discards gun without clearing with spent round in chamber - 2 MSVs (can be corrected before next firearm is fired) JFN
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