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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

J. Frank Norfleet

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Everything posted by J. Frank Norfleet

  1. Goatneck's and Dusty Boddom's both run really well. Mine has had problems that have nothing to do with the conversion. I think the concept is sound. Remember you are going from a rimmed cartridge to a rimless that head-spaces on the case mouth. So internal timing is all the more critical. Two things I would do differently. First, start with a new rifle. Most of my headaches are due to using a rifle I had shot a lot for a couple years. Second, have whoever does the conversion also do the action job. I had mine done because I hate loading 45 Colt and I liked the idea of using the same ammo for both the pistol and the rifle. I'd do it again. JFN
  2. Legal? Yes. I had one. Heed the advise above and trade it off ASAP! JFN
  3. Whoa there Boggus, you need a bit more explanation. You can reload with the slide down if there is a slide stop failure. If you reload after five rounds on a down slide and then rack the slide and nothing comes out there is no penalty. If a round comes out of the chamber or you fire without racking the slide you have bought two minor safeties: more than 5 rounds in a mag and a tactical reload. JFN
  4. Looking at match dates. Do 3 day weekends like Memorial Day or Labor Day attract more shooters or do they cause more scheduling conflict for shooters? What is your experience? JFN
  5. GJ if HH gets his pistol weighed will it then qualify as a chunk of heavy steel? :) We all joke about the Post Office. The current postmaster general contends it is a felony offense to have a firearm in your vehicle parked in post office parking lot. And they wonder why folks go postal. In NM the state certifies all scales used for public commerce. Your butcher shop or grocery store might have certified scales. Ours are certified by the state. Recognize that the scale used at a match is the official scale for that match. If you are riding the line you may go over at one match and not another. When I had my match pistol built the first big match I planned to use it at was WR. I caught WBT before the shooting started and he weighed it. Had it not passed I would have used the pistol which up until then was my main match pistol. JFN
  6. I use KG 9 leather kote http://www.brownells.com/gun-cleaning-chemicals/oils-lubricants/leather-protectants/leather-kote-prod17159.aspx?avs|Manufacturer_1=KG%20PRODUCTS A little bit goes a long way, like dip the tip of your finger in and rub all over the inside of the holster. Re-apply to the leather when the holster starts sticking. JFN
  7. The stages will be posted on Winter Range's website. www.winterrange.com It is the second tab right to left. Stages from the previous years are posted there. JFN
  8. I have debated on making this post because there are those who are going to disagree, so here goes: Clean Match? While a great accomplishment when it is done, to make clean matches a goal would ruin WBAS! Analyze the Winter Range cowboy scores and you will notice that a miss can move a shooter ten or more places. You see shooters with a faster total time being beat by clean shooters. That leads to a style of shooting that is accuracy first, speed second. This is just a characteristic of the Rank Point Scoring system but it changes how you shoot to win. In WBAS, if you hold back to make sure you shoot all 10 stages clean you'll get beat. The fastest Wild Bunch shooters are pushing the envelope on speed and are not worried about taking an occasional miss. Because with our scoring an occasional miss won't wreck you. I know you can't miss fast and win; but you can't shoot slow and cautious and win either. Look at J.T. Wild, he had a stage DQ and still placed 5th overall! That is one reason I like our Stage Point Scoring so well, it is as close to total time as you can get without using total time. Therefore a wreck on a stage doesn't destroy your match. So the goal becomes speed with accuracy and the fastest shooter wins! You want more clean matches? Make a miss a 10 second penalty (or go back to Rank Point Scoring). Folks will slow down and make every shot count. You want to step on the gas and see faster times? Make a miss a 3 second penalty like in 3GN. JFN
  9. +1 If it has to go bang to prove it is live ammo, its no longer live ammo. JFN
  10. Congratulations to you too Silvertip! If I remember correctly, that is the second only clean Wild Bunch match at a major match. What an accomplishment! JFN
  11. Yes, DB, Capt Sam shot an excellent match and was a pleasure to posse with. JFN
  12. The best thing I have seen is Ken Rucker's "Speed Bump." It takes away the recoil. PM Miss Cubbie or Goatneck Clem. JFN
  13. Now that I've had a couple of days to digest the match, I would like to give some kudos to Texas Jack Morales and Evil Roy. The small distant targets could be hit. The stage with the distant dueling tree that worried me the most, I and many others shot clean. The clusters of 10 targets were of different sizes, shapes, heights and distances and were fun to figure out how to shoot them. I liked the added shotgun rounds and the lower rifle round count. I really liked the 25 and 30 pistol round count. The match really emphasized the 1911. Thanks All! JFN PS The posses of 25 were just right.
  14. ER I know you will catch some flak for this being a lost brass match. So I want to thank you and the rest of the leadership for making the hard choices to make a match with this number of shooters and this many rounds to run smoothly. I come to shoot and replacing my match brass is the least of my expenses. Otherwise, I could see the match dragging on until late afternoon. As much as we all hate to lose our brass, this will improve the quality of the match. JFN
  15. Dusty, you need to pack your bags and come. It's time to quit hiding out in Texas and come add to the fun. JFN
  16. Hope the rules committee looks seriously at the crammer hammer and the Bogus modification. Anything to help the lady competitors and those struggling with arthritis in their hands. JFN
  17. Here is the link http://www.cammertechnologies.com Bogus Deal was working on something similar and you could tell the difference. Maybe he'll comment. I have never seen one of these specifically. So Silvertip, get one installed and we'll coon finger it at Winter Range. JFN
  18. SASS allowing the finger to be in the trigger guard is reinforcing a bad habit. It is just wrong. JFN
  19. You can manually lower your slide but you must pull the trigger and drop the hammer. JFN
  20. They probably are from New Mexico since they could only afford one guitar. Merry Christmas! JNF
  21. Had good luck finding "C" parts on ebay, if you are not in a hurry. And HJ is correct if WBT can't help you . . . JFN
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