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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

J. Frank Norfleet

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Everything posted by J. Frank Norfleet

  1. When I started out all I had was a series 70 1911. I used a kydex paddle holster, Win 1300 pump and a .22 lever rifle. Nobody cared, I was shooting with them. As I had the dollars I added correct guns and equipment. I'm glad you are joining the fun. JFN
  2. Looks like there are some 30 round stages. I'd carry 7 mags to the line so as to have a spare. JFN
  3. Yee-Haw! It's a Wild Bunch match. How many 5 round dumps? ;D JFN
  4. I don't think that Lucas oil has anything to do with leading in your barrel. I have never had a problem with leading even when I shot commercial bullets. I too shoot a lot of rounds between cleanings with vary little barrel leading. Most my shooting is on a home range where I shoot paper. I quit shooting steel because I found I was calling my shots off of the "ding" and not the sights, but I digress. I shoot lead mined from my berm and wheel weights from the local tire shop. Lee molds and generic lube-alox for both rifle and pistol. All most no leading in either. A couple patches down the bore an I am good to go. I shoot WTS at matches and Promo (Red Dot) at home because it is cheap. I guess this whole process says I go for the cheap. Now about the gun oil. Since I shot High Power, I used Kroil to clean and oil my guns. While I still use Kroil to clean (it is thin), I discovered it doesn't keep the rifle or pistol lubed; or "wet" to use Dusty's term. The blue Lucas oil keeps working long beyond when other lubes disappear. When the slide slows to a crawl, a shot of Lucas Blue and you are up and running. Why bother with the whole cleaning process?
  5. I heard the link to give feedback for Winter Range has been emailed out. I would like to give feedback on the Wild Bunch match. How? or Who do I contact? JFN
  6. I used truncated cone bullets. I recently asked that question on the SASS wire. A lot of folks use round nose bullets in their rifle. A couple top shooters have run thousands through their rifles. You make your own choice.
  7. Boggus Deal works for Chuck so he knows Wild Bunch. Boggus has worked on a couple of my pistols. Oh, they're nice. Goatneck is a good choice for your M12. I'd also recommend Idaho Sixgun Sam's husband (Mark). A lot of 45 ACP rifles out there. Cody does the best '73 conversion. I had one and it was a PIA. I think it was a poor quality rifle to begin with. So let Cody start with a new rifle. I traded mine to a friend and every time I watch him shoot it, its like watching someone dancing with an old girl friend. They're fun to watch and I know if I tried to run it again the rifle and I would have a battle. JFN
  8. Seriously, I can hardly wait to fondle the finished pistol. JFN
  9. COOL!!! It's going to lock up in the slide like a Glock! :) :D ;D
  10. Silver tip I don't know about the big time, but I will sure miss seeing you at WR. JFN
  11. Thank you all for your encouraging words. I'm looking forward to doing what I can to help. JFN
  12. I shot a lot of moly bullets when I shot High Power. The one thing I learned was to not mix moly bullets with non-moly. If you do you will get occasional flyers. Of course those were FMJ match bullets that were moly coated. I never shot moly coated lead bullets.
  13. Just how cool is that!
  14. This will be interesting, I don't see why it wouldn't be legal in Modern. It looks like a regular full length guide rod and guide (looking at GJ's link in the other thread). The forbidden guide rods have extra springs, bearings, tungsten or etc. You can buy the same Wilson guide rod and guide from Brownells without the shock buffs and the recoil reducing hype. Rules say: "No barrel porting or compensators or other recoil reducing devices allowed. No recoil reducing devices are allowed. This means no Springcoil, STI, Fire Dragon, Hartts, tungsten, or similar recoil reducing guide rods, full length dust covers, extra weights, and the like." Of course I am no authority but that doesn't look like a "similar recoil reducing guide rod." Now Wilson does make a two piece guide rod that would probably be illegal but the link in the previous thread is for a one piece guide rod. We will see what the authority says. JFN
  15. That us why placebos work for some people.
  16. Shock buffs? Some love 'em and some hate 'em. Those that love them replace them regularly.
  17. As I have said I am envious of you new job. You get to learn from a man who has built (and that is built not assembled or put together) some of the finest pistols ever made.
  18. For what we shoot, I run 12.5 lb. IMSI springs and a 15# hammer spring.
  19. The introduction and individual handling didn't add 10 minutes to the total stage time. While I worked with those who wanted handle the Thompson, everyone else was loading and rehearsing the stage. With 5 rounds I was confident that it wouldn't get away from them. Explained that the first shot should be aimed at the lower left corner and it would "walk" to the upper right corner. Also explained how to modulate the trigger. To my surprise the new shooters shot it in 2 and 3 shot bursts. All in all they got it. Had also decided that any malfunction would be treated as a prop failure and the shooter started over. In the process I found a magazine with a sticky follower so we had a couple do overs. JFN
  20. Ran an experiment a couple months ago at a monthly match. Everyone got to handle and cock the Thompson before the stage. They were given instructions as a group and individually as they handled it. Shooters started a stage with a Thompson in hand, mag loaded with 5 rounds inserted and one of the Founders Ranch huge cowboy targets at 20 yards. At the beep the shooters had to cock the Thompson and fire the 5 rounds at the target, ground it on a table and then finish the stage. They had to put at least one round on the big cowboy and no round over the berm. Most put all five rounds on the target. The purpose was to see how shooters who had never shot or had little experience with a Thompson responded. Saw a lot of grins that day, a new experience for many. I convinced myself that it could be done safely and make a spectacular stage.
  21. Thanks Joe, put together an order Monday and it arrived yesterday.
  22. Two top Model 12 mechanics are Mark Braid (Idaho Six Gun Sam's husband) and Goatneck Clem.
  23. The added advantage to chopping the barrel is you get rid of the choke and it becomes a cylinder bore.
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