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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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Everything posted by Boggus Deal

  1. I did. It's a Rock Island import that isn't 100% square. Overal, they're great guns.
  2. A dovetail front sight cut that doesn't need any welding.
  3. Then there is 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 1 on 3, 2 on 4 and 1 on 5.
  4. The Nasty Sweep. 6 targets. 1-2-3-4-5-6 2-3-4-5-6 3-4-5-6 4-5-6 5-6 6 21 rounds Probably called something else but it's what we call it.
  5. It's happened to me before. The only way to do it is take a reshoot. If a shooter refuses, they are in the wrong. In my opinion, it's a DNF.
  6. That will certainly get you started.
  7. You certainly can't go wrong with Steve at MARS. He is a good, personal friend of mine.
  8. It actually depends on the old sight and slide. Coming from someone who actually cuts them nearly every day, there are some slides with a wide tenon cut in them that does need welding up or it will show. Either way, it will need reblued. You're going to have bare metal showing.
  9. Being that she won the 2017 Lady Traditional championship, she deserves a gun of her own. She has been shooting my hand me down.
  10. First, my friend, no offense here! We are more adult than to be offended by an opinion. But what has the the targets got to do with the scoring system? Having shot 3 gun, USPCA and IDPA I get the scoring zones and while I would like to see more difficult targets, like Western 3gun, the scoring is still the scoring. Always open for opinions, comments, ideas and suggestions!
  11. Not if I have a say! All other action shooting sports use a rank/stage point scoring system. Going to total time is yet another reason cowboy action will continue to be the laughing stock of shooting sports. WBAS is a shooting sport, not just a speed event of how fast can you hit barn doors with the muzzles of your guns.
  12. I have an unopened quart of Lucas Synthetic Oil Stabilizer. Is that anywhere near Lucas Red or Blue in lube performance? Good shooting! The Red and Blue are specifically designed for firearm use. I don't know the chemical makeup but I would stick with those two and leave the Stabilizer for automotive use, except in emergency.
  13. Just to be clear this includes warmup? This sounds a little low for 16 stages. kR No, this is for main match only. I would figure 120-130 pistol, 40-45 rifle and 24-30 shotgun for warmup.
  14. I've seen that! It is very cool. He cut up a nice gun... I have some very worn out parts and pieces I would have traded him for that. I'm planning to build a cutaway out of my parts. I'm going to do a 1911, too!
  15. Your mags do that too, brother????
  16. Kid, I'm quite certain the stages aren't finished yet. I would use Garrison Joe's estimates and add 10% or so. And as he said, if by chance you run short, you will have plenty of ammo from other shooters. If hauling the ammo is a problem, feel free to ship some to me as I am only 20 minutes away from Founder's Ranch. Boggus
  17. The Handbook is very clear. Page 14, Magazine poucescan hold or or two magazines, one magazine per loop. You could have a belt made with pouches attached to gain some room.
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