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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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Everything posted by Boggus Deal

  1. I have a 2 3/4' carrier with a flag if someone is in need of one.
  2. Do you know what issue it's in? I'll go a hunting!
  3. Samuel, Wilson Combat also sells finished gold bead sights. I like the SDM ones better.
  4. Thank you, Norfleet. I think it was a great match overall. Lots of laughter and lots of good shooting!
  5. Yes, sir, it is.
  6. Allie darlin', I use a checkered flag bandana type thing. Let's me know and everyone else know that I have a Model 12. Also, the checkered flag is a mental winner!!
  7. GJ, Try a 230 at 100 fps less than the 200. Time your splits. I was a non believer until I proved it to myself.
  8. I'm not sure I understand what bullet you are referring to. I use a 200 gr round nose flat point in my .45 Colt rifle loads. The 230 gr round nose in the pistol gives a very slightly less recoil and faster split times.
  9. While certainly no expert but what have actually seen is the slide stop locking the sliode back at the wrong time. I have two theories as to why. One is the extra weight of it overcomes a lightened plunger spring while the gun is in recoil. Second, is that the shooter bumps it accidentally. As for extended thumb safeties, I see those get bumped off while the gun is holstered or being restaged while locked in shooting sports that allow it.
  10. I'll probably quit shooting cowboy shortly. If that is the WIld Bunch match in Bend hosted by the Horse Ridge Pistoleros, that is a heck of a match. Little Italy, Sunrise Bill and Texas Jack Morales put on a great time! Just look out for Last Chance Morales! His gun has a broken sear! It absolutely cannot shot that fast!
  11. Just have a copy of the handbook handy and even the RO Handbook. If there is an issue, just kindly point out the rules.
  12. Not at the annuals I am involved with hosting. If the match is advertised as all WBAS rules apply, they apply. I would talk to the folks at the match you are referring to and let them know they are doing a disservice to the shooters. Those shooters are likely to show up at a match with illegal equipment and be called on it. Seen it happen before. I do my best to not let it happen.
  13. Dirty Southpaw, At the local monthly matches around here, we don't normally check power factor. If you're a new shooter who shows up and has ammo that is questionable, I will tell you about the rules. If you show up next month with the same ammo, I might just chrono you. Haven't had to do that, yet. Same with base pads. If you show up with illegal magazines at your first match, I will let you know the rules. Let you shoot today! Absolutely!! I'll even offer to loan you mags! But next month, I'll ask that you be in compliance with the rules.
  14. Tully, Where you able to figure out the cause of either? I truly do not think a 1911 will slamfire with out some other issue. BD
  15. Now, I fully admit to not knowing very much about 1911s. Been shooting them for 35 years or so and have made nearly every mistake possible trying to work on them. But the other day n another forum, a couple of comments piqued my interest. The comments first. A 1911 will slamfire if you close the slide too hard. Early 1911s didn't have firing pin return springs and would fire when the slide was closed. These may not be word for word but this was the jest of the comments. My first thoughts to these comments were. "How do you close a slide too hard?"A 1911 slide will only close so forcefully under the tension of the recoil spring. How can you close it any harder? What would hold the firing pin stop and extractor in without a firing pin return spring? As for not having a firing pin return spring, very quick research by others and myself showed that not only did 1911s have those springs by design but so did earlier designs, ie: the 1905, 1907 and 1910 predecessors to the 1911. But the curiosity was still there. Could a 1911 slamfire? So, today, I took the firing pin return springs out of three 1911s and the extractors out of two. The third, a Sig 1911, was left in as it is an external one. The original 1911 extractor was not designed to slip over a chambered round. It was designed to have the cartridge slide under it as it was pushed in to the chamber and, while it may do so, it can be hard on the extractor. Taking an empty, primed case, I placed it in the chamber and dropped the slide at least ten times on each gun. Not only could I not get the primer to go off, I could not get any sign of a mark on the primer. And this was a Winchester LP primer. Maybe not as soft as a Federal but certainly soft enough.
  16. Tully, email sent.
  17. I seem to have got darn lucky. My unflagged one runs anything I put in it. I haven't shot my backup enough to know if it will or not. I do have a carrier with flag that someone needs more than I do......
  18. Tully, I can't make Utah this time. Work is getting in the way, but thank you, all the same!
  19. Especially bad ones, huh? :D I have several spare hammers and action slidelocks if you need them.
  20. Tully, I am gonna go against the tide here. The Model 12 was not designed to slam fire. "Slam firing" is a side effect of the design. What I mean is that when the designers drafted the Model 12, one of their criteria was not the ability to slam fire. It was intended to be fired from a closed action by pulling the trigger. I would suspect that slam firing has worn those parts down and is the reason you had to weld and refit them. Feel free to email those pics and I'll try to post them for you. tboggus@hotmail.com
  21. Sounds to me more like a carrier and/or bolt problem. Has the top of the carrier been polished or worn too much? Is the shell stop on the bottom of the bolt worn?
  22. I check my mail yesterday and find this jewel in the mail box! Thank you SASS, The Wild Bunch, the WBAS Committee and the wonderful ladies in the SASS headquarters!
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