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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

J. Frank Norfleet

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Everything posted by J. Frank Norfleet

  1. I've been wondering the same thing, how many of us will be shooting WB only.
  2. The real question is do you publish all the scores for the gender pools? Anytime you refigure the scores for another pool the order of the shooters for that pool can be different from the order in their category and you are open to controversy. I really liked the way that WR handled it last year. You published the placings of everyone within their category and announced the overall man and overall lady.
  3. Kuddos to Dusty Boddoms for another great article in the Cowboy Chronicle promoting BAMM and all things Wild Bunch! JFN
  4. Sorry Baltimored, if all you advocate came to pass I would have never ever shot a WBAS match. I'm not interested in dressing in funny clothes and reenacting a movie fantasy. I want to shoot. Chance, the website is long overdue for an overhaul. if you can close this thread you need to Baltimored has hijacked it. He's never been to EoT but he wants to tell everyone what is wrong. JFN
  5. Wow, celsius, had convert that. It is the temperature of the rounds not the temperature of the air the makes the difference. Load your rounds in mags and keep them warm until they are ready to be chronographed. Knew a IPSC shooter who had to put his ammo in on the dash board in the sunlight to make PF at a winter match. In service rifle we kept our ammo in an ice chest (no ice) to keep powders like 748 from going crazy in the summer sun.
  6. Power factor is a moving target. DB was correct that 4.5 gr was high. My records show when I first started using Goatneck's load, I started with 3.8 gr. Over the years I have bumped that up to 4.2 to get a PF of 162. Change anything and the PF changes; bullets, SP vs LP brass, primers or pistol. I generally chronograph a sample of my match ammo before I leave for a major match. I learned that several years ago at Winter Range when my pistol ammo chrono'ed at 150.5 PF. I had bumped the powder bar adjustment when I was loading for the match.
  7. Absolute lightest recoiling load is Goatneck's load, 230 bullet with WST. I'm loading 4.5 gr now, will vary with pistol and primers. Chrono it to 160PF and you won't believe how easy it feels. JFN
  8. That is a misprint. You are correct, it doesn't get declared JFN
  9. Jorge, That is a split sequence. The only time I have ever seen it was after this same discussion came up about four years ago. See link below and pay special attention to Happy Jacks responses. We tried it at our local club. It is a penalty trap since it is hard to ground a long gun without opening the action. It goes against all muscle memory and should not be used on any stage. SASS and the WB committee strongly discourages split sequences and I'm surprised they haven't removed it from the rules. If your match director writes stages like this don't let him write any more. You might see a stage where a long gun is shot and staged open and empty to be retrieved later and shot with rounds loaded from the belt. The stage instructions will tell you how to load and shoot the stage. JFN https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/forum/index.php?topic=1791.msg12893#msg12893
  10. Wow Joe, do you have to say something about every one of BD posts? You remind me of my male dog. When another dog pees he has to rush over and pee on top of it. :) JFN
  11. LV, Where did you find the manual? I have looked. Is it on the internet? Since JMB originally designed the pistol to be carried hammer down on an empty chamber, is there any mention of hammer down on a chambered round? JFN
  12. Try the 3" duck gun. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't (my experience). Ribbed guns ok, I don't know about the Cuts compensator. Maybe HJ will chime in. Why leave them on. They don't work and add extra length. Most cut the shotgun barrels down to about 19" to 20" to make it easier to move with a shotgun. Multiple shotgun shooting positions is not unusual and it is easier if you are not hanging a long barrel on a prop. JFN
  13. I have a black Kirkpatrick holster, 38" Mernickle belt and shell pouch. I can't get the photos posted so PM me an email for a photo if you are interested. $100 shipped. JFN
  14. You are correct Joe, there is more metal at the bottom. The Wilson's I use are flat. I still don't think it will push your hand higher. I do that when I grip the pistol to draw it, can't get it any higher. All it will do is change the grip angle. I think this is more Wilson hype like shock buffs reducing recoil. JFN
  15. I have used this mainspring housing on my match pistols for 8 years. I don't see how it would force your hand higher. It is simply a checkered flat mainspring housing. The flat un-checkered mainspring housing on my WWI repo is not the cause of hammer bite, it's is the short grip safety spur. That is why the US Army in 1924 adopted a longer grip safety spur. The longer grip safety spur is on my series 70 with a V-grip housing, no bite (a traditional pistol). I like the flat housing because it points better (for me) and I like it checkered for the friction. JFN
  16. Just because your barrel says 2 3/4' doesn't mean the carrier is. There are a lot of 3" carriers out there. That might be the problem. Below is a link to a topic on the differences between 2 3/4" and 3" carriers https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/forum/index.php?topic=2203.msg15494#msg15494 JFN
  17. The Krag is a great rifle for BAMM. It was used in European competition and the photo below is of a 5 round loading magazine for fast reloads. I have also stood 5 rounds on a table and dropped them in, takes practice. Google for instructions on how to make a loading magazine for the Krag.
  18. This is one of my pet peeves. Here is my solution: Shooter comes to the line with a hammer back on a long gun. The TO instructs them to point the long gun safely down range and pull the trigger. If it goes bang, then the shooter left the load table with a live round under a cocked hammer. That's a MDQ just like a discharge at the loading table. if it goes click, shoot the stage, no call. With the M12 the TO needs to be more aware.
  19. I use ACT mags and if I didn't, I'd use Tripps. Both have parallel lips and are high quality mags. The parallel lips help prevent knocking the top round off when drawing it from the pouch or popping it off when I seat the mag too hard in the pistol. I've had less feeding problems with mags with parallel lips.
  20. Again to emphasize that you must prepare before the RO class. WBAS has 3 (THREE) handbooks. It is of great benefit if you download and READ all three. The Shooters Handbook https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/SASS%20WBAS%20Handbook%20Vers%2011_4.pdf The Match Director's Handbook https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/MD%20Handbook%20Version%208_2.pdf And the Range Operations Manuel https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/WB%20RO_Manual%2011_5_1%20%20012718.pdf JFN
  21. There will be a Wild Bunch RO class at End of Trail. The class will be held from 9:00 to 4:00, in the Happy Jack Saloon on Wednesday, June 20. The first thing you need to do is to download and study the most recent Wild Bunch Shooters Handbook. We may not cover all the exam questions in the presentation. YOU have been warned. Study it, the class will go much smoother. Bring your copy of the handbook, materials for writing notes, snacks, water and etc. The cost of the class will be $10. Sign up by emailing me at gnat@tularosa.net JFN
  22. Mokaac Kid, You put on a fantastic match with really great stages. It is a really fun match. I'm looking forward to next year. JFN
  23. We had an excellent class thanks for everyone who came! JFN
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