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Everything posted by DUSTY BODDAMS

  1. Howdy okiedee, they do break but not really that often. Sometimes the old guns feel catchy but keep on working with a broke pin. When you buy a 12 pull completely apart and check everything. They make a titanium firing pin but I don’t think they last any longer than a factory one. Nuline sells them as well as several other companies. Easy part to get. If your paranoid carry a spare in your shooting bag. Don’t worry and enjoy a great shotgun! Dusty
  2. As the title says anybody own or shot one? They are supposed to reset arcade style I suppose the top 6 targets are shot and then the bottom 6 resets the top? Couldn’t find a video of it in action but the company says it works great.......AR500.com seems to be well thought of by reviews.
  3. Poly choke is not allowed and also not desired. Cutting the to your desired length is a ok and a good thing. I run around 23” on my favorite model 12’s. No shorter than 20”. 18” guns are a little whippy to me especially if we have to engage a clay bird. Dusty
  4. ;D ok now August time to go have fun and shoot it! I wouldn’t be worried sounds like the bore is more than clean enough. Let her rip! Dusty Boddams
  5. Those hitek coated bullets are the cat daddy! Just ordered 4000 more from norm over at quality cast. They are accurate, very clean.
  6. Jorge, mauser 1910 is a perfect pistol. We are on a range that is lead only. The 32 and 380 lead bullets are easy to get and we also have a custom loader that will do loaded ready to go lead ammo. POP.txt
  7. Savages are great little pistols. Fast and fun. Know of a couple of these being used and after market mags are available that work. Lots of hammerless colts being used in 32 and 380. At the Texas state 3 steel plates were used double tap each with the seventh shot on center. Shooter started mag in pistol barrel on table at the beep rack and fire! A very well received side match. Dusty
  8. Quality cast owner norm Purcella. He always built the best BAMM and GAMM bullets now he is making 230 round nose Hi-Tek coated bullets that are equally as good.
  9. The way to get BAMM or pop booming is to show up with a couple of rifles and pocket pistols, plenty of ammo and let everyone try it one or two times. Guaranteed winner!
  10. That’s what we call Doughboy when we use a pistol or/and shotgun in the same stage. Whole lotta fun!
  11. Match is now setup and ready to go. Looks like great weather. Still time to sign up!
  12. Great to hear the fun of BAMM spreading across this country! As a matter of fact popgun is alive and well and is being offered at Oklahoma and at the Texas state state championship. It’s so dang fancy it’s even got its own sponsor! HooDoo Brown is orchestrating both popgun events and is furnishing guns and ammo to any wild bunch shooter that wants to step up and try it if they don’t have the proper irons.
  13. Howdy Trooper, yes we try to have the match at the same time. Really pretty time of the year in north Texas.
  14. Get your applications in by October 1 to be entered in drawing for a airsoft B.B. 1911! Great food! 10 great stages and side matches deluxe! Big prize table and nice trophys!
  15. SS, yes we are starting 1 hour earlier for September and resume regular programming in November. No October monthly because of the Texas state WB Championship October 18,19,20 and then the 4th weekend is the Halloween match for cowboys.
  16. You can load and shoot 8 round mags with a flat bottom but you can only put 7 cartridges in them. ;D
  17. JJ, I’m sure HJ will chime in with an answer but I would think modern shooting gloves are just that. A modern glove designed specifically for shooting lots of the time with special padding and straps. Leather work gloves or fitted roper leather gloves etc are just farm and ranch type gloves that are legal for our game. Modern Home Depot gloves would be illegal because they are nylon,Velcro,padded etc.
  18. GS, yes that’s what I hear! Beetle Baileys jeep is getting shot at with garands!
  19. This match is already starting to take shape. 10 main stages along with several great side matches. New side matches added and plenty of BAMM and GAMM for everyone. Popguns too! The popgun side matches (think 03 colt hammerless type pistol) are a blast and really fast! We have our cooks lined up getting the menu ready and the prize table is growing. Make plans to attend!
  20. BD, our BAMM is kinda like that . We shoot combat from 45 to about 90 yards usually from 2 different tables any style 10 to 15 shots reload on the clock. Our targets are the 2/3 size idpa ar500 Targets. We start various positions including rifle empty and behind it about 6 feet at the beep go to rifle feed a stripper clip commence to fighting. Another start is bolt open 5 in mag rifle in hand at beep close bolt ,fight. We vary on what sweeps we do sometimes double tap,Nevada,single sweep,2-1-2 etc. this can be changed to fit what you have to work with. Don’t have 100 yards? Drop to 50 and use smaller targets,shoot offhand etc. another BAMM we do is sniper. This is done usually from the bench bolt open 5 in rifle with distance out to 125 yards or so. 10 shots reloads on the clock and various sweeps of targets. We try to offer enough variety to keep it exciting. South Texas and Oklahoma do similar setups but slightly different. South east Texas has got BAMM out to 200 yards I think. For round up July 13-14 we have added some ar500 12” square swingers to the mix. With this being lower than a state level match we are offering a Doughboy category and it looks to be well attended. After the main match is over BAMM and various side matches in the afternoon.
  21. This is shaping up to be a fun match! GAMM is added for sides along with BAMM and popgun. Don’t have a popgun? No worry we’ve got you covered! 10 main stages and a great prize table!
  22. Trooper, great news to hear BAMM is down under! The steyr 1895 should prove interesting. I see no reason why it wouldn’t make a great BAMM rifle. I would think the biggest challenge is brass but I’ve read that brass can be built off of mosin brass. I think the rim is way thicker on the steyer because it seems like what I read it had to be head spaced on the shoulder to work. I think 450 basic would be the same way. PPU might make brass? Keep us posted on this! We would like to hear the trials and tribulations! Dusty Boddams
  23. A 500.00 gift certificate from mernickle leather is also in the drawings!
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