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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Tully Mars

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Everything posted by Tully Mars

  1. Two years ago I took the reins from Sutter Lawman at Gold Country Wild Bunch in Sloughhouse, California. Sutter Lawman started what I believe to be the first stand alone SASS WB club when he founded GCWB in 2009. Sutter believes in giving the shooter the utmost opportunity to capitalize on their strengths as a shooter. He began the shoot it your way style of stage design. In other words, it's the shooter that decides if they start with the pistol, rifle or shotgun, gun order is shooters choice. Shooter may start at any of the 3 positions. For example the shooting and gun order would be like this: Must use 3 positions. Round Count, 6 shotgun, 21 pistol, 7 rifle: If with the shotgun, shoot the 6 shotgun targets. If with the pistol, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep starting on either end, repeat instructions. If with the rifle, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep on the rifle targets from starting on either end. If with the pistol, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep on the rifle targets starting on either end. It takes some getting use to, but once you know what to do, it makes you a better shooter. It gives everyone the opportunity to make the stage work to their style or strengths. Over the last year we've added rifle optional stages to matches or made the entire match rifle optional. We're moving towards smaller targets that are further out for the rifle. We're writing 7 round rifle stages, making it easy to substitute the pistol for the rifle. If folks want a challenge with the 1911, they will have it with the smaller, further out targets. We just finished the 2021 SASS California State WB Championship, the rifle was optional for this match. It's my belief that it adds just one more "shoot it your way" opportunity to the match. There were some grumblings about it, some loved it, some didn't like it, but overall I think it was a good move. Thank you Sutter Lawman for all your work and effort you've put into Wild Bunch and making GCWB a reality! Tully
  2. Thank you for the kind words Silvertip. It was great to shoot with you and Red Marie again! Here are the scores, I'll do more of a write up when time allows. Tully Overall https://cagunslingers.com/Scores/2021CAWBScores.pdf By Category https://cagunslingers.com/Scores/2021CAWBCatScores.pdf
  3. RIFLE OPTIONAL! at the 2021 California State Wild Bunch Championship! Yup, use your 1911 instead of your rifle! Registration is closed. We're looking forward to a great shoot and seeing folks from several western states! Side Matches: Card Cutting Turkey Shoot as well as speed stages. Thanks to all that have registered! Tully
  4. Penny Ante and FJT are signed up for the 2021 Ca WB championship! Silvertip, Slo Mo and myself are looking forward to seeing you and Red Marie! Tully
  5. Actually I have another one I would like done too. This one is SS. I might wait until after the CA state match though. Tully
  6. Boggus did one of my 1911's as well, the checkering was great at a reasonable price. Tully
  7. FJT, It would be awesome to have you! We have shooters from Texas, Oregon, Arizona and Nevada coming as well! I'll make sure to have Guinness and cookies on hand! Tully
  8. Nellie and Dusty, Thank you both for the time and dedication you've put into Wild Bunch and making the wire a better experience. Tully
  9. We would love to have you both! How can I help you make your decision? Tully
  10. Elwood James, It's highly unlikely I can make it, but I'm considering attempting it. For those flying in, are carts available for rent? As JFN noted, I saw the same thing on the schedule, I'm assuming it's a 12 stage match for the World Championships of Wild Bunch, not a side match. What would be the best town to look for a hotel in? Thanks, Tully
  11. RamblinRon, KingSnake still sells magazines. They are a great buy and he's great to deal with. Best to just email him at brucew@commspeed.net Tully
  12. Barbwire and Zona put on a great match as always! It was great fun, the weather was awesome as was the competition! Congratulations to all the winners! Looking forward to next year's match! FJT, Ms. Penny Ante sure looked as though she enjoyed herself, good for her! Tully
  13. In addition to Garrsion Joe's advice, I change my magazine catch spring when changing springs. Tully
  14. Hi all, The 2021 California State Wild Bunch Championship is scheduled for May 14-16, 2021. It will be held at Diamond Dick's Cowboy Town in the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. 10 Stages of WB. Side matches include Speed Pistol, Speed Rifle, Speed Shotgun and Muchos Federales! Dry camping is available as well as water to fill you tanks. https://cagunslingers.com/AnnualMatches/2021CAStateWB.pdf Thanks, Tully
  15. The Arizona Wild Bunch match is always a great and challenging match! See you there! Tully
  16. Hi Grouchy Spike, It was a fun and challenging match. Mucho Federales is a blast. There were actually 56 targets, I had added a couple of shotgun fliers as well. In the past we've had as many as 75 targets, paring it down some makes it a more manageable endeavor as a side match. The photo below was before the fliers were added, not all of the targets can be seen in this picture. The entire bay is one position, stage guns and magazines as you wish. Sutter Lawman devised this side match, we shoot it as a stage at most of our monthly matches. No it's by WB rules, but everyone seems to enjoy it. Tully
  17. Mr. Ed Wow, what a nice review of the California State Wild Bunch Championship! Thanks, Tully
  18. Heading out today to set up for the 2020 California State WB Championship! We have 35 shooters, many coming form Nevada and Oregon. Many thanks to all those folks who have committed to shooting the match! Tully
  19. Hopefully this works. Scores are in the attachment below. TullySASS_Texas_State_Wild_Bunch_Championship_Nov_13-15_2020.pdf
  20. Hi JFN, It's not mentioned in the WB SHB. This is from the Cowboy SHB and can be applied to WB, since both use Total Time. Page 25 Cowboy SHB Scoring SASS matches are scored based upon elapsed shooting time (Total Time Scoring), plus penalty points for missed targets, procedural errors and various other rules infractions. Each stage is scored individually, and the total combined raw time score plus any penalties incurred for all stages is used to determine place of finish, either by category, overall, or both. When using Total Time scoring, a maximum allowed time for each stage is to be calculated prior to the match, and is used as the Stage Disqualification score (SDQ) and maximum stage score. The maximum time allowed for a stage is the total of all available targets/miss penalties plus 30 seconds. (Example: 5 seconds each for all available targets (10 rifle, 10 pistol, 4 shotgun = 24 targets x 5 seconds = 120 seconds. Add 30 seconds for a maximum score of 150 seconds). The score for a SDQ is the maximum allowed time for that stage, as per the above description for calculating maximum allowed time. The score for a DNF (not finishing a stage) is the same as a Stage Disqualification penalty — the maximum allowed time for that stage. The score for a Match Disqualification Penalty (MDQ) is “NO SCORE.” A MDQ results in the removal of the contestant from all score sheets; thus, removal from the match entirely. Two SDQ/DNFs (or one of each) in the same match results in a MDQ.
  21. Grubslinger, It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife. She did great at the Idaho state WB match! Hope to see you both somewhere! Tully
  22. The BoD of Gold Country Wild Bunch has been asked to reschedule it's canceled match. Dates are November 21 & 22, 2020. This is a rain or shine match, stages will be from inside of buildings or undercover. Held at Folsom Shooting Center in Slougghouse California and hosted by Diamond Dick's Cowboy Club. There's plently of free camping and water on the range! https://cagunslingers.com/AnnualMatches/WildBunchApplication2020rev1AFinal.pdf Come on out and join us for some Wild Bunch fun!! Tully Mars
  23. 24th Annual ROOP County Days and SASS Nevada State Wild Bunch Championship The Nevada State WB match is one of my favorite matches! Lots of great people and stages! Make it if you can! Tully September 6th – 12th 6 days of shooting all your SASS firearms Sept 6th Wild Bunch Registration Sept 7th Nevada SASS Nevada State Wild Bunch Championship, Dinner Sept 8th Nevada SASS Nevada State Wild Bunch Championship, Awards Sept 9th Long Range sighting in Sept 10th Long Range and Speed events Sept 11th RCD 6 stages Sept 12th RCD 6 Stages Famous RCD banquet Dinner Long Range Single Shot - Black Powder/Smokeless, Rifle Caliber Lever Gun, Buffalo Shoot (700 Yards), Military, and Quigley Bucket Shoot Speed Events Pocket Pistol, Derringer, Speed Pistol, Speed Shotgun (SxS, 97, and 87) Speed rifle (Pistol Cartridge and Big Bore) ROOP Count Days Categories All the standard SASS categories and Tom Horn (Big Bore repeater, single shot and 30-30) for all 12 stages Nevada State Wild Bunch $70 ROOP County days (all except NV State WB) $25 Free Dry Camping (you should fill up with water before) Large shooting Bays with plenty of space to spread out as needed. Open air pavilion to enjoy fellow cowpokes company and meals. The only closed buildings are the porta-potties. Our private range is located outside Fernley Nevada. 30 miles from Reno. Please see our web site for details including stage descriptions. http://www.northernnevadacas.com/index.html
  24. It was a great match! I had a ton of misses, but that was me not the stages.
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