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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Tully Mars

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Everything posted by Tully Mars

  1. It wasn't from Coyote Cap, but I shot a 93/97 done by Johnny Meadows for a few years before the Model 12 was allowed. It was a great guns, worked well, but I was concerned about parts. I sold it locally to a guy who uses it at local cowboy matches. Tully
  2. Mortman, Was Bear Trap able to help? Tully
  3. Contact Bear Trap at Cajon Cowboys. https://www.sassnet.com/clubs/Clubs_detail.php?Cajon-Cowboys-93
  4. It's been years since I shot Traditional, but this is what I recall helping me. Try different stances that enhance your accuracy. I used three different stances. When I started it was the "camp Perry" stance, then modified Weaver, using those stances helped my accuracy. In cowboy and now in WB, I basically stand with my shoulders parallel to the firing line. So I started practicing shooting one handed in that position, which worked well for me, but I could not have started shooting Traditional in that way. Dry fire and know your trigger. When you do mag change exercises, always get a sight picture as well. Before you go to the range load your magazines or better yet have someone else do it, add a dummy round or two in the magazines. When you hit the dummy look at your sights, Where Are They Pointing?? At the range if your not hitting the target, dry fire a half dozen times paying close attention to the trigger, sights and target. Boggus is correct, trigger control is very important, but being confident in knowing where your sights hit is important when smaller targets come into play. Having a magazine in your off hand is a great benefit. Tully
  5. The 2020 California State Wild bunch match has been canceled. GCWB appreciates your understanding and support of this decision. Tully
  6. Hi Blaze Kinkaid, I've use shouldered and unshouldered bullets with equal success. My preference is SNS 230 RN grain which has no shoulder. Tully
  7. I do the same as well as the magazine release spring and main spring. Over the years I've had issues with magazine release springs going bad, no other springs though. Tully
  8. Based on the description that the third target was hit, but didn't go down, reengaging that target is a "P". GJ is correct in a P and a miss. If the targets are placed so close together that pellets from a miss on one target hit another target, then the shooters got a good argument for just a miss. Tully
  9. Barbwire and Zona out did themselves, this was a challenging match that was well attended! Thanks for the fun shoot! Tully
  10. Dead Head, see my post above if you haven't found a flagged carrier before WR. No promises, but we can see if it helps. Tully
  11. I've been playing with adding flags to carriers. It's worked in my shotguns, but they require some fitting to work. If you're interested in trying it out, I'll bring one to Arizona. lockettbryan@yahoo.com Tully
  12. Hopefully he can make it run for you! See you at WR! Tully
  13. Dead Head, Have you fixed your m12, if so what did you do? Thanks, Tully
  14. I have no experience with the M12 Featherweight, but I believe Blackfoot to be correct. Tully
  15. Without having a gunsmith that's familiar with WB shotguns look at your gun, I would suggest trying a to find a flagged carrier and see if that solves your problem. As August mentioned M12's can be particular to different shotgun shell brands as well. It's worth a try using other brand shells and seeing if it helps the issue. Personally, I'd try a carrier with a cartridge guide, anyone you shoot with have a M12 with a carrier with a cartridge guide that would allow you to try it in your gun? You wouldn't want an OBD due to the primer being struck by the extractor. Numrich appears to have a couple. I'm not a gunsmith and this is only a recommendation. The gun is a 2 3/4" not a 3" correct? https://www.gunpartscorp.com/gun-manufacturer/winchester/shotguns-win/12-win?page=4 Tully
  16. Flagged or non flagged carrier? Pretty sure a good WB model 12 gunsmith can do work to correct the problem. I've seen this many times with non flagged M12's, it's concerning, because the extractor is in close proximity to the primer. Tully
  17. Hi Legendary Lawman, That clears up my confusion. Thanks for putting in time at WR to get things done for the match. See you and Serenity in a month and a half. Tully
  18. Legendary Lawman, I do not see a Who's Coming list for WB on the Winter Range Site. Where should I look? Thanks, Tully
  19. WooHoo! It's looking like I might be there!! See you all in February! Tully
  20. Happy Jack, Was it common knowledge that SASS headquarters was taking over WB? It's news to me. Thanks, Tully
  21. Hello everyone, The 2020 California State Wild Bunch match hosted by Gold Country Wild Bunch, will be held on June, 12-14, 2020 at Diamond Dicks Cowboy Town in Sloughhouse, Ca at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. Free dry camping with water fill up available. We're having an improvised BAMM match with targets out to 100 yards as well as the typical speed matches. Here's the link to the application, please contact me for any information, my number is on the application. The application can be filled in, then printed. https://cagunslingers.com/AnnualMatches/2020CAStateWildBunchApplication.pdf Thanks, Tully
  22. Johnson County, My thoughts are M12'S are light up front, more barrel, more weight. Plus just what have you lost? If you're not happy, trim some more off. I have one that's 18", points great, but I don't care for the balance. My 20" is fine, but I think 22" would have been better. Light up front to me means coming off the target when pumping the gun hard. Tully
  23. Marshal Flint, I would recommend cutting it longer 23-34", it can always be shortened. Shoot it for awhile moving in and out of windows. My main match is a 20", however I wish I'd have done 22". Tully
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