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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. I assume that the Sniper match will be lead bullets only?? Since it is shot on the old SASS buffalo targets that are soft steel??
  2. Chance and Bubba are finishing the stages and sending them for review. I think the 450 rounds is the TOTAL for all 3 guns. I haven't received the stages yet but I can assure you that the pistol average will NOT be 37.5.
  3. I also go thousands of rounds between cleanings of my 1911's. I have only used WST powder for at least 20 years in 45ACP loads. It became available to the public in the early 1990's and is the first choice of many pro shooters for 45ACP loads. I also use only Penn Bullets. 230gr H&G. Never a malfunction or an accuracy problem if I do my part. I think the red oil from Brownells is repackaged Lucas. It is really good stuff.
  4. There was a small spinoff called ZOOT Shooting that was started by Bat Masterson in CO. They use a Thompson SMG in their shoots. I don't know if it is still active.
  5. This issue has been discussed with the SASS Board of Directors. They will not be allowed at a sanctioned (State and above) shoot.
  6. It could be slightly modified in a number of ways to make it PART of a course of fire. You need to drop the round count to 5. Perhaps 2-1-2 on the targets. Starting facing uprange would be OK if it were the initial starting position for the COF since the shooter would have time to turn before charging the pistol. I have shot the E P hundreds of times in practice and at IDPA and IPSC/USPSA matches. I have never heard of it being used at a WBAS match though.
  7. J Frank Norfleet has been named the new Ambassador for the area Boggus Deal formerly handled. He is a NM native and well known and respected in the area. He will do a great job and please support him in any way possible.
  8. I just got back from SHOT. Met with Evil and Bubba. As was posted by Pecos in 2011, external extractors ARE LEGAL in the Modern category. They are NOT LEGAL in the Traditional category. It is so seldom brought up that it has never been mentioned in the rules as an allowable modification in the Modern category. I will make a not to include it in the 2018 Handbooks.
  9. It would NOT be legal in Traditional. The Committee is meeting next week and I will bring it up for discussion.
  10. I have pulled hundreds of "mistakes"over the years with an impact puller and I have always reused the primer if it was seated correctly without any problems. Your experience my be different.
  11. Jackaroo, That sounds fine to me. Have fun with it.
  12. Viscious, since you are using a shock buff I hope you are in my category ;D ;D ;D
  13. Boggus, good luck on that project. The man who taught me the little machining I know (and have forgotten almost all of it) was an absolute genius mold and die maker. He was a warrant officer in WWII and as such wasn't issued a weapon. He made his own 1911 from scratch except for the barrel which he scrounged. Said it was the hardest job he ever did. I recall him saying there was one cut he couldn't do on a mill or lathe and had to use a shaper. Of course with CNC and EDM machines now it will be easier but still pretty difficult I imagine. hope to see you at SHOT.
  14. I think the vast majority use a standard 16# spring. I am currently running a 14# progressive but I don't think it is necessarily better. Some who lack hand strength do use a lighter mainspring to make initial charging of the pistol on the clock easier.
  15. You may know that my wife Copper queen is one of the head judges at EOT and also at the Conventions when they were held. She also judges Wild Bunch at EOT. There is usually a dedicated military judge for WBAS contests as well as the other judges for non-military costumes. Costuming is usually period US military but also has been won by period Mexican costuming, and related things such as a nurses costume of the period. Remember when putting your non-military costume together that Wild Bunch is EDWARDIAN period more than Victorian which is the period covered be CAS. However a good Victorian period costume could easily win. I am addressing the larger contests such as EOT and WR when I speak of the judging panels. At smaller matches such as State judging is usually less formal. We STRONGLY encourage WBAS competitors to wear nice costuming.
  16. I have no problem with a side match at a WBAS match using a Tommy Gun, but to have shooters who have little experience or maybe NEVER handled a full auto during a main activity such as a stage or a shoot off I am OPPOSED to. If it could be incorporated as the starting gun I think it would be cool but I do NOT want anyone handling one for the first time during a main activity. There is another SASS spinoff called ZOOT Shooting that uses a full auto Thompson. I think it was started in the Denver, CO area.
  17. The Henry Big boy in a legal caliber WAS MADE LEGAL in June 01, 2016. The new Handbooks that will issue in Jan. 1, 2017 will reflect that change. The reason was that a FEW CAS shooters already had one and wanted to shoot WBAS but didn't want to buy another rifle and also it has been legal in CAS for a long time and the time for holding grudges against Henry Repeating Arms is past. I agree that it is NOT a good choice but if you have one and want to shoot WBAS you can use it.
  18. KR YES. In the OP there was a 20 round shooting string. If it were two 10 round shooting strings (10 pistol, 10 rifle) there wouldn't be a "P". Just one miss for firing 9 rounds in the first 10 round string.
  19. AGREE Miss for the round not fired and a "P". :(
  20. I agree with August West. Not enough information to make a definitive call. You had to be there to know what happened and sometimes the call made by the CRO/TO is correct and sometimes it isn't in this type of case. The shooter can always appeal. Remember : The benefit of the doubt goes to the shooter !!!! As for the "engaged" definition, it has been in the SASS handbooks for many years, and changing it doesn't seem to have much support. I am not really pleased with the current definition but can live with it.
  21. I agree with Goatneck. On #1 see the definition of "engaged" in the glossary.
  22. I will admit that in the beginning I was not a big fan of BAMM. 5 rounds on 3 targets (Nevada sweep) then reload and do it again for time was just another "speed side match". As matches have grown into something else, longer ranges, more interesting target sequences I think it is a good thing for WBAS. It also separates us more from CAS. I do think the rules as written are fine. I had some misgivings about them also in the beginning but now I think keeping it to true "battle rifles as issued" is closer to the original concept of WBAS. Lone Dog, If it were my LOCAL match and someone showed up with a sporter stocked rifle I would let them shoot for no score. (under the MDQ for scoring with an illegal or illegally modified firearm rule) Other MD's may feel differently.
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