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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. I'm not totally familiar with the pistol, but after the frong sight change it should be legal in the Modern category. Maybe one of the dealers who frequent this site will make a further comment.
  2. Brooklyn, I can assure you that the Committee would NOT approve an application to add an extension to a Model 12 magazine tube. I shot 3gun for 2 years with my '97 and won several of the SG heave stages at local matches. Unless you are shooting at a very high level you can do pretty well with a model 12 or '97. Few use pumps except in Heavy Metal class anymore.
  3. I thoght I had already answered the question. Do NOT fire the extra rounds to clear the pistol. Minimum penalty would be a Procedural for failing to follow stage instructions plus the added time.
  4. I'm also left handed. I would recommend most do as Blackfoot. I am able to rack the slide with my right hand and lock the slide open with my left, but it is a learned skill. Do NOT fire the extra rounds to clear the pistol. Either drop the mag, and then rack the slide to eject the live round in the chamber and manually lock the slide open and restage or do as Blackfoot suggests. With the empty magazine in the pistol the slide lock is more secure.
  5. I'm certainly not a Model 12 expert but with the '97 you have to careful that you don't get the mag tube out 180 degrees. That is what I would suspect.
  6. I just borrowed an original 6.5 X 55 Swede CARBINE for the match. The guy got it from his dad and hadn't fired it in years. He didn't have any ammo. Can I borrow a few rounds for the match??
  7. J. Frank, an update to my earlier post: The EXACT procedure to be allowed after your type III malfunction is being discussed. I posted my OPINION in the earlier post. A FINAL DECISION on the legal way to deal with it will be forthcoming. In the meantime, please EJECT the chambered round, don't fire it. Then proceed with the reload. It may be after EOT when we can spend some serious time thinking about this one before an answer is provided.
  8. J. Frank brings up a topic that I have never considered and I don't think the Committee will attemp to regulate. When a shooter "stages" magazines during a stage (maybe they don't have a good way to carry enough of them) We DON'T force magazines to be carried the same way as CAS requires reloads to be carried. We don't care HOW they stage them. I usually encourage them to stage them on edge with the bullets pointing up so they can retrieve them with a natural motion. But it is up to the shooter to stage them where and how they wish at this time.
  9. J. Frank, In the case of your type III malfunction I can see 2 ways of dealing with it, #1 the way you did, firing the round,#2 running the slide to eject the round. (I think there would be less discussion if you had just ejected the round instead of firing it) In either case I would allow the inertion of another magazine as a "no call" with the slide forward since you were safely reloading after clearing a malfunction without changing location. Benefit of the doubt to the shooter.
  10. A few years ago the committee recieved a request from a shooter for an "allowance". We requested some further information and it was never recieved so the issue went away. It is up to the Match Director to make decisions concernning those types of issues unless the shooter has a "official allowance" from the governing body. (SASS). As to the example given here I would NOT make the allowance as the shooter could use the other hand to raise the rifle enough to grasp it properly, but that would be MY personal decision as the MD and others might make a different one.
  11. I agree with Joe, that the statement "safe reloads after any type of malfunction are legal" is intended to cover a consequence such as in his first example. The example given in the Handbook was to show that while you CANNOT move with the slide forward after a legitimate malfunction you may not be required to lock the slide open before inserting the new magazine in every circumstance. The benefit of the doubt goes to the shooter when determining if it is a "safe reload after the malfunction". Any time you write or change a statement in the rules it can have unintended consequences so I hope we will not need to make any changes. Joe's second example is a classic example of "operator error" and not a malfunction so it does not allow for a reload except from slidelock.
  12. In my opinion I would NOT allow you to do that. Pistol stays in the holster until called for in stage scenario.
  13. I've known Bill W. since long before he was making pistols and gun parts for a living. It's all about the money. ;)
  14. I am reluctant to make a post on this thread as it might be misinterpreted as a Committee position. IT IS NOT !! I don't see a reason to make a change for changes sake. Unless there is a compelling advantage to 7 over 5 I don't see a good reason to change. The story that "The only reason I won't shoot WBAS is because I can't load 7" is a red herring in my opinion. Just because the magazine holds 7 (most new magazines hold 8) doesn't seem like a compelling reason to me. I like the opportunity for more movement that changing magazines allows. Standing in one place and firing 7 or 14 rounds isn't as much fun as 5 or 10 and more movement. The ONLY justification that makes sense to me for changing is to further remove WBAS from CAS. We already do that with more movement, preloading the shotgun, more difficult targets, different rules, etc. Just a personal opinion and NOT in any way reflecting what the Committee may or may not decide.
  15. The Wild bunch Committee will be meeting at EOT. We have also scheduled a meeting with the Ambassadors at EOT for Sunday evening. 7 rounds in the magazine will be on the agenda for both meetings.
  16. WBT, Pink bullets?? Will clash with the Red hair and the "stepchild" shirts we have to wear at WR??? ;D ;D
  17. Some questions have come up about polymer or powder coated bullets. The Wild Bunch have declared them LEGAL for all sports under the SASS umbrella. Therefore they are LEGAL for WBAS competition. They STRONGLY discourage copper colored coatings.
  18. I like stages that give options on which firearm to use and also allows targets to be engaged in any order. They can be a bit difficult for the spotters, but a lot of the fun is trying to figure out how you want to shoot them and also watching how others shoot them. :)
  19. The actual correct answer to the question is: NO-one gets an actual time penalty. The person moving the gun gets the policy explained to them clearly and are asked in a polite way to not do it again. This is one of those "rules" in SASS venues that has no actual penalty applied for violating it. (There are several in CAS)The committee has discussed this before and we really don't like a rule without a penalty, so we prefer to call it a "POLICY" not a rule. Therefore it does not appear in the "penalties" section of the Handbooks.
  20. Adjust your grip. On a traditional pistol the grip is a bit lower. Thumb normally rides below the thumb safety on that type of pistol. On a modern pistol with a beavertail grip safety the grip is higher and thumb rides above the thumb safety.
  21. This is the place to ask about WB rules. The WB committee members will answer them. We hope to avoid the endless speculation and "what if's" these type of threads can cause on the regular SASS wire. Our job as committee members is to grow Wild Bunch and help insure that matches are consistent throughout the World. Having consistent calls on rules is imperative to that goal. The new version of the SASS Wild Bunch Handbook just issued. We have tried very hard to make sure there are no inconsistencies in it. However, there may be issues we have overlooked. Please feel free to ask your questions here. We will try to answer them in a timely fashion. Areas that are not clear will be discussed by the WB committee before an answer is posted. Remember: Wild Bunch is NOT Cowboy Action Shooting with a 1911 !! Many rules are slightly different, and we encourage all Wild Bunch shooters to download the new Handbook.
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