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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Wild Bodie Tom

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Everything posted by Wild Bodie Tom

  1. Well, having run the Cowtown WB monthlies for over five years, heres a couple thoughts. I understand the thinking of relaxed rules and all. Issue is, it did not change a darn thing re: attendance. I will allow some disparity for a match or two to allow a shooter to get there feet wet. After that, well, no. Well, HECK NO. I know thats a hard stance, but it is not fair to those that want to do it right. You cannot shoot Classic Cowboy with a double action Model 10 S&W. To allow it perhaps once to see if the venue/sport (SASS) perhaps to be something ya are thinkin of doin? Well, maybe. We offer the loan of correct firearms and ammo if needed. You can draw a 1911 out of nearly all Cowboy holsters. Since we do not return to leather, I personally can't see that being an issue to try it with a proper pistol. Using a 38 whatever as a rifle for a bit, as long as they are not "competing" against the correct folks? Not a problem. I just loan em a rifle.... Just sayin Mags? Stage em or pocket em. Shotgun? Well, A 97 or 12. Again, I loan em one. Nearly ALL of the folks that wanted to try WB, is now shooting with the correct stuff. And yes, I get the financial part. Just sayin...... Do what ya want......... Hope this helps. And yes, I am opinionated.... No offense taken for being judged as such. Thanks Tom
  2. Well, I will finally chime in here. In a NON custom gun/ There are good and not so good by all manufacturers. I have seen many thousands of them over the years. Bottom line if ya don't go crazy with your wallet after the fact of purchase with mods, is this. A HORSE holds its value better. Like it or not..... Does not mean others are not as good or perhaps even better. Its kinda like holding an ace high royal flush poker hand... Nuff said. I have never lost a penny on a Colt....tax included. Your choice on what ya shoot. Pretty much all of them can be jiggled around into a very fine gun. Or not.... Just don't be cheap on your mags..... whole nuther subject right there... Just sayin.
  3. Get with Evil Roy for that decision. When I spoke to Zak at Bordertown, he assured me that whatever the WB committee gets with him on, will be done. As long as they communicate well, which seems to be the case at this time, there should be no issues moving forward. Please remember that WinterRange is and has been the SASS Cowboy National Championship, and remains one of the premier matches in the world. Adding the WB National to it provides a good "draw" to perhaps holding it at another time or place. There is definitely a captive audience so to speak tying it to WinterRange. However, it does add lots of effort and work to a already very busy event. So, if we want it to be what we want it to be, we need help from the WB folks to make that happen. So stand ready to offer a hand as Gene will be needing some help. Just sayin..... Thanks Bodie
  4. Just so all know. There was a problem that needed resolvement in the scoring system itself. That was why the delay. Involved the Overall and Class interaction with the program at the time. To the best of my knowledge, it has been fixed. Thanks Tom
  5. Gene, I will be in contact ya after Bordertow, Have fun!!!!!
  6. There is definintely discussion on what occured last year. Can't say the final outcome, but pretty darn sure that will not occur again. Just sayin. Evil Roy is the main guy on all this stuff. Sure it should be handled. Thanks PM me there please Mr. Stone. Thanks Bodie
  7. Thanks for the info.
  8. Well, I have to be nice now..... Its a work in progress shall we say. So in lieu of comin off possibly in the wrong way, or being my typical cynical S/A old self, I find sometimes, better to just say nothing.....LOL BUT, as a caveat, although I am seriously attempting to change so to speak, there will be an occassional slip.... Hard to stop old habits.... Hee Hee. See ya. Thanks Bodie
  9. Boy. Do I want to chime in..... LOL But, I shall not! Bodie
  10. Well, I have an "in" so to speak. So I will be shippin my back up gear over. I should be good to go...... So get the plummage pickers on board for when I shed.... LOL Thanks
  11. Well Allie. Finally meet. So work that reload thing..... All for now. Perhaps next month may visit as well. Take me that long to gear up my fear factor to bring my stuff over and shoot with ya.... LOL See ya Bodie
  12. Yes, they are very great folks.
  13. Okay. Don't get your panties in a bunch... LOL But having known Mr. Cooper for quite some time, God bless him/RIP. I would never had said that in front or near him....LOL Just sayin.
  14. Okay Gene. You asked.... Let the shooter him/her self determine the amount of rounds to load in their magazines for the particular stage. Remember. You asked.... LOL Just sayin Wild Bodie Tom
  15. Blackie, as a 1911 gunsmith, I will add a comment or 5. No offence on you either, just a couple things to say. The Traditional class mods are kept to a bare minimum to allow those who wish to maintain the belief of using a 1911 as close to as issued to be just that. You may shoot it in that category and certainly nothing to stop you in shooting it two handed in Modern as well. That does not equate backwards by being able to use a Modern gun in Traditional however. Please remember, that back when, shall we say. That to get people involved in this, PERHAPS, the allowance of certain modifications may, or may not should not of occured. Jet forward a year or two from then. The cat was already out of the bag so to speak.... So ya would have a real issue backing up at the risk of losing shooters perhaps that joined in for many reasons. I have an opinion on all that, as I am absolutely positive everyone else does as well. The fact remains, if you open a door you will let in something. So, where it is at this time, you must commend the committee that set the rules to properly maintain them. Anyone that knows me and what my main Modern gun is, knows I run right up against the rules. However, I do not, and will not break them. Rest assured however, I can run with the pack with a basic stock gun just as well..... Some of seen that happen. So we have the best of both worlds in the fact that we can choose to be "racey" or tradtional.... I think that is a pretty good thing. Just sayin. Please do not take offense on the issue of the heat shield. Honestly, unless ya pointed out, nobody would even care. We enjoy the shooting so much, who cares. We do not have a tech inspection at the matches anyway. UNLESS someone complains, I have never had the oppotunity to call anyone anyway. Hope this helps. Thanks Bodie
  16. Gene, sometimes you state the most amazing things.... LOL Like "Just Shoot" has been stuck in my brain for over 2 years. This string however is this one. Quit looking for an excuse. Still is though. "JUST SHOOT" LOL Just sayin...........
  17. Hope ya have thick skin if ya wear that hat around anywhere Team Brothel Boys is shootin....LOL We have kind of a former guy that we truly gave a hard time to. Just warnin ya.... Just sayin... It won't be you, so please try to understand. Just sayin. LOL Thanks Bodie
  18. Allie, ya need to get to AZ. I will let ya know what month the 146 round pistol stage will be. Too hot right now.... LOL
  19. Pink tux shirts, pink and purple boas.... Hey, period correct. Maybe in a New Orleans Brothel.... But we didn't say "where" it is period correct. Just sayin.
  20. I concur with Gene on this subject. But, considering what I usually wear.... LOL Anyway. I love seeing the folks in their uniforms, especially the Russian lady at WinterRange a couple years back..... It is a shooting venue. Yes we must dress up to "some" degree and not be a t-shirt, track shoes, ball cap image. As far as I am concered, do what satisfies something of era wear, and go shoot! Just sayin.
  21. Thats funny right there. And yes, I am twisted.
  22. Well, I like to shoot...... I thought that was the idea!
  23. Hey Boggus..... C O W T O W N ?????????? LOL All I am sayin...
  24. 5.2 with 200 worked good for me. I do not like runnin anything in the 150 PF range personally. Ya may consider 230's in the future. Pretty much most of the big boys run those. THERE is a reason.... Also, ran Trail Boss for years in ACP. Just found somethin better to me. Now just findin it.... LOL Any of the "desireable" powder is NOT in real good supply. Hopefully will change. But sure even as it starts to come to pass, there will still be a bit of issue as folks caught off guard (not being alert) stock up... THEN it will be okay. And no, have no clue. Small quantities pop up. Last about 3 seconds..... Shot Comin at Cha in WB, and a guy shot BP. That was a hoot. Made it nearly to the end before the 1911 had finally had enough..... He made it through though!!!!
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