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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Wild Bodie Tom

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Everything posted by Wild Bodie Tom

  1. Gym equipment???? Just kidding. See ya soon there Mr. Boggus.
  2. Sold out.........Sorry. They didn't last too long.......LOL
  3. Well, if I ask eighteen bucks for a great mag, then sounds like that may work.......... Kinda what I had thought........ And yes, they do work!!!!!!!!!!! No modifications needed, they run as they should out of the package. Just cost more anywhere you would find them retail...... Stil working out the details, but hopefully soon. Thanks Tom
  4. Okay, so not to be too much of a butthead (I know, too late...), what did it finally end up costing for the "deal" magazines? inquiring minds always want to know. Thanks So does say 18 bucks sound out of line for one that REALLY works????????? Just a question.........
  5. I will have some for sale here soon. Getting some more samples right now. Will advise when that happens......... YES they work very well........
  6. Thanks. Even a blind, (which was obvious......) squirrel gets an acorn now and then. Ha Ha It was a lot of fun. Your stuff went to the other crazy guy this AM priority mail. See ya down the road.......
  7. The "seven" round TRIPP Research kit is most likely the best conversion out there to my knowledge (limited of course... Ha Ha) at this time. I will not beat up any others as what works for some, won't work for others........ But the Tripps are nice. They sell complete magazines as well........... And they are also nice. Not for the folks that wanna spend 5 bucks for a mag however.
  8. They are good, no doubt.............. I have an opinion, but we all know that so does everyone else.
  9. Just an observation from 35 years of 1911 work, 1/2 million plus rounds, and probably over 3000 different 1911's fired in that time...... You can sometimes make an inexpensive (under 400.00 gun) 1911 run with the premium mags........... BUT, you can also totally stop a 5 thousand dollar gun with a cheap magazine. I have nothing else to say.................. Thanks
  10. Lots of ideas. Even some that work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e-mail me wildbodietom@q.com Thanks
  11. Kinda like running cheap/discounted, buy 4 for a hundred bucks car tires on a Top fuel Dragster............ You can do it, but................
  12. Kinda like motorcycle racing days. Remember the ad that stated so to speak, if you have a ten dollar head, then buy a ten dollar helmet........... Pretty much applies to magazines also........... They may work, but then again, they may not.............. Doesn't mean all the more expensive ones are any better either, just to let ya all know. The bottom line is, if in doubt, buy "ONE OR TWO" TEST them before jumping in and buying a bunch until you know. Magazines and ammo usually will be found to be the culprit with a high percentage of issues with a 1911. Take it for what you will............. Thanks Tom
  13. Novak's But you knew that.......... Thanks Clyde.
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