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Wild Bodie Tom

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Everything posted by Wild Bodie Tom

  1. Well, I know a couple folks that have enough to shoot for at least 50 years....LOL No names will be mentioned however.
  2. Charged is the KEY word alright. You can draw it and move with it. That is not an issue. You cannot draw it and put it back even uncharged. You go ahead and talk to Kyle..... You have far better equipment than I do perhaps to execute a different response. Good luck with it, and keep me posted if he "changes" his rule that states it can not go back to leather period until cleared by the RO. "uncharged" or not....LOL Have a good one. And the new "JUNE 2014" book is the one to look at. Not sure thats up anywhere yet. As far as I know however, that was not a changed subject. The change is now you may be called back if the slide is forward before shooting the next firearm to save a stage DQ. HOWEVER, if at the end of shooting string the slide is discovered not at slidelock, and /or ya did not go back to fix it before executeing another firearm, it still is a SDQ. They should be up soon if not now. Just changed at EOT.
  3. Allie, love ya. But if ya draw it, even NOT charging it if you are on the clock, it must go down at slidelock..... Absolutely cannot go back in the holster...... OR, ya could shoot it and eat a "P". With the slight new rule change/clarification, you could make an error, and if you clear to slidelock BEFORE you fire the next gun, no penalty. IF you fire another gun and you planted the uncharged, now unholstered gun down on the shelf as you had brainfade... and fired a long gun. You are stage DQ'ed..... It is what it is.... Don't always agree, but it's in the book. Underlined actually. Unless they slipped one by from the new book I got last Friday already. Thanks Tom
  4. Your second option.......... I know. I know, I know.
  5. As the rule stands now. Once the 1911 has cleared leather (drawn, charged or not), it cannot be re-holstered UNTIL cleared by the RO. I do not understand why he would do it. But then again, had to stage DQ a guy at WinterRange for just that. It sucked, but its the rule. In this case if he maintained his grip and did not holster and staged the pistol, he would be fine. The 170 issue is again, had to be there....... Hope this helps.
  6. That is dependent upon a lot of varibles. Its one of those had to be there calls.... Re-holstering is a big no-no anyway.... SDQ. Just sayin Once drawn (after the loading table of course), can only reholster AFTER being cleared by TO/RO. Hope that helps.
  7. Thats a good one.......
  8. Auggie............LOL Just for the record, so have YOU. Ha Ha I remember it well! See ya at EOT
  9. Let me dig down in that DEEP drawer and see what I find. Will let ya know Norfleet.... If I find it I will bring it for ya to EOT if ya still have the desire.....
  10. I have a couple as well in my parts stash. They showed up in the late 70's. Do not see anything like those around these days. I make em if someone just "has" to have one...... Stick out too far to me, especially in the holsters that seem to be about these days. A good plastic surgeon pretty sure could "extend" your thumbs......... Whoops, might get another 'rule" from that statement.
  11. There be plenty of places to drool............ But Jimmy would not know that. PAHRUMP. They even have a gun shop or 2. Seems I never have time to visit them for SOME reason however. Perhaps the next time.
  12. So ya can use a Model 12 at EOT???????? Just sayin..... I wobble when I walk. Does that qualify?
  13. Boy.......... this will be fun............ All I have to say........ So we "back" to if there is indeed "some" kind of malfunction that inserting a magazine (obviously removed beforehand) a straight up "NO CALL". This really needs to be made explicitly clear, one way or the other.... Just sayin. Now just for the record. Once THAT particular malfunction is resolved, during the balance of the shooting the 1911 from that position, does it follow through? OR, just for that occurance..... ???????????? I will be saving the answer.......... IN PRINT. Just sayin..... Thanks
  14. Thats how it works........... Have had this discussion.........even with the powers that be. Happened at WinterRange. Stage DQ. Once drawn, must be cleared by RO before returning to leather..... Or if you have an "oopsie" and draw before the 1911 is needed, MUST be clear before you set it down........ So, if ya pull it, ya best be shootin it. A "P" is better than a stage DQ..... OR, clear it, set it down, shoot the "other" gun. THEN pick up the 1911 and reload "from" slide lock and continue on........ Its in the book..... LOL Underlined in one place..... Oh well.............
  15. We know where I stand on those............LOL At least the folks that have given a 1911 for work know when they get their gun back....... LOL
  16. And when ya find the magic rainbow source that has all the usable powders in question, please let us all know as well.... Good Luck!!!!!!
  17. Well, lets get real. There are more guns sold with legal length "eight" rounders every day now. Its not 5 or 7 to me. Its the choice to be able to use up to what ya can fit in the mag, as far as the magazine rule/convention is. If ya are only comfortable with 5 for whatever reason, then "changing" a rule to evoke 7 can become an issue. That is NOT the change/interpretation/ whatever that needs to occur, if any. Heck, we ran 15 mags of seven on one stage. Plan on doing 20. We loke to shoot.......... Extra mags are staged, and loaners always available. So doesn't really matter....... Methinks I will do a stage next month, I will supply the mags as well, that every mag has "ONE" round..... 20 pistol only stage. THAT should quiet the folks that wanna have reloads with five rounders, as opposed to dropping a reload every now and then, if it goes to seven. It is basically a committee/match director, say no matter what. Options to me and a few I know, are a good thing. There is a way to get through a stage no matter how it is set up regardless...... Okay, here we go. And I concur. Quite the postings for a "poll" stage.... LOL
  18. The wheels are finally turnin.... About time. LOL We shall see.....
  19. You are preaching to the choir.....
  20. A lot hinges at whether you are stuck with pre-set target arrays at the venue for whatever reason. That does rear its head at some locations. Still can write around that usually pretty easily. You can do whatever you wish otherwise.........And non State and aboves i.e. club matches are free to do whatever anyway... Still do not see why it "HAS" to be a rule..... Do what the stage calls for. When we do seven, we just do ALL seven for the match at the monthlies. That is to help "prevent" potential penalties... THAT is the only reason. I wish I could really state the whole real issue here, but won't. Its not tough... Just VERY dependent on being safe for movement if you are moving with the pistol. And there are rules for that....
  21. I have a very, very simple solution.......... See ya in Utah in a few weeks. Simple is good, yes????????? Well, maybe not.
  22. The "Professionals" Has a nice ring. Way more work to make it happen... Leastways mainstream. Club stuff perhaps. Workin on it. Have to "carress" the club lady to go there methinks.... Josey Wales went okay though. We shall see....
  23. When we do it, ALL stages are 7 round mags.....sometimes LOTS of em...
  24. Everywhere...... Wear em at ALL Wild Bunch matches...... Will speak at ya about making that an official costume attire in a few weeks.... No red hair, Match DQ. Oh well.....
  25. So they look like jacketed ones? I would do pink myself.... But you know that... LOL
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