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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Wild Bodie Tom

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Everything posted by Wild Bodie Tom

  1. The cost of the scale is not the issue. Its if its correct that counts. Not sure where you reside, but would think somebody has a scale. No worries until ya get to State or above matches. Leastways round here. Understand wanting to be correct however. Good luck with a holster as well..... Just sayin.
  2. Ya could just walk into the post office and have em weigh it..... Just kidding. As Dot said, a gram/ounce scale works well. Even Wally World has em. Bout 20 bucks..... If its close however, a way to verify the scale is a good idea. I have certified weights for the one I use. It gets used a bunch.....no comment...LOL
  3. Don't you do anything slow Boggus..... LOL Ditto on your reply.
  4. Maybe try a grip change and a plastic mainspring housing off a new Colt or Kimber. Might get ya down there with that. Just sayin.
  5. Yup. That's what it was alright. Had two folks really, really close. One with 230's one with 200's. Even with one of the persons gun as well. Same as through mine. Just sayin. Have had it be quite different, but not this time. I use a stock barreled 70 series Colt to test with. But, I also know they know what they are doing, as they have been doin it awhile, and they also know the risk.... So be it. It was close.... All the rest were well above with the average being 165-170 factor. I could not attend the warm up at Cowtown this year. Always had a chrono and scale available. Don't know if Samy and JT had one or not. Race day is a little late to know what your ammo does.... Just sayin. Thanks for the thanks as well. Bodie
  6. Nope. Shot it all, everyone passed. anyone wanting the specifics is more than welcome to run all the ammo at next year. we never turn down volunteers for work. LOL please note. This is the second WR AND EOT in a row everyone tested and passed. pretty much people have it figured out. Thanks to all.
  7. Okay. I need help here... And yes, I know I need help, as I am beyond help...But, I am having some difficulty with what is the issue? If its not an "EMPTY" case or hull, it would/should be considered "live" unless proven otherwise. if it it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, sounds like duck, or tastes like duck.... 99.9 percent of the time, must be a duck!!!!! Just sayin.
  8. Four stages a day.... rigorous ones. Three days. These were good to me, well not to me, but a far cry from some other modified Caboy stages. It will pan out. Everyone had to shoot the same match. AND, not everyone will like whatever anyway. My answer..... Let those that don't, step up to the plate to do all it takes to put on the match.... It is a tremendous amount of work. Wayyyyyy off the chart. Just sayin... Thanks to ALL that contributed to WR 2015. ALL of em..... Bodie
  9. Knockdowns tell all....... LOL Except for the issue when they don't knockdown.....LOL Kinda why we seem to have eliminated the dueling tree swinging.... And yes, I get the reset time involved, AND it has to be the same presentation for each shooter, And the.....well, you know. Don't get me started.... Bodie
  10. Boggus my friend.... It to me was one of the best WB matches to date from my fence stool. We all have a different view on what we want. Fortunately a few of us have the opportunity to present that with our involvement in matches we have input on. To those that have that opportunity, then present what your gut says. But also keep in mind, everywhere is different. And providing a training for whats out there, like it or not, only helps the participants a chance they may not have to get a view of what they may be subjected to. FJT, I appreciate your comments open with open arms. Thank you. However, the consensus is to have a tougher venue in WBAS, and always has been. If that drives folks away, then I have confidence that any shooter response sheets will be taken into consideration in that respect. I support a 3 day, 4 stage per day venue. However, given all the ramifications to actually pull that off, is sometimes difficult. Hopefully, those barriers can be dealt with. I know living here in AZ. ALL the effort that goes into WinterRange. There needs to be some volunteers from the WB crowd perhaps to help to provide the needed staffing into the match preparation side. IT IS A TREMENDOUS AMOUT OF WORK. I personally thank the WinterRange group and Rangers for everything they do. Thanks All Bodie
  11. Thanks.... sending you a bill. Will wait to see what the assertorial charges are, then send the total....lol
  12. Thanks HJ Check your e-mail...LOL
  13. Again, thanks Gene.... LOL I am printing this for when I get beat up......... Just sayin.
  14. Thanks Gene. Carry on. See ya soon.
  15. I know........... LOL
  16. Up for some good tequilla......
  17. You are pretty fast. Have a bobble at the SHOT show or what. See ya in a few weeks Travis.
  18. NO PEEKING!!!!!!!
  19. No offense guys. This has been done for a very long time. Bein as I am in the business, I will not comment further. Happy Jack. Ya may wanna contact me. Just sayin.
  20. He will be here in AZ. real soon. Have any messages for him?????? LOL
  21. Sent....lol
  22. Same to all..... God Bless
  23. RSVP to JT on his email on the post. Pay when ya show up.... To all, again. PLEASE PLEASE RSVP!!!!!! Thanks Bodie
  24. Call Turnbull, unless someone on here has some stuff. I don't know who to contact on exactly which grip emblem was in play at that time. Colt used to be good about getting info like that. My experience is now.... well, lets say not so much. Colt has had quite a few different emblems..... Might ask at Turnbull as well on that. Gunbroker has lots of grips, and, I know, I know. Check E-bay as well.....
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