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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Wild Bodie Tom

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Everything posted by Wild Bodie Tom

  1. Probably not..... LOL Thing we need to understand is pretty much any venue we go to will have different "rules".
  2. Any you folks ever met Wiley????? Been awhile.....
  3. Until I heard from Palewolf regarding the Cowboy part.... Hold off. YES, legal In Wild Bunch. Post on the SASS wire re: legality in Cowboy. Lots of folks at EOT, so it may take a bit for response.
  4. Back 40 The Match Director does have the final call IF needed...... Usually, not needed. Nobody is in this to take away I am aware of. My experience has been that ALL attempts to insure NOT DQing based on anything actually is attempted. Including the chrono..... Stuff happens however. Been there, done that.
  5. Any shooter that is running "close" is advised. ALWAYS !!!!!!!! And Auggie. You worry too much. Just shoot. You are fine...... As a side note. It is almost always the pistol that runs close. I will gladly let the shooter shoot their gun over the chrono in these situations so they can see if it's the test gun as well. Pull 10 at random, shoot five. If issue, contact the shooter and retest with their firearm with them present. Pulling/testing before the match essentially proves nothing.... Pull the ammo anytime during the match. Not saying anymore on that.... A chrono availzble on sidematch day BEFORE the main match is surely a good idea. That's done here in front of WinterRange at the Wild Bunch Warmup. I cannot speak for EOT. As a shooter, I would think given the expense involved to attend either of these matches would warrant seeking out a chrono beforehand. Someone I would feel at a club level should be able to bring a chrono to a monthly to test with. Interesting as well, three different chronos once at the WR warmup @ Cowtown. They ALL were within 5 fps of each other with the same load. Not saying a chrono can't be off farther on race day, but, 3 different makes, all that close. Most ammo won't be that close!!!! It's a rule and can be done at the MD's discretion. And Auggie. There is one person that always runs close on their rifle, and they know. Hopefully, the chrono God stays with em..... Three years goin now...... BUT, passed I use five round average BTW. Hope this helps. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Two years running. All good. The word is out and understood. That's good.... Some really come too close IMO, but if they pass, they pass. Note to all, as I understand it. The match chrono is the decider.... I would recommend that add a tenth to your load just in case. Ya ain't gonna notice it if you are runnin 152-153 factor anyway..... Whatever.
  7. Slide release, magazine issue.... something else? Still a malfunction.... Unless a round comes out when its racked..... carry on........ Just sayin. This is very often misunderstood. Just try to keep it simple at the local level, which I believe is the point of the question in the first place. Benefit to the shooter.
  8. Yes See other related posts
  9. I agree........ EOT was fine on the brass.........
  10. Powder selection(s) as well..... Just sayin....
  11. Except for you.... LOL You know I will call ya on it....
  12. Its Wild Bunch. We fend for ourselves.... LOL
  13. Yup. Thats it.... LOL And supply those hostage taker seeking bullets as well..... Gee. Or just place a little bitty plate instead of a two hundred dollar target out there.... OH, what was I thinking!!!!!!!!!! If they ain't a swinger, whats the point..... Just sayin.
  14. You can shoot it before the rifle, and take the P. you can drop the mag, go to slide lock, and stage it safely, shoot the rifle, then pick it up, reload and carry on, so, how fast can ya clear it, stage it, pick it up, load, then shoot it as the stage states regarding shooting order of gun(S). 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4..............3, 2.........,1 Or put it back in the holster and get a stage dq..... had to make that call..... rough one for sure. it is what it is as.
  15. THERE YA GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Hear that..... lol What power factor is that one.... LOL
  17. Different recoil..... lol
  18. Well, I figure we all have to shoot whatever is presented. If ya asked every participant at a given match what they wanted, you would get that many different answers. As fellow Match Directors know..... We never make all the folks happy. Lucky if ya make a few happy... Everyone has their take on a good stage or stages. My answer has been get a few folks involved for the bigger matches writing the stages, and that presents a mix of different scenarios. Just sayin. I know exactly the match of which is being spoken of. And yes..... It will be a tad challenging in regards to placement and size of targets. But, again, we all have to shoot the same stages..... Just sayin.. AND, it is a FUN match..... Great people as well. AND, side activities are, well, resourceful if you choose to participate. See ya Bodie.
  19. So should I use 300 grain bullets??????????????????
  20. Just re-fit the dimple where the plunger rides. Make it so it it difficult to flip "ON". Not a tough job. Comin off???? well, that is up to personal preference. Doesn't matter in this game. We do not use it. Just sayin.
  21. If they start to fail.......... Shoot em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As in toss em downrange and SHOOT THEM!!!!! No questions that way..... Just sayin
  22. God Bless for ya Nellie....
  23. Being as I am not where you live, I cannot check it for you. I gladly would. I take mine to the monthly matches I put on if someone needs to know. Not knowing the dynamics of where you shoot, or who may shoot with you, other than whats been offered, I do not know how to address a solution. Not knocking the suggestion to obtain/provide a weighed piece of something if you cannot get your pistol scaled, I don't know. But, cannot say if that would fly if contested at a State or above. As stated by others. The scale at the event, if you are requested/required to weigh, IS the scale. No different than the Chrono is THE Chrono for that event. Folks place a lot of time and effort into putting on these events, and enforcing what needs to be enforced. We as shooters need to insure we abide by the rules. PM me if you wish, as perhaps I can find someone in your area to help you out with this. As stated. I am a 1911 pistolsmith. Have been for over 35 years. No, in the past before WB, the weight was never an issue. However, since it has been, I do check customer guns as they roll through to make sure. Especially the Traditional guns. They CAN have problems. And in that time, the only one that went over was a "rail" gun with aftermarket grips. Once a stock type WOOD set of grips were installed, it was fine. Understand as stated before, and I commend you on wanting to be PC. But unless you have scale nazis at all your local events, shoot on....Just sayin.... Thanks Bodie.
  24. My procedure which has worked to date at AZ. State, Utah State, WR and EOT is as follows. Yes I have what most consider a "cheap" scale. BUT, I also have NRA certified weights. The scale is plus/minus a tenth of an ounce. So dependent upon God, weather, temperature, etc, the scale can vary. As I would feel most would regardless of cost. So heres the deal. When a competitor weighs his pistol with mag and its good, its good. If it goes over, come get me. I will then weigh the gun, immediately weigh the check weight(s), then the gun one more time in succession. If the check shows the scale to be a tenth off, and the gun ends up over anyway. Guess what. I would highly suggest that one does not skirt within a tenth or two of the limit. If I attend an out of town match.... Guess what. I take my check weights. Just sayin. However, I run light enough it has, and should never be an issue. Kinda like power factor.... run enough to be safe. I have not DQ'ed anyone for weight ever. Just sayin. Traditional guns are running 37-39 ounces Moderns are scaling 38-40.5. With anything over 40 being the exception by far in Modern. Hope this helps. The rail guns..... I have worked on and check weighed those. They usually run 40.5-41.5 with a mag. I had one go 42.2 Grip change took care of it..... Thanks Bodie
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