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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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Everything posted by Boggus Deal

  1. My guess it’s not the crimp die but the sizing die. Dillon sizing dies are very generous in the radius to enter the die. The Lee die sizes the base that the Dillon sizing die doesn’t.
  2. See my post above.
  3. Slim, the meaningful numbers will be the fact that for the last several years Wild Bunch had a cap on number of participants with a waiting list and this year it likely won’t sell out. Like cowboy attendance dropped about 200 in 2023 compared to 2022.
  4. Just look at the score sheet at the end. It shows the shooter numbers.
  5. There will be a lot more cancel because it’s not the sport they want to shoot than there will be people who sign up to shoot because of the new rules. They’ve already been making excuses for not shooting.
  6. There is also a Model 12 Featherweight that is a takedown of a different type than the typical Model 12. It only holds 4 in the magazine. If I remember correctly, it was only made a few years around 1960.
  7. Not everyone as there are some holsters out there that do cover it.
  8. Don’t quit! Just come shoot with the redress of us.
  9. I can also assure you that those volunteers don’t care one whit about those “titles”. They bust their butts for the betterment of the sport.
  10. JJ, for years we heard “if you do _______, I’ll shoot Wild Bunch.” 7 rounds in the mag, tactical reloads, base pads, total time(which was forced on us) and you know what? As soon as those rules all went into effect, those same people had another excuse for not shooting… Like I mentioned in my previous post that was pulled from above, those same people are already making excuses as to why they still won’t shoot Wild Bunch…
  11. Their table top gunsmith version. Rated to 4100 fps. Retails for nearly $2400. $750 plus shipping. I can pallet and take to Fastenal for easy shipping.
  12. 100 year Justin Boot commemorative rifle $750 Remington 1890 by Uberti $400
  13. Depends on the rear sight but .190 tall is just about right for most. The Ruger I have in front of me is 186 tall. The Cylinder and Slide Strong Site Supported sight I install with the Harrison Design Retro rear sight usually ends up about .190-.195 tall depending on the shooter.
  14. This amount of beveling won about 10 state championships, a couple regional championships, two overall national championships and was second in the world behind Last Chance Morales a few times. You really don’t need much.
  15. Folks, due to a lack of entries, we have had to postpone our match. The new dates will be April 12-14, 2024. Any questions or comments, please contact me!
  16. By far the best ones are Checkmate. Period. Checkmate makes Ed Brown magazines and most of Colt’s. Tripp’s magazines make you pay an extra 5 bucks to weld on the base plate to make them somewhat reliable. They’re also the most expensive, to begin with.
  17. Here is the latest date corrected flyer and registration form. Sponsor, Quality Cast Bullets, has donated quite a lot of prizes and will be vending at the match.
  18. If Wild Bunch had not been capped and treated as a side match, maybe it would have had that kind of turn out.
  19. There are many reasons. One of the main reasons is major matches here keep limited the number of Wild Bunch shooters.
  20. Ruger mags are made by Checkmate, who also makes most of Colt’s magazines. They’re the best, by far, for this game.
  21. I’m not sure of a video for it. I put a light oil on most places and grease on the bolt where the action slide contacts it and where in rides in the receiver.
  22. A prat of that “snappy” is the 200 gr bullet. A 230 id much less so.
  23. All of these parts except a barreled action. $50+ shipping
  24. All that lock was for was when you take down the gun and transport it, it holds the bolt locked in place. Winchester actually removed it in later versions of the Model 12. If you take the gun down, let the hammer down before you do. It will hold the bolt in place as well as the lock ever did.
  25. Having actually shot and worked on both pretty extensively, the Model 12 is the way to go. More made by Winchester, for a reason. A third or more less parts and a lot less intricate parts. Even with the afore mentioned firing pin issue, which 90% of the time the gun will still function, the Model 12 is just an all around better gun. Think of a Model T Ford compared to a 1965 Mustang.
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