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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Boggus Deal

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Everything posted by Boggus Deal

  1. Prime example. The topic about the Wild Bunch Wire. 98% of the posters on that thread do not shoot Wild Bunch, yet they’re posting about it….
  2. Could you please elaborate what BS and mess you are talking about as I am not aware of that BS and any mess. Thanks, Phil You really haven’t been there much, have you? ☺️The self appointed experts on everything. The alias thief. “Advice” from ones who haven’t shot a match in decades, if ever. The blatant liars supported by former moderates. The WTC arguments that drag on for pages even after PWB says what and why.
  3. A “P” as Two Dot stated. Two targets did not have the proper number of rounds.
  4. Update the website to show Model 12s are legal and that we can load seven in the magazine for 1911.
  5. Yes, CND. The handgun may be staged with hammer down, empty chamber and loaded magazine per stage instructions. I would also say that would be the case for a new shooter with out leather, possibly borrowing guns. Obviously, all other rules apply, ie; muzzle in a safe direction, flat on the table, etc.
  6. You answered your own question. Imagine that sling snagging on something jerking the rifle out of your hands. Possibly sweeping someone with a potential loaded firearm.
  7. I don’t have any more info on it but I’d jump on it if the price is right.
  8. Remember, if it’s a Traditional gun, you can’t use and extended mag release.
  9. Oops. Hadn't even thought about that. If it turns out to be a problem, there are plenty of ways to put a 1911 on a diet. Lighter stocks, alloy or polymer mainspring housing, GI guide rod, etc.
  10. SASS, in their infinite wisdom, has this website so outdated and antiquated it won’t let s lot of people post at all, much less pictures.
  11. Yes, with mixed brass. I use a bulge buster in a single stage press on unknown brass before loading it and on all my brass about once a year.
  12. From page 1 of the WBAS Shooters Handbook: “It is the intention and hope of SASS these requirements will serve to preserve and protect Wild BunchTM Action Shooting from the gimmickry and technical gamesmanship that have had such a negative effect on other shooting disciplines.“
  13. Typically, both of those brands have the same issues. Both can be fixed by some one who knows them.
  14. Our own Texas Jack Morales likely has one. Guntrader’s in Redmond ,OR. Tell ‘em Boggus sent you.
  15. There isn’t a new gun, out of the box, ready to run. They’re usually all way over sprung and sights suck. The Remington R1 isn’t bad, nor is the Tisas. The Auto Ordnance is close. A couple Colts are close as well.
  16. Abe, problem with Colt GCs is that the serrations they put on is a very odd LPI. It’s hard to make right. Sometimes, the front strap is thick enough to cut the old serrations away and start over. But not every time.
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