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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Artemus

  1. Yes, just think of the Hi-Tek coating as an awesome bullet lube. That's all it's doing essentially, and reducing your contact with the lead.
  2. Legendary Lawman I would much prefer the side matches happen on Friday. I don't know about others, but since I am only going for WB, my plans are to be there Friday -Sunday and drive back on Monday. I wish we were having the WB banquet closer to the shoot, I would happily stick around a day for it, or even if Monday was the sidematches and Banquet. I ain't holding my breath on the banquet moving though.
  3. Can't wait for this! I am eagerly waiting to see what I need to bring along for sidematches. I twisted a few people's arms to get them to join us, I am sure some may hold it against me at some point. If I could figure what to do with the kids, the wife would be joining us.
  4. Excited to see this moving forward. Doughboy has got to be the most fun version of Wild Bunch for me right now. Plus I just found an 1886 for a deal and TR is as good a reason as any.
  5. Thanks to everyone involved! I know a lot of people excited to see these changes.
  6. Thanks for the reminder, I was wondering what the air date was supposed to be. Looking forward to it!
  7. Depending on how much you want to put into it, I started out with a Galco leather 1911 holster and a few double mag pouches like the ones in the link below. I just put these on a hank's gun belt. This worked for my first few years, and now I am waiting on my new Kirkpatrick Wild Bunch Rig. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/2600116497?pid=121650
  8. Bear Creek Volunteers Every First Saturday of the month, with a Cowboy shooting on the following Sunday. http://bearcreekvolunteers.com/wildbunch.html https://www.facebook.com/groups/332575624261688/
  9. Bear Creek Volunteers will host Pershing's Pursuit, the Missouri Wild Bunch State Championship September 18-20. This will be a great 10 stage main match across Saturday and Sunday. Friday afternoon will include side matches, and a dinner with costume contest on Saturday night. This will be at the wonderful Liberty, Land and Cattle Range just outside of Branson, MO. We have lots of covered stages and fans for the heat, and a good variety of shapes and sizes of targets to give everyone a good time. Up to date information lodging and other can be found at: http://bearcreekvolunteers.com/index.html Application attached. For more information, reply or reach out to: Match Director, Handlebar Scratch handlebar@thegunengraver.com or telephone (417) 865-5953 Range Master, Two Gun Gentleman Jack Truckwizard@gmail.com or telephone (417) 827-3402 2020_BCV_MO_State_Wild_Bunch_Application.pdf
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