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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Artemus

  1. The Southwest Territorial WB Championship will be hosted by the Bear Creek Volunteers in beautiful Branson, MO Sept 9-11th! We'll shoot sidematches on Friday: TR and DB, speed matches and long range matches. Ten stages across Sat/Sun. We have it all, fast stages, front sight stages and a lot in between! Banquet location with a discounted hotel rate will be announced shortly. Find all the up to date info at https://bearcreekvolunteers.com/ SouthWest Territorial Wild Bunch 22.pdf
  2. This is great to hear. I love seeing TR and DB getting out to the masses. Now if I could just shoot DB full time for a main match I would be set!
  3. Always love these as a great tool to set the hook.
  4. I prefer the winchesters. I have shot a couple of chinese 97s and they just don't feel right. I wouldn't worry about the year as much as the condition. An 'E' series would be safe bet, as it was the last revision.
  5. Join the Bear Creek Volunteers in beautiful Branson, MO for the 2022 SouthWest Territorial and MO State Wild Bunch Championship, Sept 9-11. Friday Sept 9th, kicks it all off with some of your favorite sidematches including TR, DB, speed matches, and more. Saturday and Sunday will share the ten stage main match where you will shoot some of the most unique targets in the game! Match Director Scratch has always got some new and wild sequences. Saturday night will include a banquet for gathering, side match awards, and any thing else that we need to celebrate. Take a quick look at our range: SouthWest_Territorial_Wild_Bunch_22.pdf
  6. Has anyone seen the scores from the EOT Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy match? Hopefully I am not just going blind....
  7. Don't worry the Missouri territory should be well represented!
  8. If only EoT was a little closer, I'd go to it all the time. It was a phenomenal match with some top notch shooters keeping everyone non their toes. We fit in some great side matches to boot! I am always up for adding in some Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy action!
  9. Glad I asked, I need to throw some more 45 in! Sounds like a blast, can't wait!
  10. Any word on round count for Sidematches? BAMM ammo, TR, 1911, etc? Since I am flying and handing off my ammo to someone else I try not to get carried away.....
  11. If we are talking about funny hats....I am in! I keep my kilt wearing to the summer though.
  12. I am going to say the real issue, why would someone write the stage this way? Poor stage design. I can't imagine this rule being written with the intent for actually restaging for further use, but some of the the "more experienced" shooters can correct me. It is a no call with rounds on the left on the carrier, so laying down an overloaded long gun with closed on empty or fully open is allowed. Just a bit of a gamble in my opinion.
  13. Is there a reason to not run Wild Bunch on a separate day? At my club, the first Saturday is Wild Bunch only, and the second Saturday is for Cowboy. You might even pick up a few more shooters with a dedicated day, if they don't want to give up their cowboy practice time. Silly as that is, since WB is clearly the best. With that many bays I can't fathom how you can't just set a few up for WB, at least for the day and leave the rest to cowboy. At the end of the day more shooters means more income, who cares what they are shooting. Kid Rich: I can't believe that was anything but sarcasm about cowboy hostility.
  14. Well we had a big weekend in Branson, MO with the Bear Creek Volunteers! We shot a 3 stage TR/DB sidematch, along with other long range and speed sidematches. Saturday kicked off the main match with six stages and wound down the day with a banquet and side match awards. Sunday brought the final four stages, smoked on the range chicken and awards. We had shooters from Arizona to Florida, and a rowdy handful even escaped Illinois to join us! Overall Mens and Ladies: Buck Clangmor and Jodi Coyote. Category Winners: Buck Clangmor, Back 40, CN Double, Marshall Eli, Jodi Coyote, Sassy Teton Lady, and Bootless Loon. State Champions: Buck Clangmor, Bootheel Bushwhacker, Artemus Von Schutze, Clear Creek Kiki, and Trudy Mae. Be sure to join us at Bear Creek in Branson, MO next year as we host the SouthWest Territorial Wild Bunch Championship, Sept 9-11. We'll feed ya' plenty, provide some fun sidematches, a fancy dinner, and put plenty of steel in front of you! Link for scores in Practiscore and pictures can be found on the Bear Creek Volunteers facebook page.
  15. Top Shot is a side match with a number of unique targets down range, such as hostage targets and a texas star. I believe last year it could be shot in 14 rounds and up to 21. Top Gun is man on man. Yes, there will be a 100 yard and 200 yard match.
  16. I use my sling basically every time I shoot my 1903 and Garand unless I am sitting at a table.
  17. Well if you just need a couple of weekends off come to Branson, MO starting on the 17th.
  18. Sounds like it was a great time, wish I could have made it. That is some serious competition you had there.
  19. Dusty, you have a real way with words. Congrats C.N. Double! Looking forward to shooting with you in Missouri.
  20. We are just a few weeks away so get those last minute applications in the mail! I grabbed a few pictures of the '97 for our clean shooter award.
  21. Sounds like it was a great time, and you had some top notch shooters out there!
  22. and can be very handy.
  23. I have to agree with Bogus on this one, there are a few in that permeate every thread either to stir up trouble or speak from experience when they shoot one or two times a year. I would love to see this forum be updated in terms of software, to match that of the sass wire, and I think this forum would live if it were on the same site. That being said, I do wonder how many "experts" we would gain.
  24. Tully, the worst part is that there is a link in the Affiliated clubs page for Wild Bunch clubs, but it goes no where. I have debated sending in some pages to see if they would throw them out there. I hate looking at the Wild Bunch information page on sassnet
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