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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by DUSTY BODDAMS

  1. Hot dang it works! If I can post a picture this easy y’all can too!
  2. Big ole Gatling ! Who’s the expert what is this thing. (First post on new wire with pictures if all goes well)
  3. On modern 1911 there is something the top lady and top man modern had in common. The out of the box Rugers that they both used to win with. Also if you go to looking it was not a rare sight to see that same pistol in other holsters at EOT.
  4. Spartan , all valid questions. I think condition should be number 1 on anything and especially model 97 Winchester’s. Solid frames are a little more scarce. As far a reproductions I have a 2010 trench gun that is flawless. The best 97? That’s easy! It’s called the model 12! ;D
  5. Actually, Fred did that once a few years back at state and it was done at Texican Rangers last year when they had the state match down at Fredericksburg. The Texas Doughboys who had state in 2020 and again this year do not do it that way. The Texas Doughboys won’t and don’t.
  6. Safe to say the Texas Doughboys always look forward to this great match!
  7. The largest wild Bunch Match anywhere ever! 10 great wild Bunch stages! We had our own unique wild bunch side matches. Everything ran on time or ahead of schedule. Hats off to Serenity THE Match Director and Legendary Lawman. We had our own wild bunch awards ceremony with food in the big tent. Hey gang,Wild Bunch has grown up! Congratulations to our winners of winners Ladies :Holy Terror Men’s: Shell Stuffer
  8. ;D that’s what Miss Treated and myself shoot along with several friends. I’ve talked with Les and he is a heck of a guy! If you have a problem he will fix it. It needs about 5-600 rounds thru it just to break in. The one problem with a Les Baer? They shoot so damn good all the other brands stay in the vault! ;D
  9. We could do funny hats! Nothing more funnier than a funny hat! They could be judged by color,shape, size and originality. As a matter of fact probably best just to leave the Wild Bunch shooters out of it because all a WB shooter wants to do is shoot that 45 a bunch along with shotgun and rifle. The worst afflicted ones go off the deep end with acronyms saying things like BAMM,Doughboy,Teddy Roosevelt and really make a hard turn to GAMM,LAMM,CAMM,popgun,PCC4mE and other indecipherable things. Tragic really..... ;D ;D of course I’m joking and I know you are too! Dusty Boddams
  10. CND, ok, it’s not a total loss! If it runs 3” make it into a truck gun or home defense.
  11. Congratulations to FJT! I look forward to meeting you at EOT.
  12. M5, bigger front sights are available that are staked like what you have on it. We have a few shooters I know of using them with great success. As far as function if you have good magazines (like Tripp) and your using a round lead bullet that mimics a hardball round that pistol might be ready to go without fooling with it. You won’t know till you try......
  13. Bammbalooza 21’ is just about here. We have the food truck with the award winning Bbq everyone loves so much. The weather is looking to be absolutely perfect We have a special target system for Audie Murphy ( m1 carbine) and G.I. Joe (garand) that should be a treat.....or trick depending on your point of view! Trench sweep will be in the ravine. A shell belt would be nice.
  14. Measure the grip safety. I don’t know the specs on your gun but original 1911 colts were notorious biters had a shorter tail and they came out with the A1 and solved the problem. Point is you might just need the longer tail of the A1.
  15. Doc, you could take out all the p traps on most stages. Have a few fast killem all type stages. The rifle when used at 25 yards and out with the targets spread out 4-5 yards apart increases the accuracy needed and turns the rifle back into what it was supposed to do in the first place. Deliver lead at further than pistol range. Setup this way caliber and action type are not that important. The pistol being the work horse in wild bunch is probably where most misses are seen. The problem is a competitor that steps over from cowboy is used to hitting everything and having clean matches. Thats mindset. A stage or 2 could be setup at 7-8 yards with 28 pistol and 5 shotgun. Use 2 banks of 4 pistol targets first window engage left targets in a Nevada sweep twice move to right window engage pistol targets same order ground pistol move to shotgun engage targets. Something along these lines. As far as shooters complaining of misses well, Wild Bunch is by design more challenging at target distance than cowboy. Perhaps it would behoove the competitors having difficulty to actually shoot the pistol on (gasp) paper Or perhaps even practice. We don’t believe in dragging down wild bunch to the worst shot. Rather we think the shooter should rise to the challenge of wild bunch.
  16. B.E. Is right about primers and such. We need to have good supplies to keep our sport healthy and growing. Right now we maintain and hold our own. So Doc the question is what can be done right now? Actually there’s several things Go to 3-4 mags Use rifle and pistol only on a stage or 2. Use shotgun, pistol on a stage or 2. All 3 on another. WB has more shooting and more technical shots but does not have to consume extreme amounts of ammo. Simpler stage design with one type of sweep for both rifle and pistol any order on shotgun for instance. Because of the shortages Texas Doughboys allow all sass legal main match rifles and 22 lever or pump action rifles at our monthly match. We have a 22 class for where you can shoot both rifle and pistol. We allow 1911’s in 9mm along with 38 super. By doing these modified rules we enable our shooters to take advantage of small and large primers along with rimfire. We always offer TR and DB after our main match we shoot a couple of BAMM’s one more thing it’s very easy to reduce round count for rifle and shotgun. A rifle can easily be reduced to 5 rounds and shotgun down to 4 without hurting the quality of the match because they have to acquire the long gun and put it into action then restage it. That’s where the challenge is. You can also kick those rifle targets out to a minimum of 25 yards or further for a little different challenge. It’s also fun to throw a shotgun target out 15/20 yards every once in a while. Also like said in another post if you can get one stage that they will dedicate to wild bunch you can dress it out with plenty of steel and never get bored. Hope some of this helps. It works for us. Dusty
  17. Doc, really with as much room as y’all have why not have 1 dedicated wild bunch stage that is set up with plenty of steel enough to do 4 stages and not be wearing out the same old targets. The WB shooters stay at that 1 stage shooting 4 different scenario. Nobody has to move steel in and out. Wild bunch shooters get to shoot a real wild bunch match with all the trimmings. Shooting cowboy 1911 is not going to be practice for the 2022 state match. I guess it beats not shooting your 45 at all.........however shotguns need to be stoked and rifle targets need to be out 25 yards and greater. Running multiple sets of targets use a couple of different colors per rack by how you want to setup a stage. This way you can say green targets on left , red rifle targets, shotgun can be split 3 per location and that will help keep the stages original also. Dusty
  18. B.B. , I’m not on the rules committee but I will try and help you. First thing to remember the internets your friend. Lots of good pictures to compare yours to. The rifle must have its original type as issued battle sights. Original type stock,no cheek piece ,no recoil pad etc. If the rifle has been converted to a carbine and done right it would be very hard to tell without an expert looking at it. On top of that the NRA cut a bunch if I remember correctly and then companies like Bannerman. Good news is if it looks right but it’s fake then that would be a faithful reproduction. Lots and lots of different countries re Arsenaled rifles over the years into different configurations for service rifles. The krags are great historic rifles but reloads on the clock gain more in style than a reduction in time.
  19. This is a great match! Lots of fun. Good folks. Exciting side matches. Don’t miss it!
  20. I use a sling wrap frequently as does my wife. I think some folks don’t want to take the time......it’s something just how much better it is if you have the sling adjusted properly to begin with.
  21. There are no rules against using a sling wrap etc. off hand in BAMM . For some reason though folks won’t use the advantage.
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