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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Jorge

  1. Is it permitted to have the front sight of a Military rifle painted, plated, or otherwise altered for the BAMM or the other side matches?
  2. Thanks for the information. See you at Land Run!
  3. Is there any information about the WB match at Land Run? Number of stages and round count would be of interest. Thanks
  4. Thanks for the info For the PF ~165, I have been using a 15 lb recoil spring and a 17 lb hammer/main spring Does that sound about right? Seems to function well. Planning on replacing the recoil spring, Main spring, sear spring and magazine catch spring, as recommended. Wolff springs used in the past. How often do you replace the firing pin or extractor?
  5. How often are the "main springs" and recoil springs replaced typically? Let's say before obvious cycling issues, of course. Wolf vs IMSI springs? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the advice and insights.
  7. Thanks for the info. I thought the dual spring might not be allowed. Boggus, thanks for the info on the spring. Would you say that the pistol itself is a reasonable quality 1911? Thanks.
  8. Does anyone have experience with the Colt Competition 1911 .45? Does the dual recoil spring system keep it from being used in Wild Bunch?
  9. This match will be held on October 18. Eight stages, one day event. More info is in the Wild Bunch Match portion of the Forum.
  10. The Illinois State Wild Bunch Match has been rescheduled for October 18, 2020. This will be an eight stage, one day match held at Lefthander's Gun Club in Loami, IL More information may be obtained at: www.longninecowboys.org.
  11. Jorge


    As far as military, campaign hats go, what colors are acceptable? Olive, of course, but what about brown or black? Thanks.
  12. Happy Jack and Legendary Lawman, Thanks for the info on the kneeling roll. I just wanted to make sure I was not the only one without one.
  13. Is a kneeling roll allowed in the BAMM?
  14. What rifle is used for the Sgt. York? If the bolt action, how do you load the magazine with the stripper clip and close the bolt on an empty chamber for the start? Thanks.
  15. Would there be interest in a pocket pistol (small automatics) side match?
  16. Will a new version of the Wild Bunch Handbook be developed prior to Winter Range?
  17. There have seemed to be several threads of questions on the "Regular" SASS wire concerning Wild Bunch. Usually, politely answered, but should these questions be directed to the Wild Bunch Forum? Perhaps it is not wildly known that there is an actual Wild Bunch Wire with a great deal of information.
  18. Also, does it matter which version on the 1910 is used or when it was actually make? I was thinking of the 1914, but would the 1934 be OK for use?
  19. Thanks for the info. I'll be looking into a Mauser 1910/14 (for .32 acp). Who can I contact for the ammunition you referenced?
  20. Where are the "proposed rules?" Are jacketed bullets/factory ammo used or are lead bullets used?
  21. Would a Mauser 1910 be acceptable? If you used a Walther PP or PPK, would it have to be old manufacture?
  22. Which small sidearms are used for the developing side matches? Revolvers, small autos? Also, anyone have knowledge of the Savage .32?
  23. Here is an updated list of who has signed up for the Matches. There is a BAMM match in the works as well. Updated_Shooter_List_8-12-19.pdf
  24. Thanks for the information.
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