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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Legendary Lawman

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Everything posted by Legendary Lawman

  1. Our thoughts are with Cindy and Travis at this time. Fred will really be missed. What a great guy. What a great family.
  2. We considered Tom a friend and mentor. He will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Arlene and the family. He will be missed. Legendary and Serenity
  3. What a great size group and the hats look great. You guys do a great job of promoting Wild Bunch We are looking forward to the shoot. It has always be great and this year promises to be even better.
  4. Hi Ted All the the Wild Bunch Ambassadors are instructors. Each ambassador has a geographic area of responsibility. Within their area of responsibility, there may be an instructor to assist them. If you are looking for a course or other information, please contact the ambassador for your state or you can send me a PM.
  5. Hi Elwood The restriction on the A3 at Winter Range is only for the Bucky O'Neill Military Rifle Competition which is a cowboy side match and restricts rifles to 1912 and before. The BAMM matches for Wild Bunch take that up to the WWII.
  6. Well done Dusty. Great job.
  7. We just got home and working on getting some of the NM dust out of everything. What a great match. Well done and thanks to all those that helped make it such a success!
  8. Hi Jerry Welcome. Cowtown has great Wild Bunch matches the second Sunday of the month. Just tell them you are new and the great folks out there will give you a hand.
  9. Way to go Back 40. What a great chance for new Wild bunch shooters to try it out.
  10. Howdy Tully My “laissez-faire” comment was certainly not directed at you. Not only are you a great WB shooter but you set a wonderful example for others including when you RO. If you have had the problem of being swept there must be others. I will make some enquiries as we have two more state shoots we hope to attend before EOT. We have a lot of very good ROs in WB but at the last couple of state matches we have been at we have also seen some bad habits creeping in. You have already pointed out some concerns and it behooves us to make sure our ROs are “on the job” all the time. I look forward to seeing you at EOT and we can discuss this some more. I think we all appreciate you expressing your concerns.
  11. The rule changes on reloading the 1911, while allowing a tactical reload (TR), are much broader. It has taken the worry out of reloading especially when something goes wrong. Now if you have a malfunction or drop a mag, you can reload without worrying that your slide isn’t locked back. We saw lots of those penalties in the “old” days for something that was not a safety issue. It has now been addressed. Even though I shoot some IPSC, I can screw up enough without trying to think through a tactical reload. While I have seen some done well – most shooters have lost time trying. In these early days of the new rules, if the shooter lets the spotters know that they will be doing a TR, it goes a lot smoother. If the RO and spotters are on their game, however, it does not need to be said. At a couple of matches, in the safety briefing, all shooters were reminded about the TR so that it was fresh in their mind. Unlike Tully’s experience, we have not seen a single instance of a shooter breaking the 170˚ or sweep anyone this year even though we have been to 3 major matches and quite a few monthly WB matches. To address Tully’s concerns, we need to impress upon ROs their duty to be within arms reach of the shooter to physically be able to stop them breaking the 170˚. I know that is not always possible with fast shooters, but it is not usually the fast shooters who break that rule. We have been disappointed in a number of trained ROs who seem to have a laissez-faire approach to ROing. We try and correct this with positive suggestions and demonstration of the best position to be in to stop a shooter committing a safety infraction. Good ROing will keep us all safe.
  12. Serenity and I enjoyed the match. Great stages and we enjoyed shooting with everyone.. Lots of fun and lots of rounds down range. We would like the weather a little warmer next time if you could arrange it!
  13. Very well done and congratulations to Shellstuffer and Dusty Daryl. Where are they from again???!!!
  14. Hi TM and GJ Your discussion has pretty well covered the issues. The RO has to be on the ball and make a decision. While, theoretically, the same problem can happen with a long gun, the pistol is different in that we do a lot more shooting from two or more positions with the pistol and it is much harder to see its condition. So far we have not seen any problems. Fire and Ice on Friday may be a good test. I guess we will all do our best and see how it plays out. Thanks you guys for a great discussion. Legendary Lawman WBAS Committee
  15. We will have our applications ready at Winter Range. Anything to save a little money!!!! Looking forward to your shoot Back 40
  16. Hi Everyone Due to heavy demand, there will be TWO Wild Bunch Range Officer courses in Phoenix, AZ - one Sunday, January 28, 2018 and the other Thursday, February 1, 2018. This is a great opportunity to qualify as a WB RO or for a refresher and in-depth discussion of the 2018 rule changes in preparation for Winter Range. To register, email Serenity at peteronkynda@gmail.com. You will be sent the latest material to read in preparation for the course. For first time people qualifying as a WB RO, the cost is $30. There is no cost for a refresher course unless you want a new RO pin in which case the cost is $5. Both courses will be held at: Pioneer RV Park, exit 225 off Hwy 17 just north of Ben Avery Shooting Range in the main complex in the Card Room from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please register as soon as possible to be sent the material to prepare yourself for the course.
  17. The best chance to do a Wild Bunch warm-up for WR will be on Friday, February 16 at Cowtown as part of the Fire and Ice shoot. Garrison Joe showed the link for registration. Zona and Barbwire have planned a great shoot with lots of real Wild Bunch shooting that should get you ready for WR if you can get there in time. It should be lots of fun. As an aside, is there interest in a Wild Bunch RO course during Winter Range? Legendary Lawman
  18. We second Nawlins Kid's comments. Once again the NY State WB was a fantastic match. It was challenging, fun, lots of movement and many 'interesting' targets. Of course, it goes without saying, what a great bunch of people to shoot with. Legendary Lawman and Serenity
  19. Hi Abe At last year's NY state WB we had 2 actuators, each throwing two clays in a V together. It was great fun. As Sassy mentioned, usually the stage description will let you re-engage the actuator for just one miss. However, that is not always the case. If there is nothing in the stage description just make sure you hit the actuator. All shooters are in the same boat.
  20. Serenity will be running a Wild Bunch RO course at Pioneer RV Park, just north of Ben Avery in north Phoenix on Saturday, March 4, 2017 To register and to get full details please email peterandliz2012@gmail.com If you haven't taken the course in a while, consider a refresher for only $5!
  21. Hi Dan Some of the others eluded to it, confirming your last question - yes, always have at least one more mag than the stage calls for. The Barney mag is in addition if you so choose. Some carry one of those but many don't. While in some places you shoot a maximum of 20 rounds, get 6 pouches, because a lot of places have some stages with 25 and 30 rounds thank goodness.
  22. We took your advice to heart and are signed up as well LL&S
  23. Lone Dog Jacketed bullets are allowed.
  24. August West is right on the money. I will PM you with my data but you need to chronograph your own loads for power factor. Do not get the PF too close to the line. I like to see my PF around 165 or a little more. Legendary Lawman
  25. Allie Both Serenity and I use clothes pins, an idea from friends. Mine is blue and Serenity's is pink. Although not the match you are talking about, at the recent New York State WB match, I had to use her pink one! By the way the NY match was absolutely fantastic. I have never seen so many different kinds of moving and still targets in one match. Legendary Lawman
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