Tully Mars Posted May 18, 2021 Posted May 18, 2021 Two years ago I took the reins from Sutter Lawman at Gold Country Wild Bunch in Sloughhouse, California. Sutter Lawman started what I believe to be the first stand alone SASS WB club when he founded GCWB in 2009. Sutter believes in giving the shooter the utmost opportunity to capitalize on their strengths as a shooter. He began the shoot it your way style of stage design. In other words, it's the shooter that decides if they start with the pistol, rifle or shotgun, gun order is shooters choice. Shooter may start at any of the 3 positions. For example the shooting and gun order would be like this: Must use 3 positions. Round Count, 6 shotgun, 21 pistol, 7 rifle: If with the shotgun, shoot the 6 shotgun targets. If with the pistol, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep starting on either end, repeat instructions. If with the rifle, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep on the rifle targets from starting on either end. If with the pistol, shoot a 7 round Nevada sweep on the rifle targets starting on either end. It takes some getting use to, but once you know what to do, it makes you a better shooter. It gives everyone the opportunity to make the stage work to their style or strengths. Over the last year we've added rifle optional stages to matches or made the entire match rifle optional. We're moving towards smaller targets that are further out for the rifle. We're writing 7 round rifle stages, making it easy to substitute the pistol for the rifle. If folks want a challenge with the 1911, they will have it with the smaller, further out targets. We just finished the 2021 SASS California State WB Championship, the rifle was optional for this match. It's my belief that it adds just one more "shoot it your way" opportunity to the match. There were some grumblings about it, some loved it, some didn't like it, but overall I think it was a good move. Thank you Sutter Lawman for all your work and effort you've put into Wild Bunch and making GCWB a reality! Tully Quote
Boggus Deal Posted May 18, 2021 Posted May 18, 2021 Sounds good. You can never please everyone. Quote
Frederick Jackson Turner Posted May 19, 2021 Posted May 19, 2021 I just shot the CA State WB match, and I really enjoyed it. I especailly like the idea of employing the pistol in lieu of the rifle, where appropriate; it certainly added some color the match, and I know the shooters skilled enough to employ that option really enjoyed that. Nice seeing Sutter, too! Cheers, FJT Quote
marshal stone Posted May 19, 2021 Posted May 19, 2021 Tully; Any way to get a copy of your stages emailed to me. Sounds like an interesting match. Marshal Stone Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 19, 2021 Author Posted May 19, 2021 You bet. When I get home from work, most likely tomorrow. Quote
trooper Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 VERY Interesting. I can see us testing that out at our next State match... maybe just writing one or two stages with the option to introduce the idea... :) Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 20, 2021 Author Posted May 20, 2021 Hi Trooper, It takes some getting use to. You might have to do it for a little while before folks see the it for what it is. Some folks have a difficult time not being told just how to do something, but once it dawns on them that they are now in the drivers seat it helps. Tully Quote
Legendary Lawman Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 From Serenity Incorporating these ideas, both WR and EOT have been moving WB in this direction. Those shooting Wild Bunch at EOT next month will find that most of the stages give the shooter options. You will get to decide where you start a stage and which order you shoot your guns. Here is your opportunity to use strategy, transitions, and your front sight! Quote
J. Frank Norfleet Posted May 21, 2021 Posted May 21, 2021 Good ideas Tully. I have long been frustrated that we shoot the rifle at pistol distances, a carry over from cowboy. If we are going to do that, just shoot them with the pistol. I would sure like to see the rifle targets moved way back. My other frustration is the shotgun. I can't tell you how many matches I'v been to where for 10 or 12 stages the instructions were, "There are 6 shotgun targets, knock 'em down." Boring. Let me shoot them with my pistol. JFN Quote
Doc Holloman Posted May 21, 2021 Posted May 21, 2021 Any thoughts on this idea: if you have a shotgun malfunction (which of course never happens with the 1897,) letting you finish the shotgun targets with the pistol? It would mean carrying a spare mag for that eventuality, having the shooter leave the jammed shotgun on the bench pointing downrange to be cleared after finishing the stage, and having the shooter clear 1911 before moving (dropping the partial mag and either ejecting the chambered round or firing it downrange at no penalty.) Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 21, 2021 Author Posted May 21, 2021 JFN, That's my feeling with the rifle as well, it's capable of good accuracy, yet we don't take advantage of it. GCWB has started using smaller targets set back further or a Texas Star or dueling tree on a few stages. For the adventurous they may shoot those targets with their pistol, most will use the rifle. Given all that I missed 2 rifle targets on my last stage of the Ca State WB match that were easy rifle targets, no target is to big or to close to be missed. We do have a stage that doesn't conform to WB rules, we haven't shot it in awhile due to the high round count and lack of components. It's called Muchos Federales and is based on the last scene of the movie Wild Bunch. 40-70 targets, move appropriately within SASS WB rules, use as many guns as you like or just the 1911, shoot all KD's until down, may reengage targets. This is great fun, especially using only the 1911. We had a side match called a Turkey shoot. There were 5, 24" x 24" no shoot targets spaced close together and set at 25 yards with the Turkeys behind them. The Turkeys were 6" to 8" KD's, some of which only a portion of the targets was visible, 2 had another KD behind them, the front one had to be knocked down to engage the one behind it. 10 targets, 10 rounds, must engage targets from all 3 windows, move appropriately with the rifle within SASS WB rules. It was a challenge and people really enjoyed it. It showed folks that a rifle is capable of hitting what it's aiming at if it's sighted in. Tully Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 21, 2021 Author Posted May 21, 2021 Any thoughts on this idea: if you have a shotgun malfunction (which of course never happens with the 1897,) letting you finish the shotgun targets with the pistol? It would mean carrying a spare mag for that eventuality, having the shooter leave the jammed shotgun on the bench pointing downrange to be cleared after finishing the stage, and having the shooter clear 1911 before moving (dropping the partial mag and either ejecting the chambered round or firing it downrange at no penalty.) Hi Doc Holloman, I don't see that happening at bigger matches. Monthly's have a bit more leeway. Personally I wouldn't have a problem moving in that direction. However I don't see it happening in the future of WB. Why? It opens the door for moving towards using the 1911 on all targets and avoiding using the shotgun and rifle. There's a concern about WB not being a 3 gun match anymore. GCWB is pushing the limit with rifle optional. Tully Quote
Elwood James Posted May 21, 2021 Posted May 21, 2021 Here’s where I put my plug in for incorporating the Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy into the mix. Move the targets out to rifle ranges and/or make them smaller if range limited. CN Double has posted good responses from his club. If you haven’t allowed your shooters this option in a monthly, I would highly encourage you to experiment. Let me know if you have any questions. EJ Quote
DUSTY BODDAMS Posted May 21, 2021 Posted May 21, 2021 As EJ says TR and DB are very well recieved where offered at monthlies . Very easy to add and run. TM, I like the direction y’all are headed. J.Frank at Texas Doughboys we shoot rifle targets at 25 yards or greater could be out to fifty. As match directors or competitors we just have to push the targets back to have a reason for the rifle. When we used to shoot the rifle at 10-15 yards it made no sense to me with a good pistol already in my hand. However when the rifle is pushed out then there is a good reason for it. We will also shoot 2 of the 3 guns on about 1/2 the stages or more. Our competitors really like the pistol to have 28 or more. Our rifle varies but a round count of 7 would be average. Shotgun! Shotgun got boring and we just used it sparingly. We changed that and now shotgunning is fun and looked forward to. We spread out the targets for random distance and depth. Sometimes moving forward to engage or a zig zag etc. sometimes we have a shotgun only stage that’s 15 to 20 rounds on that many targets with lots of movement. We never shoot dump targets. We do not stand and deliver. A 25 yard dueling tree is a fun and challenging target for both levers and dB Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 21, 2021 Author Posted May 21, 2021 DB and EJ, Our bays are 25-30 yards deep at the most. We are moving towards smaller rifle targets instead of distance. I wish we could shoot 50+ yards. We will be incorporating TR and Doughboy in the near future, we have a few shooters asking for both. DB and JFN, I agree about shotgun, we're trying to move them around so they aren't just in a row. We are also trying some different SG targets that are more easily moved than our current targets. We have a few that throw fliers, those folks like. Tully Quote
DUSTY BODDAMS Posted May 21, 2021 Posted May 21, 2021 TM, we started using the auto reset targets mainly for shotgun because they are easy to move. Our old shotgun targets were very unfriendly to move. We have some clay bird launchers also that we use. For something a little different throw charcoal briquettes . You can have great Doughboy and teddy r stages at 25-30 yards as you say just by shrinking targets and spreading them out. Plate racks, dueling trees etc. it sounds easy to hit a 6” target with a BAMM rifle at 30 yards but on the clock at speed it changes the dynamics. Quote
Doc Holloman Posted May 22, 2021 Posted May 22, 2021 Right now, we (Texican Rangers) have been trying out letting the shooter decide which order he/she wants to shoot the guns, including when we have the shotgun targets split 3 and 3, which set of 3 to shoot first ( I tend to want to shoot the set of 3 on the left first. I'm right handed so that makes it easier to keep the shotgun pointed downrange as I move to the right to the other shooting position.) On some stages we might throw in "but you cant shoot the rifle last" just to make it interesting. We tend to shoot 10 rifle on 2/3 of the stages, with the other third being 7 rifle (lets me shoot my Trapper). usually on one stage we omit the shotgun. We typically shoot 4 mags per stage, sometimes 5. Our Rifle targets are at roughly 20 yards. We have Cody Dixon targets at each stage so if someone wants to try TR, they are there. So far no one has given it a go, but I have an 1895 (Browning) Winchester in 30-40 coming in this week, so I may give it a try. Quote
Tully Mars Posted May 22, 2021 Author Posted May 22, 2021 Doc, We too have a few folks asking to shoot TR or DB, I hasn't been a priority for me while the State match was approaching. We'll get it going. I just received some targets that would be perfect for both. TM Quote
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