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Everything posted by VICIOUS

  1. Hi Gang; The question of the day is, are full length steel guild rods on the recoil springs a benefit in WB shooting? Is the added weight faster second shot? Or is the short stock guide best for the WB game?
  2. Hi gang. Cold weather has dropped the PF useing 231 from my summer time readings.
  3. HI Gang! SO I guess this will be a SHOCKen surprise. I pulled a older Para apart to clean it and the shock buff was cut in a half moon at the top. Fired about 100 or so rounds, had a soft 13 Lb variable recoil spring. The web behind the spring had a burr on it. Interesting! Cleaned and filed down the burr and replaced with a 15 LB recoil spring. Glad this was only my old beater pistol. POINT learned. Thanks crew.
  4. That the one. Thanks
  5. HI Gang; So I handled a pistol with a wedge MSH, felt interesting. So who makes and sells these today?
  6. Hi Gang; I just poped out the buffer and drop in a 15#. Will be the range later in the week. Shock buffer causing cracked frames? That is new to me, never heard that before. How would that happen?
  7. HI; Thanks for your concerns, you are most likely right. I use a shock buffer because it softens the felt recoil clang sound and feeling, most likely in my head. The recoil spring is light for easily to rack the slide. But I should put in at least a 15# and work with that.
  8. HI Gang; So with all this load conversation, how about springs? I use a 19# wolf main spring,(hammer). A 13# variable wolf recoil with a neoprene shock buffer. Main 19# spring to get good hits on the primers. 13# recoil to allow easier racking and slower slide return into battery so the muzzle will not dip down below the target.
  9. NO.
  10. Hi Gang. I have been checked at 250 PF from the rifle. It can get real cold up north. ;D
  11. HI Gang; Handguns are a good tool to fight your way to your horse to get your rifle.
  12. All Winchesters that I have pulled the plug from have broomsticks carved down. Recycled shop floor brooms ;D
  13. STAGE scoring. categories only.
  14. HI Gang; It is all in the rules. So last Sunday I shoot IPSC with 1911 in classic. BUT the match director spots my rubber bumpers are big. After a measurement check I get bounced into open with the race gunners due to 1/8 inch too long of base pad. Grinder time. Do I think this was fair? YES! All rules are run the same for everybody and I will shoot with those guys and girls anytime. I have been told most shooters run 230 grain bullets, I used to use 200 RNFP cause the local store always had a supply. Now a supplier has 225 truncated cone so now I use these in 45acp, 45colt,rifle. Heavy bullets less velocity, easy to make 150 PF.
  15. HI Gang. Is it possible to still use a 45 acp 1911 and drop the powder factor? Would this still be OK to the decision makers and safe to shoot?
  16. Darn ; I loved that song. I gotta be OLD.
  17. one million and 999,999 left.
  18. WHAT! No practicing the stages a month before at your home range. Say it anit so Joe.
  19. Thank YOU Sir. Vicious
  20. HI Gang; I was informed by a Governor that external extractors were NOT legal. So that is why I am looking to the Rules committee or who ever has the final say to give a official YES NO answer. I have several 1911 s but do not wish to show up with illegal gun in modern.
  21. THANKS; That would be good of you. I shoot Modern, I have other 1911 .There is also other 1911 with factory external extractors.
  22. HI Gang; I read the rules and could not find any rule saying smith and Wesson 1911 with the external extractor is legal or not? All the rest of the gun fits the rules, just wish to check on this point. Thanks
  23. HI Gang; YeP changed the mag release spring and went to 19 hammer and 15 recoil spring with no shock buff on this one, for now. The real issue with 1911 is they are like puppies. Just so cute you gotta have another one. The wife and I gave ourselves matching 1911 with consecutive serial numbers.
  24. HI Gang. So just curious what combination of spring weights do you use? Main hammer spring ---, with a recoil spring of ----? As these two springs affect the slide if you change one do you adjust the weight of the other when using loads of power factor 150 plus a little bit.
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