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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Jorge

  1. The action itself feel smooth at least when empty Often with the first one or two shells the shell seem to block the action or get stuck and not chamber correctly With dummy rounds that are empty of shot they seem to chamber perfectly and do not hang up
  2. Is it possible for the magazine spring in the Model 12 to be too strong, even if cut to allow 6 shells in the magazine? It seems that I often have feeding issues, especially with the first or second round out of the magazine. Would a newer spring, or the Wild Bodie Tom spring set help?
  3. Addendum: Without wanting to offend anyone, I would like the moderators or members of the Rules Committee comment about the testing procedure regarding the issues raised. Thanks.
  4. Well, I have read the procedure for testing the Wild Bunch ammo. Hence, my statements. Too much is riding on the power factor to not have it done correctly and be fair to all. Again, I, for one would like to see optimal consistency.
  5. There may be some inaccuracies or variations from the prescribed procedure,with the procedures for testing stated above. It was stated that the muzzle could be pointed up or down, just be consistent. That is not how it to be done; the muzzle is to always be level. The tipping is not to be done, at least that is what I was told and may have read. It tipping the muzzle prior to testing each round is allowed, Please state that as "official." The testing, as noted in the rules is to be the average of three of the four fired rounds. At least two must register to be averaged. The bullet is to be weighed after being pulled; the shooter's statement of the bullet weight is not acceptable. One big potential problem is the angle of the bullet path. If the bullet path is not exactly perpendicular to the both sensors, the distance traveled is farther than the distance between the sensors, and the velocities will be lower than expected. This may be difficult to achieve without using a laser boresight device to see that the setup is actually true. Chronography is not as simple as any of us would like! I, for one would like some of the statements clarified, and corrections made to my statements as necessary. Thanks
  6. Thanks Always good to try to confirm things.
  7. In the Modern category, is it allowed to have a brass bead as part of the front sight? I presume it is allowable, since there can be colored inserts of the front sight, just no fiberoptic type inserts. Thanks
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