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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Allie Mo

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Everything posted by Allie Mo

  1. Hi, I think PWB's instructions for a jacked out round in CAS for the rifle would apply to WBAS too. https://www.badmanbullets.com/oowss.com/SASS%20Rules%20Docs/Reload%20choices%20(edit%20Sept12).pdf The shooter has the option of reloading immediately, 5th shot for the mag., or at the end of the string. The Barney Fife magazine would have been helpful in either case. If he reloads immediately, the BF round would be on the fifth shot from that mag. black target. Then proceed with the scenario. Or he could insert a full 5 round mag. and pick up the last black target with the new mag., then follow the scenario, and insert the BF round at the end of the pistol. What he did would just be a miss, if I understand the OP. Regards, Allie PS I hope that made sense, if not just look at PWB's explanation. PPS It would be helpful to use the same ejected round logic as PWB provided for an ejected rifle round, rather than having a different call for WBAS.
  2. Hi Dan..., I have room for six mags. The normal inhabitant of the mag. that is farthest back, is the Barney Fife bullet. In other words, that mag. only contains one bullet. In a WBAS class, I was told that would likely come in handy. It sure has. I've lost count of the number of times something went amiss and I needed just one. If we have a 30 round stage (rare), I put the Barney mag in my pouch. Regards, Allie
  3. Hello, This just seems strange. I was watching a thread and received notice of a post. The return address was The SASS Wild Bunch Forum (marshal@cascity...) Regards, Allie
  4. Hi Lone Dog, I found you in the error log for 5/29 with a different IP (Internet Provider) address. I looked it up and it hasn't been banned. I checked your account and did not find a reason for your being bumped. Do you still have the same email address as before? If not, that could be the problem. Please PM me your new email, if any, and I can change it. Can you get on now? Regards, Allie
  5. Hi Folks, Several people were booted while the techs were working on the forums one day. Since then, they are still (well maybe not over the weekend) working on it as we are still getting spam, only less of it. Only 46 posts last night. I wrote everyone who wrote me and they got back on, as, I see, Lone Dog did. Regards, Allie
  6. Thanks for the replies. I saw a gent with a pink clothes pin at our State match.
  7. Hi Folks, Do you have a little trick to ensure you pull the trigger? I've seen clothespins. Do you have another thingy (technical trigger term) you use as a reminder? Thanks, Allie
  8. I absolutely love mine. I picked the trims, colors, buckle and Wildcat John from the Kings River Regulators made it.
  9. [move]Welcome Will Lynchem![/move]
  10. [move]Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year![/move]
  11. Okay! I stand corrected. I think links would be helpful. https://www.congress...-bill/1356/text
  12. That bill was vetoed by the President. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1735/titles
  13. Hello, I am not sure this is true. The following Website has a list of signed legislation as recent as 11/25. I could not find it. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/signed-legislation Regards, Allie
  14. [move]Yeah Nawlins and LPL![/move]
  15. Hi Lost, We also have an Open Category at Gold Country Wild Bunch. It is usually populated by people shooting non-standard guns. A score is listed with the Open shooters below the others. Regards, Allie
  16. Hi CK, I'm not a gun authority or even a winning shooter. However, I had problems with AAs, which any of us can encounter and not like. Now I only use green Remmies for WB. They work much slicker. I save the AAs for single loading at a SASS match. As soon as all of those AA hulls are gone I will only use Remmies, green for usual WBAS/CAS, grey for BP, and gold for super Kaboomers. Regards, AM
  17. Yep! The optional sixth stage is a shooter favorite. Very few people leave.
  18. WB Tom, You've seen our set up. How do you feel it compares with others? I feel our targets are hittable, even if I don't, for even me. El Mulo, In my area, we have a dedicated WBAS club and I think attendance is pretty good. The "problem" is that we have many other matches to compete with, CAS, IDPA.... Yes, this is California! ;) Regards, Allie
  19. Hello, Regarding El Mulo's comment about the lack of growth in WB, I blame the clubs with small, far targets, and complicated scenarios. I'm not just pulling this out of my bonnet. I have heard it from top tier SASS shooters. I was glad to hear that the last two EOT matches have not held with that match model. Also, the requirement for a .40 or greater caliber rifle has been mentioned as a deterrent to new members. Regards, Allie
  20. PS That sounds fun, except for the tactical reloads. I fear I would get confused when shooting WB. I like the "slicing the pie" idea, unfortunately, it could lead to safeties by SASS/WBAS rules, if you move your feet instead of just lean. I bet you would like W3G. It has very few non-safety rules and the safety rules are very similar to SASS, no Procedurals as you shoot targets as you encounter them going around barricades. You either miss or, if you move back unsafely, you get a safety. The first time I shot it, at my home venue, we taped cardboard. At Piru, The Deadwood Boys, you paint metal targets. I wish we did that at SASS matches. I've heard the argument that it would take too many people, which is not totally true as the matches I've attended had one counter and two painters/tapers. All shooting sports are good and can interest more people in our 2A rights, if they can find one they like. I believe SASS is the most family or previously non-shooting oriented sport and wish it were promoted more.
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