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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Flying W Ramrod

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Everything posted by Flying W Ramrod

  1. As stated before. Contact your WBTG and start the ball rolling.
  2. it was changed due to allowing break action shotguns. This makes the break action shotgun users open their shotguns and shuck the hulls as opposed to just discarding the closed, or open, shotgun and moving on.
  3. Stand by for clarifications. Contact your WBTG to get the changes you want started.
  4. Clarification was made. A round, empty or live, in the chamber is a SDQ, a live or expended round on the carrier or in the magazine is still a no call.
  5. Bring, and shoot, what you want. We'll find a category for you.
  6. Wild Bunch at Cowtown. Sunday January 28. Registration 0800 Shooters Meeting 0845 Shooting 0900 Modern - 1911 SASS modern pistol. Model 12, 1897, 1887 shotgun. .40 Caliber lever rifle. Traditional - 1911 SASS traditional pistol. Model 12, 1897. 1887 shotgun. .40 Caliber lever rifle. Open - Any, single stack, 1911 frame .45 Caliber pistol. Any sight configuration. .38, or larger, pistol caliber lever rifle. Model 12, 1897, 1887, or double barrel shotgun. C1 - Same firearms as Open but starts in Condition 1. C1 holsters must completely cover trigger guard. All pistols must have functioning thumb safeties. They will be checked. Come on out and play
  7. Which came out latest, the EOT posting or the new Handbook? If the Handbook is the newest, it takes precedence over the EOT posting. I believe.
  8. Two weeks before EOT. Cowtown Range, 30 minutes from EOT 2024-WILD-BUNCH-STATE-APP.pdf (ccsa-az.com)
  9. The handbooks, usually, come out after Jan 1. I don't know why the WBAS handbook would incorporate the changes to the CAS rules. Different sport, different rules.
  10. Let me be more specific, in case the attorneys and provocateurs become pestilent. SASS Wild Bunch Shooters Handbook 16.3 of January 2022 will be the rules taught. SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting Analysis and Action Plan of November 2023, will also be incorporated into the class. If there is a new SASS Wild Bunch Shooters Handbook issued before the class, that will be used to teach the class. Any further questions?
  11. The current rules plus the analysis changes, and any new rules that come out prior to the class, yes.
  12. SASS will be holding a Wild Bunch RO Class at EOT in 2024. Wednesday, 28 February 2024 Held in the Berger Building Sign in 8:00 Class starts 8:30 First timers $25.00 Refresh $10.00 Bring Lunch/snacks, drinks, and pencil Contact Flying W Ramrod at ramrodwayne@gmail.com for more info or to register.
  13. Don't forget. Wild Bunch RO Class, Friday February 23 at Cowtown Range Classroom Building. 20 minutes from EOT's Ben Avery Range. First timers $25.00 Refreshers $10.00 Class starts at 8:00am Contact Flying W Ramrod at ramrodwayne@gmail.com for more info. See you on the range.
  14. The only way "rifle may not be last" will happen is if .38's are allowed. The ability of the TO is NOT the issue here.
  15. Which is one of the reasons why the .38 should not be allowed at state or higher matches
  16. mine doesn't. The Queen's doesn't and it's a mernickle rig. Lots of them don't.
  17. Folks, concerning the "Condition 1" idea. Every shooting sport, that utilizes Condition 1 to start, require the holster cover the entire trigger guard. This is to keep the finger off the trigger when drawing your pistol If we go Condition 1, everyone will have to get a new holster. Just FYI
  18. Come to the Arizona State Shoot at Cowtown in February. It's not SASS sanctioned either.
  19. J Frank can't open this. I downloaded it from the chronicle email and it's in .pdf. Here it is in .pdf SASS WBAS 2023-2024 FINAL.pdf
  20. I use Ed Browns. Love them. Kingsnake sells them and will engrave your alias on the edge so they can be returned to you. Although it took a year for me to get one back from a match, I did get it back 😄
  21. WBAS RO/MD Handbook Page 23 Pistol Magazines • Standard length only. • A pad may be added to the base of magazines so long as it conforms to the following requirements: o It is made of natural leather material only. o It is no larger than the contour of the base of the magazine. o The total thickness of the base pad may not extend more than 1/4" beyond the original base plate.
  22. Does it conform to these specs? "This category substitutes a rifle caliber lever action rifle for a SASS main match rifle with rifle targets set further out. Rifle caliber lever action or pump action as manufactured before WW1 ended. Rifle caliber is defined as having a minimum 1.8” cartridge case length. The 1895 Winchester and the Savage 99 originals or reproductions along with period correct receiver mounted peep sights are legal for TR." SASS WB Range Operations and Match Director Guide Pg. 20 If so, you're good to go.
  23. If it's just "overall" no buckles. If it's category, buckles. Top 10 buckle, no thanks. Top Category, buckle. The other 2+ in the category, something else.
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