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Dusty's enthusiasm for Wild Bunch and BAMM, and now GAMM, is contagious!  He has 'infected' at least 23 BAMM shooters in Central and Southeastern Texas, and there is a growing number looking for a Garand for use in GAMM! There are some Garands now stashed in safes that are being oiled up, loads are being developed for anticipated action.  Dusty has made significant contributions to our game!

GAMM guessing is gas action military match or Garand military  match?


Interesting but isn't that getting a bit outside of WB era?  I know just a side match, but heck why not drag out the 1903 poget hammerhead and have a WB pocket pistol side match? POP?


First all thank you everyone for the kind words.

LV , Garand Action Military Match GAMM. Yes it is a later rifle. Yes it is an absolute blast.

Although it is later there are ton’s of these out there already in shooters hands and there’s not the type of match like BAMM for them so we shot garands at state as a side match and it was extremely well received! Wild bunch competitors are shooters that like variety and challenges. Bottom line it’s fun! GAMM is just a local grassroots side match. I take it you mean an 03 hammerless pocket colt? Actually we’ve been kicking that around as another possible side match and have been using mostly a hammerless 380 to experiment with. Excellent little pistols that are surprisingly accurate! Lots of 32 and 380’s already out there. At the Texas state match we always try to put on well thought out side matches that are different and entertaining. We had 10 side matches at 18’  who knows what excitement awaits shooters in 19’? I think you need to pack your bags and travel to our next state match. I will put a Garand in your hands and a smile on your face! Dusty B


Shot a Garand, nice and yep glad someone is giving it a go.  Sure would  be nice for a POP side match as well.

Working on trying to get a BAMM side at next Bordertown.  No promises but trying to grow interest. 

LV, If you can get a BAMM together I think it will be very well received. Texas state this year held the BAMM on Friday and more than 85% of the registered shooters attended! A really good way to get interest in BAMM starts with one or two shooters having a rifle and plenty of ammo announce a demo at the end of the monthly match show folks unfamiliar with stripper clips and bolt actions how to do what then let them shoot a course of fire 10 rounds at hittable targets. Hooked! Did this at a state match when we were just beginning, handed the rifle to Grouchy Spike he shoots the course enjoys goes home to South Texas and is directly responsible for getting it off the ground, noticed and into comancheria days. I bet he has personally gotten at least 30-35 shooters involved in BAMM.



Well C.N. Double and I have been talking. Not sure yet where things are at.  The normal range is not really set up for BAMM distances but that has not stopped us quite yet.


Bordertown in which WB was only a side match (1 day, 4 stages) drew I think about 50 shooters.  We are going to push that now still as a side match but to two days and 8 stages if things go well.  Maybe try to get BAMM there as well.  The enthusiasm is there just logistics mostly at this point.    Got some pretty decent WB shooters here in AZ (I am not one of them but that does not mean I don't try).  My wrists have degraded and after six stages of WB pretty much hand and fingers are going numb but that does not mean that I want others to come and have a great time and push WB.


Doughboy C.N. Double loved when he went down TX way.  Sounds fun but again the current set up at the range is not set up for that. 


Well good luck with the GAMM and I hope (yes I call it POP - POcket Pistol) might make a go.  I really want to drag out the 1903 Pocket Hammerless.  If the TX boys run one sure would be nice.


LV, if space is tight, say 35-50 yards just go to smaller targets. It’s still BAMM or doughboy. If good targets are laying around that are 6 to 8” that will supply plenty of competition. I was going to ask about pop🤠 makes sense now! Clever! Also I guess they are pop guns compared to our 45’s. Great idea turning the WB match into 8 stages over 2 day’s. Really good thinking! I bet you have shooters that just shoot that. As said before WB competitors are shooters,that’s what they show up for along with the good folks they get to compete with. This is why we try to have our main match along with the 10 side matches this past year. CN Double shot everyone of them and he had a large time! Heck of a good guy and a heck of a shooter!



I also want to echo how great it was to read another fantastic article by Dusty Boddams! It was fun to read about the match and see photos of some of the good folks I met last year in Cleburne. In fact, it got me curious about the 2019 OK State WB match...


I got in contact with Hondo Tweed, who quickly and enthusiastically encouraged me, and now I'm considering a grand October adventure that includes OK State WB (Oct 4-6), then monthly matches with the folks in OKC the following weekend (Oct 12th CAS and 13th WB), then heading down to Cleburne for the TX State match (Oct 18-20?), and finally heading home just in time to host our own big WB and BAM (hopefully) matches at Bordertown 2019 (Oct 22-27).


Thanks again to all those TX and OK pards who do so much for our sport, and for helping me buy rifles I didn't know I needed :)


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