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Good evening folks, i am looking for a light winchester 231 match load.

I've been using 4.0gr of Titegroup behind 230 grains RN bullets for the last few years with relative success, but everybody keeps telling me that I should use something slower and less snappy than titegroup... (ok, i am running out of titegroup)

Anyone use w 231 behind 230 grains LRN ?




Four Fingers Fred, from the Ottawa Valley Marauders


To get back to original question, Win 231 will work fine in .45 auto and with a 230 grain slug.  I've loaded that to about 165 PF (years ago) and it's a nice, reliable load.  Try about 4.5 grains, and chrono in YOUR pistol because velocities in 1911's vary quite a bit gun to gun.


Good luck, GJ


To the OP,

I load 4.3 gr of Win 231 with a 230 gr LRN with hi-tek coating. OAL 1.225" with a tight crimp.

Gives me a PF of 160 here in Arizona in the 1911's Shotgun Shannon and I use.




When we used W231 in Precision Bullseye with a 200gr SWC H&G #68 bullet we used 4.0 grs.  In Wild Bunch the same 4.0gr of 231 with a 230gr bullet sized to .452 will give you a PF of about 160.  That's using my 1911's with Kart national Match Barrels. The same holds true with WST.  Using WST you can load 3.8grs to 4.0grs with my guns will give about the same PF of 160.  Keep in mind as stated earlier each 1911 will produce different PFs.  Check your loads once you settle on a load of your choice.
FFF I used HP38 or W231 at 3.8. I am using Trail Boss at 3.6. All 230RN with WLP primers. and Goatneck or Dusty Boddams do not duck for cover while I at the line. You will not double charge with TB. 
  On 12/7/2018 at 11:48 PM, Watauga Kid said:

FFF I used HP38 or W231 at 3.8. I am using Trail Boss at 3.6. All 230RN with WLP primers.


Kid, how much PF are you making? I load 4.0 TB to hit 160 PF with a 230 gr LRN bullet and Federal Large Pistol Primers.

Power factor is a moving target. DB was correct that 4.5 gr was high. My records show when I first started using Goatneck's load, I started with 3.8 gr. Over the years I have bumped that up to 4.2 to get a PF of 162. Change anything and the PF changes; bullets, SP vs LP brass, primers or pistol. I generally chronograph a sample of my match ammo before I leave for a major match. I learned that several years ago at Winter Range when my pistol ammo chrono'ed at 150.5 PF. I had bumped the powder bar adjustment when I was loading for the match.

Wow, celsius, had convert that. It is the temperature of the rounds not the temperature of the air the makes the difference. Load your rounds in mags and keep them warm until they are ready to be chronographed. 


Knew a IPSC shooter who had to put his ammo in on the dash board in the sunlight to make PF at a winter match. In service rifle we kept our ammo in an ice chest (no ice) to keep powders like 748 from going crazy in the summer sun.



One reason a lot of shooters settle in on Winchester Super Target (WST) powder is it's temperature insensitivity.  In fact, it is slightly slower in hot temperatures.  So, a load worked up in the summer will almost always maintain the same or higher power factor in cold temps.


Clay Dot is another powder that is very consistent over a range of normal temperatures. 


Good luck, GJ

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