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Can we get the Model 25 on the agenda for discussion to be approved. Should have been approved at the same time as the Model 12 and I cannot comprehend why it was not or possibly it was not even considered. Did the ptb just not think about it at the time or what? Be that as it may, there is absotively posilutely no reason for it to not be welcomed into the fold at the earliest opportunity. Is there?...


  Lone Dog my friend the Model 25 was not considered for Wild Bunch competition.  It was talked about but not considered at all.  Why would someone want to own a model 25 when they could buy the Mod 12 which is a superior shotgun.  I rest my case.................Mr. Lone Dog.  Hey I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.  I got you signed up for the WB RO Class. 



You know the model 25 is a great shotgun just like the model 12. Stocks inner change. There are internal differences. Jokes aside its just not legal cause it's not legal. No reason really except for stopping rule creep. The right call was made with the model 12 and making it THE best legal shotgun for WB. The powers that be handled the shotgun issue very well or we would have Stevens 520,rem 10,11, 870 "hey it looks the same", browning a5's and so on. On the upside if it were legal I wonder how many competitors would like starting out with a 2 round handicap?  ;Dit would always enable a great excuse why they didn't win!

Well phooey I did not know they only hold 4 in the mag. Never mind. No skin offa my fat nose as I have about a half dozen M12s and a dozen or so US and PRC 97s. I can get 6 in my two Chinee 87s and still leave the chamber empty howsabout we let those in? Har!


Looking forward to it Mr Bursey, what's for breakfast?



Which brings up another pet peeve. Why write the stages for 6 sg shells and lettin' ole WBT get rich on those 97 kits? Ha Ha! I know the answer -- more shootin' the merrier.


You  know I used to be on the 7 round bandwagon but here lately I am plenty happy with the 5 round limit. Last Sat the CASers had us ounumbered 6 to 3 and about half the stages we just shot 2 mags and the others just 3. Also 4 sg shells a few times. For the simple reason to get up to the dining hall before it got too oppressively hot. It started out way too humid for this fat boy


Thanks Lone Dog, but no, I surely ain't gettin rich.... LOL


And just for the record... Model 25's "sometimes" say "MODEL 12" on the barrel...I had one like that.

And yes, I lnew it was truly a Model 25.

It had (key word) nice wood. Gun is gone, but the wood is on one of my 12's.

So be careful out there folks.

If the left side of the receiver on the flat has a slot showing the slide action bar.... It isn't a "12"

Still nice guns however.

Winchesters attempt to save some costs on the Model 12.....

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