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Hi Folks,


I recently received a match flier that said the following, "Make sure you bring your Big Boy Britches 'cause the targets will be small and far. This is a REAL WILD BUNCH MATCH!"


Is that your opinion of a "Real" Wild Bunch Match? If not, what are your thoughts.


Thanks for any feedback!



My opinion, and its worth exactly twice what you paid for it, is there should be some small and far targets. And some big and close targets. And some small and close targets, And some big and far targets. Some flyers. Some knock downs. More pistol and shotgun and less rifle. Some challenging scenarios but not brain teasers that are P traps. Lots of transitions. Lots of movement. A lot of freedom for the shooter to choose from where to shoot and in what order to shoot guns. Just a few of my thoughts, Allie.

Some amount of bragging and implied running down of other matches could be read into that advert.  Hopefully it's in good fun.  "Big Boy Britches" - well, I believe our costuming rules already keep out the shorts and speedos.  :o


I believe in the big tent theory.  There is room for all kinds of WB matches.  As long as the WB rules are followed, spotters stay awake, shooters enjoy it and it runs smoothly, I'll shoot what is out on the bays.


It's nice to have a heads up that targets may be set to emphasize accuracy over speed, but I like shooting both kinds. I've found I do better at the accuracy matches recently, but I love Bordertown's WB "side" match, too, and it's all speed. I'm still trying to learn how to set my "expected shooting cadence" clock to properly match the targets.  The more variety, the more chances to tune my clock.





Well, I figure we all have to shoot whatever is presented. If ya asked every participant at a given match what they wanted, you would get that many different answers. As fellow Match Directors know..... We never make all the folks happy. Lucky if ya make a few happy...

Everyone has their take on a good stage or stages.

My answer has been get a few folks involved for the bigger matches writing the stages, and that presents a mix of different scenarios.


Just sayin.


I know exactly the match of which is being spoken of.

And yes..... It will be a tad challenging in regards to placement and size of targets.

But, again, we all have to shoot the same stages.....

Just sayin..


AND, it is a FUN match..... Great people as well. AND, side activities are, well, resourceful if you choose to participate.


See ya




My opinion, and its worth exactly twice what you paid for it, is there should be some small and far targets. And some big and close targets. And some small and close targets, And some big and far targets. Some flyers. Some knock downs. More pistol and shotgun and less rifle. Some challenging scenarios but not brain teasers that are P traps. Lots of transitions. Lots of movement. A lot of freedom for the shooter to choose from where to shoot and in what order to shoot guns. Just a few of my thoughts, Allie.


Boggus you just described a GCWB match written by Sutter Lawman!




My opinion, and its worth exactly twice what you paid for it, is there should be some small and far targets. And some big and close targets. And some small and close targets, And some big and far targets. Some flyers. Some knock downs. More pistol and shotgun and less rifle. Some challenging scenarios but not brain teasers that are P traps. Lots of transitions. Lots of movement. A lot of freedom for the shooter to choose from where to shoot and in what order to shoot guns. Just a few of my thoughts, Allie.


What Bogus said!  And as WBT said FUN! 




Maybe the question should be "What makes a Real WB shooter"? We seem to like punishment, challenging scenario's, small targets, lots of movement and high round counts! It's a lot of FUN and we keep coming back for more!




Hi Folks,


Tully and I both shoot Gold Country Wild Bunch monthlies and they have the CA State WB match. I've only shot WB side matches at any other club. None were what was described in that flier.


I know WB is not CAS with a 1911. However, I believe that many SASS clubs have evolved to the point where all of the targets are hittable by most shooters for a reason. People like hits. Happy people come back.


One thing we do, that I've heard some do not approve of is make ups. (Our SG are still non-Comstock.) For example, on plate racks or dueling trees, we will have 10 rounds for 5 or 6 targets. They are small, but hittable with that many rounds. Sometimes, we will have make ups on other small targets. Fast accurate people will excel while the people like me have a chance to be clean. I like that. It doesn't improve my placement; but there is a warm fuzzy feeling to being almost clean. I have yet to clean a WB match. However, I feel better with fewer misses. I've heard of other WB matches where a shooter at my skill level would have 30 or more misses. It is very unlikely that I'd go to a match like that unless it was very close to me.




Allie Mo


A "real WB match" in my opinion.  Should have a mixture of fast stages that allow those with speed to excel as well as accuracy stages and movement! Shotgun reloads from time to time and birds! Less rifle. Lots of movement! 4-6 magazine changes,  but not using the same targets just for the sake of a higher round count.


Did I mention Movement?


All targets should be hit able for all shooters! Of course that means the shooter needs to be capable of hitting dueling tree or hostage taker targets at WB target distances. Practice, practice, practice...


"WB isn't cowboy with a 1911"! I think that qiute sums up what a "Real WB match" should be.







Allie, darling! I only know of two people to ever clean a WB match and I ain't one of them! A monthly match, it may happen but a major match is doubtful. Silver Tip shot WR clean this year and JT Wild shot EOT clean a couple years ago.

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