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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Kid Rich

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Everything posted by Kid Rich

  1. Contact your TG and talk to him or her about it. kR
  2. It could be. I personally know WB shooters who were in it from the start and have quit shooting WB because in some peoples minds it should be a marathon. They feel it is no longer an enjoyable sport and have voted with their feet. kR
  3. CN don't got slow in his vocabulary. kR
  4. If the spring weight is proper to the load you are shooting the spent cartridge should LAND 3'-9' from the shooter. kR
  5. Thanks. kR
  6. I have one that does that to me. It is a mid 20's Argentine Colt 11.25 mm. I think the old ones are supposed to bite ya. kR
  7. I was NOT being sarcastic. kR
  8. Take your Pro Steel guns the next time you go to a match and introduce them to it. kR
  9. I think the survey about joining the SASS forum pretty much describes how WB shooters feel about becoming a category in SASS. kR
  10. You must have a unique club. We shoot all over the US and have not encountered "Cowboy hostility" towards WB anywhere. Also most of the shoots we attend do not have the 3 target Nevada sweeps at 3-4 yards. We just finished a state match that had a higher than usual number of clean shoots, they had 6. Targets were out far enough to make it interesting. Doc, I think you need to travel a little and expand your horizens. Short while back we attended a match that had Pro steel, WB and CAS. In a couple of weeks we will be at another match that will have all three again. kR
  11. Do you have a list? kR
  12. In my opinion it would not take very long for the BS that goes on on the SASS wire to permeate the WB forum if it were made a part of the same web site. kR
  13. I shot with you at CD and you told me you used store bought ammo. You still should check every round before you use it. As far as the CM mags if they are the older ones that do not have the stronger construction they will give you problems. Most of the problems I saw you having at CD I would say were mag or ammo related. kR
  14. Doc An absolute necessity is check your ammo. If you use crappy ammo in an expensive custom gun you will not like the results. kR PS your mags also make a difference.
  15. Doc With a small amount of work your RIA could become your favorite match gun. kR
  16. most of the time gun problems are ammo related. kR
  17. Shooter did get a restart. But after every body stopped laughing I told him we should consider those three or four rounds that were cycled as rounds downrange. He took it in the manner it was intended. He's a good sport but he did take a little ribbin about that. kR
  18. A big thanks to Nellie Blue and Dusty. I have shot with both of them and hope to again in the future. kR
  19. ??? Looks to me like the mag would extend beyond the magwell if it did not have the leather on it. kR
  20. Nice, J Frank Thank you kR
  21. She should not pull the slide. The hand and arm that holds the slide should be held immobile against her side and then push the frame of the gun with her other hand this is much easier to do. kR PS check J Franks post and do it like that.
  22. Pcc- shoot knockdowns until down, misses on static targets are scored as misses. kR
  23. Light enough to fire when you want to without excess force and heavy enough to require a conscious effort to fire it. Different for differnt people. kR
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