Mr. Nor fleet I can do basic math and then some. I disagree when you want to ease the impact of a safety infraction serious enough to earn a stage DQ. 5 seconds per target + 30 seconds does not equal a match DQ.
I'm fine with disagreeing but don't insult my intelligence by saying I cannot do basic math.
Two Dot
The stage points system was a compromise to allow us something closer to total time when it was rank points or nothing. That time has passed. Until we have scoring zones it is either full points or none. Hit or miss. Total time covers this in a more simple manor. This will avoid many of the scoring "anomalies" that seem to plague our major matches.
Maybe we should see what our shooters prefer?
Two Dot
Hey Boggus, I'm pretty sure the guy
pulling the trigger had more to with
Your wins than which bullets you use.
I do agree that the 230 is a great choice
and is what I use for bigger matches.
Two Dot