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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Two Dot

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Everything posted by Two Dot

  1. Get Bogus Deals firing pin. It doesn’t use the retractor.
  2. Might take longer than you want but Bogus does a great job on checkering front straps. He did a couple for me.
  3. The problem with your idea is that at larger matches there is no way to guaranty that every t.o. will be top notch. Like spotters, not all t.o. s are created equal. Another consideration is the buildings or props that make it extremely difficult to be in position to pick up light .38 rifle loads.
  4. Can’t see where we are not there now.
  5. Try some Remington hulls. Either sits ot gun clubs. If I remember correctly they are a bit smaller in diameter.
  6. Don’t!!!!
  7. I’m not Bogus, but removing that lever helps the gun run smoother.
  8. Not all of the conversions have a working slide lock. Not sure if yours does. If not, it’s operating as designed.
  9. If it’s a 12 gauge it’s legal
  10. Just wanted to say thanks to the crew at Los Pistoleros and the Chisum Cowboys for the great fun I had this weekend. Congrats to the winners!
  11. Don’t know for sure but I based my travel plans on side matches Friday, main match on Saturday and Sunday. Same as last year. Hope J Frank or Boguss chime in if I’m wrong so I can pack the car and bug out now.
  12. That’s a P. Incorrect number of rounds on 2 different targets.
  13. I carry 4 extras on my belt. Many do fine with 2.
  14. Just got my frames back from Boggus. Very pleased. Excellent work at a fair price! Thanks
  15. Aim surplus has ppu ammo for $18.99 a box in today’s email ad.
  16. J Frank the results will be posted shortly on Cowtowns website. No we didn’t make 80 shooters. We had about 40. We lost about 20 when WR was canceled.
  17. Yep, excellent match. Nice to see you and meet Penny.
  18. We would have loved to have you shoot with us. It was a great match with awesome friends.
  19. Merry Christmas to all!
  20. That works or a wood crate over the top with the center cut out.
  21. Your gun, your choice. I look at from a competition standpoint rather than a historical one. Enjoy your pistol and our game.
  22. If it’s warranty, that’s great. My experience with staked in sights has led me to have dovetails cut in for front sights on all of my pistols.
  23. It’s much better than the 900 and 999 they used to use.
  24. 5seconds per shot plus 30 seconds.
  25. Just wanted to thank Bogus Deal, J Frank Norfleet and everyone else for a great match and wonderful weekend at the COVID Classic. Congrats to the winners. Also thanks to Misty and Ruby from the SASS office. Two Dot
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