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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Dead Head

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Everything posted by Dead Head

  1. Before I sell my .45 Colt 1873 rifle and all my loaded .45 Colt ammo and Dillon reloading head and .45 bullets, I just want to make sure that rifle reactive targets will be set for the new lower 60 power factor at State, Regional, National and EOT Championships. I am planning on shooting .357 MAG cases with a good amount of Trail Boss. Or maybe just stick with my full .357 MAG case of 3F APP.
  2. Thank you. It is helpful for planning purposes.
  3. Will the Wild Bunch days of 2023 Land Run be the same as 2022? For example, Warm-up events on Saturday, 5 stages on Sunday and 5 stages on Monday?
  4. Link to the synopsis of the 2022 WB Rule changes: https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/Synopsis%20of%202022%20RULE%20CHANGES%202022-01-09.pdf
  5. Link to said changes: https://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/handbooks/Synopsis%20of%202022%20RULE%20CHANGES%202022-01-09.pdf
  6. I think there should be a way to get to the WBAS Forums from the SASS Forums list and keep the existing forums on the WBAS Forum also. I bet we would pick up a lot more traffic.
  7. I would hope the Handbook gets corrected as most people would see it as the dominant document of the two.
  8. Thank you.
  9. Or have the WBAS Match Director tell us the round count. Surely they have completed writing the stages by now.
  10. While looking through the 2022 Handbook page 25, I noticed that in the Stage Conventions #9 it says, "9. If no starting position is given, the shooter shall stand fully erect with pistol holstered, hands at the side not touching any firearm." The SYNOPSIS OF 2022 WILD BUNCH RULE CHANGES and CLARIFICATIONS As of January 9, 2022 says: 4. Shooter starting position. If no starting position is given by the match rules or stage description, the shooter may start in any position as long as hands are not touching guns or ammunition, including magazines. Which is it?
  11. Or have the WBAS Match Director tell us the round count.
  12. Round count for 2022 Wild Bunch Action Shooting Championships?
  13. Is there a round count for the WB match yet?
  14. Is there a round count yet?
  15. Very well done. It could have been shot clean, although no one did.
  16. Thank you. If you haven't sent it yet, bring it to Winter Range. My Model 12 will be on the way to Phoenix by the time I got it.
  17. If I ordered one from Numrich, would it be "Carrier Assembly, 12 Ga., 2 3/4", Late Model w/ Cartridge Guide & Plunger Assy"?
  18. I got my Model 12 unflagged shotgun (s/n 13491XX - 1953 vintage) back from the gunsmith on Sunday and went to the range to function fire it before giving it to the shooter taking it to Phoenix for me. He had smoothed a part of left part of the trigger group that he thought the base of the shell may have been hitting and cocking the shell to the right. I loaded six and racked it like I was a speed demon and the first round jammed (the front right edge of the shell jamming on the front right edge of the chamber (1/8" or so catching). I pushed the shell to the left a little so it went in and continued the exercise. I shot that one and the next one jammed also. I pushed the front part of that shell over and slowed down a little and didn't rack it or bring it into battery like I was going as fast as I could and it worked fine. The next three sessions of six rounds each also worked fine if I slowed down a little and didn't try to rack it or go into battery as fast I could. Now if I can remember that when the buzzer goes off at Winter Range! I believe I do need to get a flagged carrier at this stage and see if that helps.
  19. Thank you. That would be worth trying. I just want the damn shotgun to be reliable.
  20. I gave it to a gunsmith in Maine along with two boxes of Winchester Low Noise Low Recoil shells. I ordered a left extractor, pin and spring from Numrich and sent those to him also. Haven't heard if he has had any success yet. I have until Feb. 15 which is when I need to get it to the shooter that is driving my WB guns out to Phoenix. I will fly with my CAS guns.
  21. It has only done it once on the first round. Most are somewhere in the middle of the six. None on the last round.
  22. Photos of the two extractors. The left extractor is not very big. I don't know what it is supposed to look like, so I don't know if the catch has broken off or not. There isn't much there to grab the left side of the rim.
  23. Attached are photos of the jam and the lifter. The front right side of the shell hits the front right side of opening of the chamber.
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