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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Dead Head

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Everything posted by Dead Head

  1. On Tuesday afternoon I tried it again and got two failure to feed (right edge of the shell hitting the front right edge of the chamber) out of 18 rounds. I went home and ordered a new left extractor, spring and pin from Numrich. I took some photos, but couldn't get them to load.
  2. So, I go back to the range to function fire the Model 12 Monday afternoon and it functions perfectly for 3 times of six rounds each. The only difference was a rubbing a light coat of Rem Oil over everything. I am betting it is the left extractor as when it was jamming the front right edge of the shell was jamming on the front right edge of the chamber and the only way it could do that (in my non-gunsmith mind) would be if it wasn't being held by the left extractor. Maybe when I rubbed the oily patch on the left extractor (and everywhere else I could reach), it got it working again. All my factory Winchester Low Recoil rounds were fine in the shell chamber checker. Will try it again this afternoon.
  3. Non-flagged.
  4. I've got a Model 12 that will jam once or twice or three times out of six shots. The front right edge of the shell will jam against the right edge of the chamber. The brass base is under the extractor. I can open it a little and push the front of the shell to the left and it goes into the chamber fine. Sometimes the next shell or one or two later will do the same thing (jam against the right edge of the chamber). Oh, and yesterday while testing it I tried leaning the shotgun to the left (20-40 degrees) to see if that helped. It didn't. Any ideas?
  5. The 1911 worked well on Friday with two 28 round pistol stages and one 42 round pistol stage. No failure to eject with my new 15 pound Wolff recoil spring and a cleaned-out extractor channel. And my Model 12 worked well on all three stages! I'm making progress.
  6. Thanks to all for the input! I do gauge all my rounds so that is not the issue. I will inspect the rims for damage. I did take the extractor out and I am ashamed to say that it was pretty gunky in there. I got that whole channel cleaned out and did the firing pin area also. I have ordered a 15 pound recoil spring and 14 pound recoil spring that are due Wednesday. I think I will start with the 15 pound spring. Between the cleaned up extractor and the slightly lighter recoil spring I hope all goes well on Friday at the Wild Bunch Mini-Match at the SASS Maine State Championships. As everyone knows, shooting a Wild Bunch match without issues is a LOT more fun. My Model 12 is running better, but I must not be running it as well as I could be as I had a round pop out during the 3 stage Wild Bunch at the SASS NH State Championships last weekend. I can load a shotgun round a lot faster that I can clear a stuck .45 ACP case with rounds pushing up from below holding it in place. I will work on shotgun this Friday also as it worked fine for Boggus Deal.
  7. What weight recoil spring is recommended for a Colt 1911 .45 ACP pistol shooting a 200 gr bullet going 830-845 fps (PF 166-169)? That may be the issue as I have the original recoil spring in it that is probably designed for full power 230 gr loads. I have no idea what weight it is.
  8. 200 gr HB Bear Creek bullets, 4.9 gr 700-X resulting in PF 165-169. Mixed brass, so that may be the issue. I do gauge every round.
  9. I seem to get about one failure to eject per 3 stage WB mini-match with my Colt 1911. The case is stuck under the extractor and I have a heck of a time getting it loose. Is there something in particular to check on what is causing it?
  10. Under SAFETY PRACTICES page 24: Section 1. ..."Shuffling the feet to maintain balance or adjust shooting stance is allowed as long as the shooter does not actually change location. Section 4. ... never be allowed to move with a live round under a cocked hammer (SDQ). Movement is defined the same as 'traveling' in basketball. Okay, my question is how much movement is movement. A shooter (not me) was at a window shooting and moved a foot or two (moving both feet) to the side with a loaded and cocked firearm, but still in the same window and continued shooting. He was awarded a SDQ for his efforts due to the line referred to in Section 4. above. I thought the intent of Section 1 was to allow you to move some if you stayed at the same location (ie. window or door or table). So, is movement allowed if you stay at the same shooting location (window, door, table, etc.) or limited with shuffling defined as staying in the same spot but just rotating a little?
  11. When I tried it yesterday afternoon with some factory Winchester Low Noise Low Recoil shells having loaded six, it would bring a shell up, but the shell would not go forward into the chamber. It was kind of just stuck there. Sometimes it would work, sometimes not. I'm in New England.
  12. My local gunsmith cut the barrel, installed a bead and made a new spring for the stop, but it is not feeding reliably. Recommendations for a gunsmith familiar with Model 12's for Wild Bunch shooting that I could send it to?
  13. Thanks so much to Renegade Roper, Sixgun Swaby and all the hard workers that made the SASS New York State Wild Bunch Championships a great shoot last weekend. You could tell they were doing their best to make it all happen even with a cold rain on Sunday morning for a while. The targets were hitable, although no one shot clean. We even had a flying rabbit! Information, stages and results http://www.circlekregulators.com/wildbunchchampionships.html.
  14. Thanks, guys. I reset my Dillon 550-B to drop the 5.0 grains of 700-X and it is such a little amount that I may have to go back to Trail Boss so I can see it in the case as I put the bullet on top. I just seem to get some Trail Boss all over my machine and bench as it doesn't always drop smoothly. I am using an electric aquarium water pump rubber banded to the lower part of powder container/powder measure to vibrate it too. It just seems like sometimes the case has already dropped down 2-4" before all the Trail Boss has dropped and some of the Trail Boss misses the case.
  15. Anyone have an idea on how many grains of 700-X are needed with 200 gr bullet in .45 Colt rifle to get 160 PF?
  16. Barbwire said the round count for Friday is 140 pistol, 50 rifle and 30 shotgun.
  17. A very helpful email from Boggus Deal arrived yesterday about the 2018 SASS Wild Bunch National Championships at Winter Range. One of points was that "A single round may be loaded into the chamber." Since you could already do that if you had a Barney Fife magazine loaded with one cartridge, I am assuming this means you could now drop a loose .45 ACP cartridge in the chamber and allow the slide to go forward with the extractor hopefully slipping over the rim and chambering the round fully allowing you to shoot that round. I have always been told that this 'loose round method' of chambering is very hard on the extractor and will break it as it has to move sideways out of the way enough to get over the rim. Maybe not break it the first time you do it, but sooner than later. When you load a cartridge via a magazine the rim slips up behind the extractor from below. Is loading the loose round in the chamber now the recommended way to load one round quickly or is it just an option that most of the good shooters won't do?
  18. I just emailed the Winter Range webmaster with a suggestion to update the Ammunition page to reflect the revised round count for Wild Bunch. They have one line showing what the CAS round count is and another line showing the round count for the Wild Bunch. If you go to the Wild Bunch page, it is correct there.
  19. The Winter Range website under 'Ammunition' still shows 250 pistol, 100 rifle and 75 shotgun.
  20. Thanks all!
  21. I currently have three 2-magazine pouches on my left side as I am right-handed. I have a hard time reaching the rear two magazines as they are so far back with the extra spaces between the three pouches. Is there any problem with having a leather maker make a single 6-magazine pouch with the normal spacing between magazines versus having three 2-magazine pouches so I can do away with some of that extra total length?
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