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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Correct! Good observation. Thanks, Blackfoot :)
  2. It is a good idea to gauge every round, mixed headstamps should not cause a problem. Sounds like your load is adequate to operate the gun. In addition to what G.J. stated the problem could be lack of lube on the slide rails or the operating spring (recoil spring) too strong. Either of these problems will slow the slide and not let it move to the ejector with enough force. Blackfoot
  3. Tell us about bullet weight, powder charge and velocity. Blackfoot
  4. If you really want to do it ALL (including BAM and shotgun) with one powder, Red Dot will do it. May not be the best in all of them but it will do it. Blackfoot :)
  5. Oops, maybe someone tried to fix the shell stop so that it would keep the shell completely in the magazine tube like a '97. Wouldn't be the first time! Blackfoot
  6. Tell us where you are and give a little information about what it is actually doing. Blackfoot
  7. I need to buy a GI Butt plate for an 03A3, straight stock if that matters. Thanks, Blackfoot
  8. We have started Doughboy Category at our monthly Wild Bunch matches at the Oakwood Outlaws. We have smaller targets scattered about at distances of about 40 to 75 yards, bears, pigs, buzzards, turkeys and such. It is a really FUN category. We shoot on Monday after our regular week-end match. Blackfoot
  9. Magazine pouches can hold either one or two magazines, one magazine per loop. At least 2 inches of the magazine must be covered by the magazine pouch. Hope this helps, Blackfoot
  10. We don't have to do it a certain way or do a certain thing just because it is done that way in other pistol disciplines. For those shooters who want to have practice drawing and firing from condition one, there are plenty of other shooting disciplines that offer that opportunity. :) Blackfoot
  11. Seems like you already knew the answer! Blackfoot :P
  12. We southpaws live in a right handed world....and do quiet well in it!! Blackfoot :)
  13. Is a 170gr bullet legal in? WB I haven't read the 2018 book line for line. Thanks, Blackfoot
  14. The usual is no Wild Bunch Warm-up. Shooters meeting at 8:00am Monday, shooting starts at 8:30. Blackfoot
  15. Stage points Blackfoot
  16. Garrison Joe pretty well nailed it! Blackfoot :)
  17. Everywhere I have been and everywhere I have heard it discussed, 179.9 is not 180. Power factor is only one factor in the formula. For that reason most shooters that I know shoot at least a 185gr bullet. Same goes for min power factor, 149.9 is not 150. Blackfoot
  18. Sounds like you are good to go with necessary irons. The "six round follower and spring" are just that, sounds like you already have a shotgun that will hold six in the magazine. Keep in mind that most shooters bring 5 to 7 magazines for the 1911 to the line. You may need more magazine pouches. They may let you stage some magazines until you get fully fixed with leather. Have Fun Blackfoot
  19. There are a lot of good 7 shot sequences that can be done on target sets that we now use for 5. Blackfoot 8)
  20. That is a misconception that a few non Wild Bunch shooters have. Wild Bunch is a totally separate shooting discipline, it is not Cowboy Action Shooting with a 1911! Blackfoot
  21. I just don't think it is going to happen in a Wild Bunch main match. Blackfoot 8)
  22. The holster pictured looks to me like it meets the requirements for wild bunch competition. Just keep in mind that you also need magazine pouches and reload ammo for shotgun and rifle. Welcome to the fun! 8) Blackfoot
  23. Lone Dog, I also use Fire Fox for my regular browser and I never have a problem as you describe. I may be just lucky but I don't think the browser is the problem. Blackfoot
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