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Grouchy Spike

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Everything posted by Grouchy Spike

  1. Would not the COL would be determined by the bullet weight and the location of the crimp groove? Hodgdon's website shows that a 180 gr RNFP would have a COL of 1.540 but apparently that's not the bullet I'm using. I load a 180 gr RNFP with 6.0 TB and a COL of 1.566, crimping into that bullets crimp groove. To load a shorter round I'd look for a different design or a lower bullet weight.
  2. I'm liking that rule change where the penalty is a MSV instead of SDQ for moving with pistol in hand and the slide forward on an empty chamber. I been bit thrice by that malfunction, twice in one match which was then a MDQ. About having a loaded magazine in the pistol, slide locked back, and pistol leaving the shooters hand? I may become accustomed to that but I'm uneasy at the moment.
  3. Nice shoot'in! Was that a 50 mph tailwind to speed those birds along?
  4. Jackeroo, these may be the keepers to which Branchwater Jack is referring: https://www.amazon.com/Pin-And-Patch-Man-Military/dp/B005ERJTN8
  5. Judge Hangin Knott loaded 500 rounds of 45acp for each of us, so we'll have plenty.
  6. Lots of shooting to be done! How much ammo for side matches, Goatneck?
  7. I note that the thread "WB Scoring Poll' is locked and I'm unable to say thanks to Happy Jack in that threat. So here's a NEW Thread to say "Thanks Happy Jack!"
  8. And they are easy for insomniacs to remember too!
  9. This works. And I can reply to other threads. The PM doesn't work. What's the difference? The error message appears when attempting to reply to a PM from Boggus DEal as well as attempting to create a new PM to him. I can reply to other PMs. I've cleared the browser cache, cookies, history; restarted the browser to no success. Used another browser - Internet Explorer. Same result. I'm feeling a need to go to a safe space. ::)
  10. The first attempt to post a reply to a PM produces the dreaded Database Error message. Again.
  11. 2nd the motion. Move the rifle targets further out. Beyond 25 yards, up to 50 yards!
  12. Now that we can load 7, I posted a notice on the SASS wire: http://www.sassnet.com/forums/index.php?/topic/265621-7-round-magazine-loads-in-the-1911-in-wild-bunch/ I'm looking forward to a growth in WBAS next year as new shooters join us to play the game with fully loaded 7-round magazines!
  13. Garrison Joe, I've just purchased some IMR 4227 to load according to your recipe in the post above. Your recipe that I used for Accurate 5744 that created the key holes was posted here on reply #2: http://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/forum/index.php?topic=2236.0 I've not given up on the 5744, but will load it less than 17.5 grains to be between 1450 and 1600 fps, whatever will group. I'm over a week away from reloading as I'm doing some renovations to the weapons cleaning area in the garage, and all that was on the cleaning area is on the loading benches. That should provide time to receive an order from Purcella for lubed (not coated) bullets.
  14. Hey Garrison Joe, I visited the range with a Model 96 Swedish Mauser and assorted and weighed loads of 5744, 2400, 4895, and RL7; PPU cases, CCI primers, and 155 gr coated bullets from Purcella. All of these bullets are 0.266 to 0.267 diameter and all were sorted by weight to 155 grains. None of the loads at around 1600 fps presented any impressive groups, nothing less than about 8" at 100 yds on targets with a black bull on white paper. The 5744 with 17.5 grains had group of 12 feet. Yep, 12 feet. Bullets were striking from one side of the 25' berm to the other,; the ground in front of the target to the top of the berm. When one round accidentally hit a target, it was key-holing. One of the bullets from that load struck the sun shield support rod on my chrono, despite the care with which I aimed over the center of the chrono. After this session I checked the RCBS balance beam scale against another RCBS, and they measure within 0.05 grains of each other. I used the best chem lab scale techniques too. Comments ? My next range session will use uncoated bullets with conventional lube, as I could shoot a reasonable group with 13.5 gr 2400. I'll also use targets with orange bulls on white paper for better visibility and paint over that black front sight blade with white paint.
  15. Purcella does cast a 6.5mm 150 gr TC GC as he describes it, 0.264 diameter and I request that he size to 0.266". His bullets consistently weight 155 grains with GC and coating. These bullets are long, the GC is at the base of the case neck. I'll dig up the overall length directly and post it. If you PM your email address I'll send pix of the bullet and the loaded round. GJ says "And you want a kinda skinny nose on the slug so you don't have to seat the slug base deeper than the base of the neck - bore riding designs can have chambering problems." He is so correct here. Purcella's is a bore-riding design so seated depth is critical. I'd prefer more taper on the nose.
  16. Another error message today: Database Error. Contact the administrator! Works OK on this thread, does not work in the Reloading thread. Miracles happen, the problem is fixed somehow.
  17. :o Ah, the arrogance of youthful exuberance! ;D I remember those days! ::)
  18. I agree with you Vaquero! Old Wild Bunch shooters never die. They just fade away with a bottle of Aleve! ;D
  19. Lone Dog, you will see at least seven from the Texican Rangers at the State WB match, and you know four of those from your time at Comancheria Days! And five of those are BAMM shooters with 03A3s and K31s.
  20. At least seven from the Texican Rangers will participate in the match! And five of those are BAMM shooters. By match time, another might be converted to BAMM!
  21. After some range time yesterday, I'm thinking ahead that there might be a demand for a new category in Wild Bunch in the not-too-distant future: the Arthritis Category for those of us who have turned the calendar many times and whose hands are taking painful notice of recoil. Maybe 45 ACP loads below the 150 PF or even better 1911s in 9mm with no PF. Is anybody ready to move into this category other than me?
  22. Lone Dog, will the stars align so that you can play at CVV in November? Yeah, I know, it's not 7 round magazines!
  23. Back 40, you'll want to load your own 30-06 with cast bullets, or buy some loads from someone like Hoodoo Brown at CVV. It's much more user friendly to run at 1500 - 1800 fps than 2600 fps! There is a good source of cast bullets (Norm Purcella among others) and recipes available for some proven loads. Try it, you'll like it! For the 30-06, 150 gr cast bullet, 32.5 gr IMR 4064 = 1725 fps. It's amazingly accurate at these ranges out to 200 yds, maybe even further. Others have similar or maybe even more accurate loads.
  24. Not yet. Check the CVV website periodically: www.comanchevalley.org Are you planning to enter the BAM side match?
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