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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Grouchy Spike

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Everything posted by Grouchy Spike

  1. There's no telling what Hondo is planning but you can bet your bottom dollar that you will enjoy this match, both the shooting and the eating! If you have a BAMM rifle, you will enjoy the moving Jeep target too. GAMM? Nobody is talking about it, but if I had a Garand I'd bringing it with me to the match! I'm disappointed that I had to withdraw from the match to do physical therapy, but next year I hope to be shooting at Red Dirt again next year . Y'all enjoy!
  2. ;D Been there, done that too. LOKgrips.com sells G10 grips with the mag release groove in various colors and textures. Nice grips, and they will dress up a 1911.
  3. A groove can be cut in the grip to facilitate the shooter reaching the magazine release, but no material may extend beyond the original profile of the grip. p5 and p6 of the Shooter's Handbook.
  4. Sad news. Dusty Boddams informs that Fred Bursey passed away today. Prayers for Fred and his family. He rode tall in the saddle and will be missed by the SASS community.
  5. Only fiv months to go before we're shooting these State Wild Bunch matches again! Entry forms are Posted: Texas http://www.comanchevalley.org/0W_B%20entry%20form%202019.pdf Oklahoma http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/Wild%20Bunch%20State%202019/Forms/2019%20WB%20State%20App.pdf
  6. The Entry form is posted! http://www.comanchevalley.org/0W_B%20entry%20form%202019.pdf
  7. Dead Head, the NY State WB Championship looks like it was a fun match with a good turnout. And Total Time Scoring to boot. Y'all have a group of hard core WB shooters!
  8. LV, good to hear that you and your K-31 are doing well! Overall length is critical. I gauge every round by running it through the chamber. (observing safety practices) If the bolt doesn't close easily and fully, as evidenced by the position of the end of the operating rod in the bolt, the firing pin can be released but won't contact the primer. Continued hits like that may eventually damage the internals of the bolt. This problem of a cartridge not fully chambering is caused by incomplete sizing all the way to the base or Overall Length. I resorted to a Redding sizing die to solve the problem of sizing. Until I gained confidence in the sizing die, I ran every recised case through the chamber. Occasionally a case will be difficult to resize, indicating a need for some annealing. L.E. Wilson made a run of cartridge gauges to check headspace and overall length of the case, but last time I checked, the supplier (Grafs.com) was sold out. Once used cases are determined to be at correct dimensions, the cases don't usually need further trimming.
  9. This is certain to be another great match if Dusty Boddams et al are involved! If you’re within driving distance I’d recommend that you make plans to join the Lone Star Frontier Shooters. I’ll be recovering from knee surgery so I must beg off. I want those knees fully recovered in time for OK and TX State WB matches, as there is no Handicapped Class.
  10. Congratulations to C.N. Double! He is lightning fast and gaining speed. He will be looking to be top dog at the TX and OK State WB matches I'll bet.
  11. I disagree that Rock Island 1911s are functionally inferior to quality of Rugers. The Government Model Rocks I've had never missed a beat, digested all of several thousand rounds of 45 acp ammo that i fed them. I'm considering the purchase of another, either 45 CCO or a 9mm Gov't. To each his own! Can't speak for ATI quality. Check the 1911 forums for info.
  12. FWIW, I agree with Flash and Abilene - present the scores with Stage Points AND Total Time including misses and other penalties. No objection to Stage Points. Plenty of objection to presentation of Stage Points only!
  13. The Texicans hosted their first GAM (Garand Action Military) side match on 3/9 as part of the BAM side match. Six BAMMers unlimbered their Garands and shot the GAM scenario 15 times until the range closed. Could I say that they were loving it? ;D Dusty Boddams made the five-hour trip from North Texas to join the Texicans for this match. Thanks to the BAMM/GAMM Ambassador for his participation and encouragement! Have you ever wondered just how many military rifle purchases he has generated among us with his enthusiasm? :o If the Texicans board of directors grants approval for more GAM side matches, we’ll shoot more individual scenarios (reloads off the clock) and total the individual scenario scores. I can see that more reloading will be required. Passing gas causes a greater consumption of ammo, quickly! 8)
  14. Goatneck, does not the floating firing pin in the M1 dimple the primers when the bolt is closed? I thought that use of military spec primers would eliminate the possibility of an out-of-battery discharge. Winchester primers are an acceptable substitute I am told.
  15. This load for the M1 was developed by Dusty Boddams. It's not listed under a specific heading in this section, although found in other threads, so I thought that I'd start this thread and make it easy to find the recipe. It is 35.8 gr of IMR 4895 and 170 gr Sil GC 0.310” Cast Bullet by Norm Purcella, Winchester LRP. And the Winchester primer or the CCI #34 military primer. He said that the load could be adjusted slightly up or down to operate a specific M1 rifle AND find the sweet spot in group size. Another Garand shooter, Marshal Willy, shared this load using his favorite power IMR 4198: It is 35.0 gr of IMR 4198 and 150 gr cast bullet.
  16. https://www.guns.com/news/2019/02/27/wild-bunch-cowboy-action-shooting-with-john-clark-video/ Skinny makes a video in support of CAS and WBAS. Well done, Skinny!
  17. This match is held October 4 – 6, 2019 at the OKC Gun Cluib. It is followed by a CMP Match at the OKC Gun Club on October 7 – 13, 2019. There might be some pressure on hotel reservations for those planning to attend the WB match, so if you are not already in possession of hotel reservations I recommend that you make them now!
  18. Blackfoot, I'm hoping to visit the Outlaws this year and join that WB match. Thinking about that I could ride the grub line to Huntsville and bunk there while visiting grandkids, join you on Monday, stay over for the match at Willow Hole Cowboys on the following Saturday. The Comanche Valley Vigilantes, the Outlaws and the Willow Hole Cowboys offer that Doughboy category, hopefully other clubs will do the same soon!
  19. The Texans host their first GAMM side match during the BAMM side match after the cowboy main match weather permitting. Cast bullets only. See the WB Wire for a recommended recipe. Targets from 55 yds to 130 yds. Who plans to unlimber their Garand for this gas challenge?
  20. I note that Burly Bill Brocius has already signed up the 2019 OK State WB match. He’s heard the feedback about the 2018 match no doubt! Bootstrap, have you signed up?
  21. I second the notion! This is a match to experience. Good company, good shooting, good food. Then there's the side matches too! That moving BAMM target is a hoot to shoot. I almost cleaned that side match in2018, but then I hit the last target. October is a Wild Bunch feast for sure!
  22. WK, I hadn't noticed the posting of the registration form until a couple of days ago, likely because of recovery from being run over by my War Wagon (golf cart). However I'm making up for lost time, registration is being mailed today. http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/Wild%20Bunch%20State%202019/index.html I'm thinking chicken-fried steak! And fajitas. And sliders. And watermelon. Then there's the shooting!
  23. From their website calendars: Texican Rangers, Comfort Texas shoots 2019 Wild Bunch on 5th Saturdays 3/30; 6/29; 8/31; 11/30. www.texicanrangers.org Texas Riveria Pistoleros, George West Texas, shoots 2019 Wild Bunch 2/23; 5/25; 9/28; and 12/28. http://www.trpistoleros.com/ South Texas Pistolaros, San Antonio Texas Shoots 2019 Wild Bunch 2/16; 4/20; 6/15; 8/17; 10/19; 12/21 http://www.stxpistolaros.com/
  24. The introduction of the Garand into side matches at Comanche Valley Vigilantes reached a crescendo at the Texas State WB match of 2018 in October, and it's resonating in Central and South Central Texas. Stay tuned for updates about the 'music' of the Garands! The Doughboy category for local Wild Bunch matches is another tune to whistle. Is there some good shooting to be done or what. I'm kinda reacting like a puppy being petted! ::)
  25. Hotel is booked. As soon as the registration form is posted on the website, I'll be mailing it to the MD! :D http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/Wild%20Bunch%20Assets/wild_bunch.html I'm thinking chicken-fried steak already! ;D
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