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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Lone Dog

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Everything posted by Lone Dog

  1. Nope. I am no longer he man or superman. I would not have been able to finish...
  2. I have seen the man stage the rifle and shoot stages. Not a problem. What is extremely painful to watch is when he has a jam with the 1911. What to the rest of us even those of us with severe arthritis would be a momentary solving to a problem is to him a major roadblock. It is very painful to watch. The empathy level gets real high.
  3. Uh, I do believe this was the 4th year in a row not 3rd. And the first one I missed. Also the poorest turn-out of the 4 down half a dozen from the previous 3 year average. That is disheartening to say the least. I will surely bring it back up one next year. Tip of the campaign hat to all in attendance.
  4. So is the general consensus that shok buffs are an un-needed gimmick? Then why does Wilson Combat advocate them so highly? Other than the cash register...
  5. Sometimes around here on the occasional stage we only shoot 2 mags with one mag change. It's all good.
  6. Yes we had some fun last Saturday with 7 round mag scenarios courtesy of Steel Dust Dan. No problems. 7 per mag is coming, I feel it in my bones. Just no good reason not to just go ahead and do it. Maybe not soon but someday and tomorrow is not soon enuff. SIX magazines total SDD? Man you really need to buy some more mags. At least one stage at every match should be 1911 only and 6 will not be sufficient. I have a dozen and need to buy a coupla dozen more! Har! And the sooner the better.
  7. Well SDD I am totally against allowing pencil barrel 6guns in our game. That would just be one more lame excuse to keep the 5 round in the mag limit that is currently holding us back. DA revolvers of the period should be limited to a side match proposition. No need to mix them in with the mighty 1911 in the main match. No need at all. None. I have a couple and I would like to shoot them. But only in a side match.
  8. There is no need to load 10 in the rifle on every stage. Here is where we can get creative. I like to see 5, 6, 8 etc with widely varying distances and arrays with the rifle. After all, no one comes to WB shooting for lever gun toggling. No, the charm of WB is the utilization of the classic 1911. Less rifle can allow more pistol. 5 should be the standard load out for the shotgun. Many old 97s have been cratered trying to wedge 6 in a 5 round tube. There's no sense in it, it's nonsense. 5 is plenty.
  9. Next Sat the 29th we will be loading 7 for all six stages. WAHOO!! It's a start. I am lobbying for cocked and locked at this match. After all, anyone who cannot handle a 1911 stoked with 7 cocked and locked as it was designed for should not touch one, much less pick one up and for sure not try to compete in a modern gun game with one. It was a major mistake to start this game with the 5 round limit. It is seriously stunting our growth with those who might want to participate but scoff at the limit and will not join in with us so long as the limit is the way we play this game. They cannot wrap their heads around it. Just the way it is here in the real world. The sooner WBAS wakes up and gets with the program the better off we will be. After all, 7 rounds is coming, cocked and locked is coming. It's not a matter of if but when. Might as well be tomorrow since it cannot be yesterday. For sure the sooner the better.
  10. Of course if they were shagged and returned to me along with the rifle cases and sg hulls then surely I would put them in the mesh empty bag hanging off the cart. They make good key chain fobs and necklaces.
  11. This is great news. The Herters Blazer aluminum case blue plastic coated projectile 45 ACPs are a great round. I really love them a ton. And the berdan primed non reloadable cases don't have to be shagged.
  12. Age and infirmity have reduced my arm and upper body strength. So nowadays I slingshot cock and load the first round. Grasp the top of the slide over the top with the palm and fingertips of the weak hand. Shove the grip and frame away from the body whilst keeping the slide in place with the weak hand grasp. This is done with the gun held close to the chest. When you reach the end of the action movement let go of the slide and it returns to battery. It is amazing how much easier it is to slingshot load than it is to try to pull the slide back normally with the pinching of the slide at the rear serrations with the thumb and index finger. I think if she practices it, it should soon become easy peazy and second nature.
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