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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Doc Holloman

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Everything posted by Doc Holloman

  1. The longstanding rule says slings are not allowed on Main Match rifles. However as Doughboy was not a Main Match before this year, it was a reasonable interpretation that issue slings were allowed on the BAMM-style rifles in the Doughboy side match (as well as in the BAMM match). Now that Doughboy is a main match category, was the intent that issue slings are no longer allowed?
  2. Never mind, the new Rules are out! https://www.sassnet.com/the-shooting/cowboy-action-shooting/handbooks-rules
  3. Anyone know the answer to this: Will the new rules list Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy as regular Wild Bunch categories? Misty's announcement appears to say that, but a posting about EOT could be read to mean that has been changed.
  4. Tejas Caballeros Next Wild Bunch Match is Sat Feb 3. 5 regular stages plus a Doughboy/Teddy Roosevelt side match.
  5. Yes, but. Open category is only sanctioned for local matches. But within that, commanders and officer models are good, as are 9mms .40s 10mms, and .38 Supers. Within traditional and Modern categories, the 1911 rules appear to be unchanged. Any SASS legal shotgun is OK, so 20 and 16 gauge are allowed (had my eye on a used 20 gauge Model 12 the other day. HMMMM) . Your .32 rifle should be OK. I'm guessing that with the opening up of the rifles allowed, that "rifle not last" will become the rule.
  6. Maybe this will be clarified when the new Wild Bunch rule book comes out. The existing rules are silent on this point: If shooting a match in the Doughboy or Doughboy or TR categories, are both Traditional and Modern 1911s allowed (both in terms of the guns themselves and in terms of shooting style?) I would hope it is shooters choice.
  7. Update on .38 rifles for Wild Bunch. Will it require “Rifle not last?”. I had planned to test my .38 rifle against shot timer after today’s Tejas Caballeros Cowboy match, but circumstances made it unnecessary. I ended up as a TO for our posse and was able to observe whether the timer was picking up .38 Special rifle shots over several stages. In short, the answer is “sometimes.” Interestingly, while the load being used was important, and to a lesser degree, whether the stage was open or enclosed was a factor, perhaps just as important was barrel length. Two shooters back to back on the same semi-enclosed stage, the first shooting 105 grain oner 2.5 gr of Trailboss, the other shooting 158gr over 5gr of Trailboss. Most, but not all of the first shooters shots were picked up. But, counter intuitively, the second shooter’s shots, with the heavier load, were not picked up at all. The big difference appears to be barrel length. The first shooter was using a 73 with a 20 inch barrel, while the second was shooting a Marlin with a 24 inch barrel. As another data point, I was shooting 147 gr over 2.6gr of Titegroup, using my 73 with a 19 inch barrel and the other TO said the timer picked up all of my shots. I was taking care to hold the timer at shoulder height, as close to the shooter as I could without crowding him. Bottom line, the timer would not reliably and consistently pick up the .38 rifle shots, even with heavy loads.
  8. Well, this weekend I will test it after our club cowboy match. I will be shooting lightly loaded 125/147/158gr loads at both enclosed and open stages to see if out timers pick them up. (I don't have any 105gr bullets, but the 125s are laded pretty light -- 2.5gr of Titegroup.) Somehow I don't think that 177/180gr rule is going to end up being applied to .38s. Don't know anyone that loads bullets that heavy.
  9. I think my biggest gripe with the rule changes is that it might eventually lead to "rifle not last" in Wild Bunch.
  10. Beginning Saturday, June 3, the Tejas Caballeros will be holding its inaugural first Saturday monthly 5 stage Wild Bunch match! This will currently be the only monthly Wild Bunch match in the Central Texas area. Matches will be held at the Caballeros' first class "Determination Ranch" facility, located just west of Blanco, Texas, about a half hour north of San Antonio. Gate opens at 7:45 with shooters meeting and safety briefing starting at 8:30. Hammers down at 9:00. Doc sends.
  11. Just a data point. After trial and error I have found that a 17 pound spring works best in the Springfield Garrison that I shoot for WB, with my loads. Your gun, your loads then your mileage may vary.
  12. I recently picked up an old Model 12 at the local gun store. As both of my other 12s were broke I figured I could use the backup and the price was unbeatable (I could easily part it out for a lot more.) Problem is the gun is STIFF. It requires much more effort to cycle the action than either of my other 12s or either of my 97s. I'm not referring to an action slide lock problem, but the actual amount of physical effort required to pull the slide back and push it forward. I had my local gunsmith clean it when I bought it, but how well he knows 12s is an open question. Any suggestions on loosening this old warrior up?
  13. When a stage has split shotgun targets, when can you move with the shotgun stoked? As an example, the stage has 6 shotgun targets, two at the right side shooting position, and 4 at the left side position. Rifle and pistol targets are at the middle shooting position. Order of targets is shooters choice. Shooter loads the shotgun with six rounds. At the buzzer, he engages the two right hand targets from the right hand position, and then safely moves to the left hand position to engage the 4 remaining targets, before stowing the shotgun and moving on to the pistol and rifle targets. Sounds pretty basic to me and that is how I have seen this situation run many times. So what's the issue.? Well, a club member who is a long time WB shooter and RO pointed out the language in the WB Shooting Handbook that reads: " •Shotgun magazines may be loaded with the number of rounds required for the initial target sequence. Any additional rounds needed must be loaded from the body or other specified staging position." Issue revolves around the phrase "initial target sequence". How does that language apply to split shotgun targets? Should the shooter have only loaded two at the loading table and then loaded the remaining four on the clock? Or do all six shotgun targets constitute the "initial target sequence", in which case loading six was legal. And would it have made a difference if the shooter had engaged the pistol and rifle targets in between the two groups of shotgun targets (safely staging the shotgun in accordance with the rules "Hammer fully down on an empty chamber or expended round, action closed (restaged for further use)." If the first interpretation is correct (reload four on the clock) than I am not sure I would see the applicability of the shotgun movement rule: "• Safe for movement shotgun in hand only – Action open, round on carrier. – Hammer fully down on an empty chamber or spent round, action closed. Maybe I am reading too much into this , but I know we have a split shotgun stage coming up at a match this weekend, and would love an "expert" interpretation. Doc sends.
  14. Subject line pretty much says it -- should we expect any new rule changes coming out this year?
  15. I went the Pershing Expedition route.
  16. I keep mine on the left but in a single mag pouch with a snap flap, to keep it from getting mixed up with my loaded mags on open top pouches.
  17. Our club president shoots a Marlin in 45ACP. Don't know if it came that way.
  18. Interesting! Do you have any information on it? My research found only the fact that the Army adopted .50 and 1 inch gatling guns in the late 1860s, nothing about a Naval gun.
  19. Looking at the carriage and the size of the barrels, I would bet it is an early gun, 1860s.
  20. If you are not wedded to the idea of a Dan Wesson, and looking for a gun that has what you need and nothing you don't need, I would suggest the Springfield Garrison. I picked one up a few months ago, and it functions flawlessly for me with my Wild Bunch load.
  21. 76, 86, 94, and 95. (94 in Rifle cartridges like 30-30. Not .357 or .44.)
  22. I carry my full mags in open top Mernickle Pouches and my 1-round mag in a snap flag single pouch. That way I don't get them mixed up. I know some folks don't bother with the one round mag, but simply load a full mag and dump it after chambering one round.
  23. Tried that. Even offered to only use one stage (one that goes unused but is big enough to set up 4 different stages. Offers to use the smaller target steel and plate racks the cowboy shooters didn't use . Another weekend is not an option we shoot on a private ranch that we only are allied to shoot on one weekend a month
  24. That's kind of my feeling. Right now, for me it is the only game in town ( or within 300 miles.) But I have a lot invested in guns, ammo, reloading equipment and supplies, uniforms etc for Wild Bunch, so less than half a cake is better than none. But I don't feel like I'm really getting realistic practice for a Wild Bunch match when I can empty a mag (5 rounds, sigh) at an 18 inch target five feet away without even bringing the gun up to my eyeline. And yo are correct, a lot of the cowboy shooters resent my presence.
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