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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Doc Holloman

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Everything posted by Doc Holloman

  1. Having the opposite problem with the mag. It is getting jarred lose when the gun is fired. But I attribute that problem to myself. When I got the gun the mag insertion was too stiff, and I also wanted an extended mag release (short fingers) so I put in a new release with a lighter spring. Since then I have changed teh spring twice and the mag release again, searching for a release that will let me insert the mag normally, but not be so light that the mag comes loose. Haven't found the sweet spot yet.
  2. Our club president referred me to 10 Ring Precision in San Antonio. Less than an hour away.
  3. I am familiar with the SGT York MoH action, and have walked the ground east of Chatel Chehery in the Argonne. Actually I thought up the same stage for our club -- sponsoring the State Wild Bunch Match in September. But the stages had already been designed.
  4. Follow up from Yesterday's wild bunch match: I continue to have a problem with my RIA Rock Standard in .45ACP. I bought the gun specifically to use in SASS Wild Bunch Modern Class matches. I had the local 1911 smith do a trigger job including a short trigger (I have short fingers) and set the trigger to 3 pounds. It has a 16 pound recoil spring. I have 500-600 rounds through the gun. About every 10 rounds or so, the trigger doesn't reset. Lifting my finger off the trigger doesn't reset it. I have to pull the slide back about a quarter inch and release it to make it reset. I don't think I am "short Stroking" the trigger because when I deliberately short stroke it, the trigger will reset when I lift my finger off the trigger. I am using new Ed Brown and Chip McCormick mags. I'm loading 230gr powder coated round nose with 4gr of Clays. I gauged each round before loading into the mags. The problem does not appear to be mag or ammo related. I have 3 other 1911s (Kimber Classic Custom, RIA Commander, and USGI, none of which have this issue.) I have taken it back to the smith that did the work twice, and he hasn't been able to solve the problem. I am not sure I trust him (competence-wise) any more and am not inclined to give him any more work. The president of our SASS club used to be the commander of the Army Marksmanship Unit and it a bit of a 1911 guru, and he hasn't been able to diagnose the problem. I'm beginning to think I have a 2.5 pound boat anchor on my hands. I would sell the gun and be done with it, but I don't want to pass along my problem to anyone else. Sigh, which Springfield model to buy? Any thoughts?
  5. Out of Greenhorn curiosity, what is the Sgt York stage and how does it differ from Doughboy? Doc sends.
  6. Looking at the Springfield specs, the "Operator" models with the rail tend to be 43 ounces, while the similar models without the rails are around 40 ounces. The trick is finding those models
  7. Oops. Hadn't even thought about that.
  8. OK, my reading of the rules says these features on a factory 1911 are OK, but want a sanity check: Fixed frame (dust cover) mounted accessory rail (with nothing mounted on it.) 3-dot tritium sights (not fibre optic or laser.) Looking at trading up and find most of the guns I look at have these features. Doc Sends.
  9. Just to be sure, is this the Bulge Buster we are talking about? https://www.amazon.com/Precision-Model-LP90487-Bulge-Buster/dp/B005KW5F3K
  10. UK, I fired 50 new handloads at the range yesterday, along with 50 Winchester 230gfr ball asa control. Two failures to feed with the handloads (not sure it was the ammo.) Accuracy and grouping pretty much the same with the handloads and the factory ammo. One issue that I keep having though: I am gauging each round as it comes out of the press. about 8 percent are not passing (generally about an eighth of an inch from fitting flush in the gauge, Case mouth external diameter is a uniform .471. Cases appear to be bulged above the extractor groove. I'm using mixed cases, mostly Winchester but a fair number of Starlines (both of my feed failures were Starlines.) Eight percent strikes me as a high reject rate. Thoughts? Doc sends.
  11. Turns out he can't get his hands on any these days.
  12. Shot him off an email this morning. Will see what happens. Thanks
  13. I figured that, but I have not been able to register on the SASS Wire. Every time I try I never get the confirmation email.
  14. Just got my AYA sxs back from a disappointing 5 weeks with the gunsmith. Now, I find myself with one CAS legal shotgun and it is a cranky old 1897. Looking for a side by side 12 gauge. 1. SKB, Stoeger, CZ or Baikal 2. Hammerless. 3. Blued (not stainless) barrels, 20-22 inch. 4. Prefer Single Trigger 5. Willing to pay for already slicked up, but not a requirement. 6. Not worn out. Local gun store not able to get anything for months. Nothing reasonably priced on Gunbroker. Any leads? Doc sends
  15. Ok, a new addition to my Holy Grail list: Krag Speed loader.
  16. My first 1911 (back in the 80s) was an AO. Did not find it to be particularly reliable -- I got it then because I was a poor Navy Lieutenant j.g. and could not afford anything better. I imagine though that a good .45 smith can work out the issues. I've been wanting to find a Krag( a major hole in my US military rifle collection). I'd really like a carbine, but am seeing so many "fakes" that I haven't found one that I am confident enough to buy. But a rifle would also suit my purposes. Do you have any loading tricks to making the Krag competitive with bolt guns that load with stripper clips? Our BAMM matches have reloads on the clock. Doc sends.
  17. Got my new Mernickle Wild Bunch rig on Thursday. Was happy to see tha the holster is designed to avoid the mag release.
  18. If it came in Blue or parkerized I might be interested.
  19. Mine does that too, but I understand that is normal for the model 12 -- a feature to prevent out of battery discharge. The trick is that you really need to slam the slide forward every time -- don't treat it like your 870. The Model 12 had several mysteries that I had to solve -- the primary one being the unusual loading process. I still dump 2-3 rounds on the ground almost every time I load mine. Doc sends.
  20. Got this Email from CMP today: The CMP advises to not use .30/06 ammunition in M1 Garands, 1903s, and 1903A3s that is loaded beyond 50,000 CUP and has a bullet weight more than 172-174gr. These rifles are at least 70 years old and were not designed for max loads and super heavy bullets. Always wear hearing and eye protection when firing an M1 Garand, 1903 and/or 1903A3 rifle.
  21. . Yes I have grips like that on both guns, as well as flat mainspring housing. Also go for the thinnest grips I can find.
  22. This is allowed on a Modern category 1911. Just don't put one on a Traditional gun. good luck, GJ Understood. Can't really shoot one handed anyway. Strong hand thumb has arthritis ( broke it 45years ago in college trying to bare hand catch a softball.) My weak hand thumb braces it when I shoot.
  23. Yeah, I know now not to treat an 1897 like it is an 870. I'm supposed to be getting a new Mernickle Wild Bunch rig any day. Will see if the holster impinges on the mag release. I went to the extended mag release because I have short fingers and it meant I didn't have to shift my grip quite as much to hit the mag release.
  24. I have Unique on my bench (Trail Boss seems o be unobtainable right now). Do you have a load for 150gr spire points. What ranges are you shooting at 1300fps? Out BAMM/Doughboy targets go out to 150-175 yards.
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