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Everything posted by lostvaquero

  1. You are welcome to try my k31 as well but earliest will be 18th LV match. If you go to the show might want to keep an eye out for a 1903/05 pocket or similar. Trying to get interest in POP or POcket Pistol wild bunch style. Those little pistols turn of the century to about WW1 design. I will bring my 1903 if you want to try that as well.
  2. 03 seems to be popular. Mauser probably right up there as well. I picked up a Swiss K31. Most have seen little use. The gun Smith checked mine and asked if it had even bern fired the action and barrel was so pristine. He also said the lock up was tighter than some of the new bolt guns. Swiss built them like their watches and they were not under war time pressure and restrictions. Brass is not as easy to find asb 8mm or 30-06. K31 though takes same bullet size as 30-06 So makes it easy.
  3. Men's traditional and BA MM champ!
  4. For a traditional I think a Remington R1 might bebbthe way to go.
  5. "I do like the scoring system, it makes the sport much more competitive than total time. Stage Points keeps a top shooter in the game even when they get a stage DQ. I can't tell you how many matches I have seen good shooters win even though they had a stage DQ. That means that they shot well enough on 11 stages to beat shooters that had scores on 12 stages. Total time knocks the shooter with a DQ out." TO me that right there is why total time. If you screwed up bad enough to DQ, does not matter how well you did on the rest. By the system in place if you DQ on a stage then burn down the rest covers the fact you did something grevious enough to get a stage DQ. In TT it reinforces the fact you did and hopefully the next time be a little more vigilant. Sure we all, or mostly all of us screw up but again my thinking is TT hopefully keeps you on your toes instead of thinking alright bad stage I can make this up and not getting that reinforcement. I am not sure that I completely agree with keeps the sport more competitive. I think the competition is there no matter which scoring is used. As the system is now, sure helps a shooter keep in the running and I can see where you are coming from but again rules in place that result say a DQ are there for a reason and reinforcing that seems better to me. My worthless 2 cents as never going to be a top competitor just out to have some safe fun with good people because with either system be bringing home the light on the caboose.
  6. There were even some in the Punitive Expedition as well. Maybe convince the local club to let me try it in open category.
  7. I just picked up this little beauty. It seems the perfect pairing really with my 1911 and 1897 shotgun. Guess one could almost put in doughboy as 1907s were used in WW1.
  8. Thanks. I will print this out. My go to powders have been Umique or Trailboss. Mostly because that is what I have and so far so good but always looking at what others have done.
  9. I like Trailboss with 230g about 4 grains will put you at 700 fps. 4.5 listed as max lists at 750. Should be comfortable over of minimum. Cutting it close you could go with 5 grains listed as max with a 180g bullet. Never personally chrono but Hogdon lists that at 850 fps. 200g with around 5.5 lists at 816. I have tried that but man is that case really full. Dropping to 5gr should still provide plenty.
  10. Thanks for pulling this together
  11. I agree very nicely done.
  12. Just at the range Sunday shot the 1903 with Magtech 32 acp lead bullets worked fine.
  13. Thanks for the stages. Think my wrists would have been dust. Looks great. Gives me ideas *evil laugh*
  14. I bet it was! More report please!
  15. Just in case he is welcome to use mine. Already have lead bullets rounds.
  16. WHOOHOOO!!!!!! Got a full nickel plated 1903 with pearl grips
  17. Sent pm
  18. Dusty, Well C.N. Double and I have been talking. Not sure yet where things are at. The normal range is not really set up for BAMM distances but that has not stopped us quite yet. Bordertown in which WB was only a side match (1 day, 4 stages) drew I think about 50 shooters. We are going to push that now still as a side match but to two days and 8 stages if things go well. Maybe try to get BAMM there as well. The enthusiasm is there just logistics mostly at this point. Got some pretty decent WB shooters here in AZ (I am not one of them but that does not mean I don't try). My wrists have degraded and after six stages of WB pretty much hand and fingers are going numb but that does not mean that I want others to come and have a great time and push WB. Doughboy C.N. Double loved when he went down TX way. Sounds fun but again the current set up at the range is not set up for that. Well good luck with the GAMM and I hope (yes I call it POP - POcket Pistol) might make a go. I really want to drag out the 1903 Pocket Hammerless. If the TX boys run one sure would be nice.
  19. Shot a Garand, nice and yep glad someone is giving it a go. Sure would be nice for a POP side match as well. Working on trying to get a BAMM side at next Bordertown. No promises but trying to grow interest.
  20. GAMM guessing is gas action military match or Garand military match? Interesting but isn't that getting a bit outside of WB era? I know just a side match, but heck why not drag out the 1903 poget hammerhead and have a WB pocket pistol side match? POP?
  21. I wonder if a subsection of the main SASS wire. A lot people visit over there and might not really be aware of this separate site. My wrists kill me after 6 stages but I am having fun.
  22. I was going after a somewhat smaller target at 500 yards. This guy is working on small buffalo target at 2240 yard. I couldn't even see the target impressive. K31 with mil spec sights. https://www.range365.com/utah-man-makes-possible-world-record-shot-with-iron-sights
  23. Well it took some looking but considering WB time period the small arms military manual of 1913 stated if the pistol is to be carried in holster hammer must be down.
  24. Welcome to having a lot of fun. Slowly getting better, did I say slow?
  25. Well went and bought one. A few more questions. I shoot left handed, it appears that at one time there was something called a Burgin device and Swiss products once made a left hand rod. Would the addition if I find one make the rifle illegal as presumably these were not as issued. In am presuming the same for diopter sights? I can't quite figure if some were issued that way or that was pure sporterizing/competition sights over there. I was surprised the mag holds 6. Presumably for fairness though rifle is only loaded with five? On a side note I see an aftermarket 10 rounder. To me makes rifle even more useful. Now get some dies. Any recommendations?
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