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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by lostvaquero

  1. Well over but went from 6 stage to 8 stage two day Wild Bunch match and held its very first BAMM match. On the later a small but enthusiastic group showed up. Next year hope to get the word out earlier now we got the range boss on board. Also been musing on trying to get POP going as well. More shootin` = more fun, right? LV
  2. That is great to hear!! Maybe can introduce POP next year. Informally we have a bit of just for fun GAMM. I do not have a Garand, but just dig out the Winchester 1907. I just contend it is a SAMM match (SemiAuto Military Match) after all the 1907 was used in both WWs.
  3. CN is coming your way. He got BAMM going at Bordertown the AZ state championship. Any POP matches?
  4. Came across one of these. It is actually a plated job. Looks like might be legal for Traditional even but has a weird little hole in the front sight. From my understanding they are made in the Philippines. Anyone have any experience with them? Alright, crappy, good?
  5. Thank you sirs!
  6. By plated I take that as nickle plated? What about stainless steel? Or close enough to representing nickle?
  7. Been eyeing a Remington R1S, yes I know but I like the high polish and pearl grips. I doubt with my degrading wrists if I could do Traditional but wondering if could use in Modern. I think the answer is yes but just make sure.
  8. Just curious did you weigh the bullets ahead of time? I have been using some listed as poly 180g but after weighing 100 of them the lightest was 182.3 with the average right at 184.2g Also just wondering about primers, std vs magnum. Does the later give just a bit more push?
  9. At the Sierra Vista Range (AZ) courtesy of the Montezuma Muzzle Loaders and Old Pueblo Shootists Association will have a pistol caliber lever action silhouette shoot along with long range lever rifle caliber and single shot. There will be a BAMM section as well. As of right now for BAMM lead (gas check is alright) bullets and velocity limited to 1600fps. There might possible be some long range BAMM (like 350 meters) that jacketed ammo will be allowed, unknown at this time. Still if anyone in the area is interested come on down would love to have you!
  10. Old Pueblo Shootists Association - Wild Bunch 6 stages every 2nd Saturday at the Tombstone Livery (Tombstone AZ).
  11. Unique orbTrailboss pretty much cover everything including reduced load BAMM. Trailboss is currently my favourite. 32 H&R, 38 s&w, 45 colt, 45acp, 7.5x55 Swiss, 45-70, and think I have a 12g load.
  12. Never even heard of using tungsten. Well learned something new. THANKS!!!
  13. I will take a guess but no firearms expert. They look like there are dampers incorporated into the guide rods.
  14. Nice! Btw got to range test my K31 with lead bullets on the 100 meter target. Spotter said middle of the chest hits as long as I did my part. Think we are going to have a BAMM or at least mini one in August. Kinda stoked for it but considering be up against CN Double and Gilly be taking up the rear but who cares should be fun. Those two might be bringing their Garands.
  15. So looking I get ones that say 3, 4, 5 capacity. Do the guns have to be modified to handle six or is there some sort of limiter plug in the magazine. From the above guess better make sure it is a 2 3/4 gun. I hear stuff about flag or no flag guess something to for with the lifter.
  16. So most people tell me a model 12 is the WB shotgun over a 97. So what should I look for? Is a vent rib legal?
  17. Just curious will the stage description be available sure would like to see them.
  18. Whoooo hoodoo sounds great and congrats to all. I can say I am one lucky person to get to shoot regularly with CN Double.
  19. Good luck! Know you will do well.
  20. In my K31 pretty close to full case of TB. Chrono pretty consistently at 1559 fps.
  21. OMG!!! I am so sorry to hear this. Family in my thoughts and prayers.
  22. Pioneer Gun Works has them also.That is where I got mine.
  23. It more depends on the range rules. Anyway Buffallo Arms hasbullets in 303 British the lead variety. I know at 4 corners regional limit on velocity was 1600fps. The range hoping to get the owner to let us do BAMM will probably require the same. If that is the case you will have to do some load development.
  24. I got one the Wilson checks off evil bay. I check rounds in there but remember your advice to chamber check. Thanks again for getting me there.
  25. Well I too have been playing with TB in Swiss K31. Our range probably will let us do BAMM with loads running less than 1600fps. The Norm bullets are nice but I also had some 160g hitec poly bullets. Just chronograph them very consistent at 1559 fps with 15g TB. I also had a few 210g poly bullets but had to back off the amount of TB as 15g a bit too much. Max amount there I could get was around 14g and result was a ho hum 1250 fps. Have not put the 160s on target but pretty sure going to do fine. Hats off to Grouchy Spike for all his load development it sure cut a bunch of time off development.
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