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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by lostvaquero

  1. I use TB in 45LC as well (and 45acp and my regular 38 Cowboy loads). As stated, in 45 Colt not a problem with compression. Considering my load with TB in 38 special works just right for 45acp with 230g, I have been looking using 45 Cowboy Special in the rifle. Yes, lazy in that if I can get one setting for everything, but then less adjusting and having something to amiss. TB might be more expensive but no way to double charge, cases will overflow which one reason I like it.
  2. I would prefer to keep the rifle.
  3. TT
  4. Excellent and thank you for providing the guns and ammo.
  5. 4, 3, 7, 3, 4. -3 mags total.
  6. Cool! I am using Trailboss which burns pretty clean. I am using 230g SNS poly coated. Reason for 230gr is because I use pretty close to the low end of the load data for Trailboss. That makes it juzt above the required 150 pf with a bit of cushion.
  7. Trailboss has loads for both as well as other calibers. For Cas I shoot 38s and data for those is just the same amount of powder as 45acp. If I use small primer 45acp then I can load my 38s and 45acp without powder change and primer change. Just change shell plate and dies.
  8. I like them. A Fibbinoci is pretty simple as well. O. O. O. 7. 14 21
  9. 7, 14, 21 A Fibbinoci sequence
  10. Thank you. I decided to skip it had a few problems and after looking around brass and bullets not easy to find.
  11. There is one in pretty good conditionfor about $130.
  12. Now where did I put that French Foreign Legion kepi?
  13. I stumbled across these two looking in the pre WW1 era and they both have me intrigued. I have been looking at some on classifieds. The thing about the Winchester SL is that the rounds are virtually non existent any more. The Remi Model 8 in 35 Remington at least has current ammo still made and of course a Browning design. Like I said, just doing some reading but have no experience with these rifles and just wondering if some of the fine folks here have some experience with either. I must admit that once things get much past 1917, they have lost interest to me.
  14. Guess some people have no compassion.....Oh well......
  15. So does the announcement that cowboy sanctioned matches state and above are now Total Time apply to WB as well?
  16. Personally I would rather avoid taking extra medication then changing or adding a minor class.
  17. I have bofh magtec and ultramax 9mm 124gr lead commercial loadings. I do not have a chronograph but probably a bit higher then 850fps.
  18. Yes. I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and after a regular WB really hurts. So far has not happened on the line but my fingers will 'freeze' which quite painful. I sure wouldn't mind minor class with 9 or lower pf say like 105. A 124gr at around 850 = 105
  19. I agree on the mutual support. I am not sure if CAS shooters knock WB shooters though. After reading and participating in the discussion most CAS shooters seem to be knocking the current setup of WB. My quick summary take was what was started as a fun unofficial side match went to restrictive. If youndo not like the current WB rules then do not play, so must did exactly that. Some said interested but no WB match nearby. The questions remained of what to do. Suggestions ran on the former from complete rule change back to pre official rule days, major and minor categories, open class to just allowb 38 rifle. As for the later a bit less suggestions but seemed most ended up centering on running a regular CAS match and having or letting persons use a 1911 or WB movie pistol or revolver instead to drum up interest. A few feathers got ruffled but overall my impression was CAS would like to see WB grow.
  20. August you make a very valid point. It is advertising and showing what is there that will get more people going then anything else. I have gone to a 3 gun match with cowboy guns. People love it, asked questions and several expressed interest but the bottom line came down to they had already invested a ton of money in their 3 guns and just could not justify buying more (or that was the excuse). Due to hip and joint problems I have given up 3 gun and sold off most of the equipment and that is what brought me to WBAS. I do CAS, and WBAS seemed like a good step back from 3 gun but still a bit different than CAS. I am not sure how many people one can draw from IPDA, IPSC or 3 gun. The later to me at least is really a young person's sport, so maybe as everyone starts getting the aches and realizes that sliding through barrels is not working as it used to might like me find something else. Then that leaves the other pool of people which is the sport that WB grew out of and that is the SASS/CAS folks. As you mentioned acomendations have been given but I am not sure how many places do that or how well it is made known to some of the CAS only crowd. A lot of people do look at the handbooks and just end up shrugging going 'Well ain't going to buy another rifle" or whatever. A lot to think about and I have no real answer but I do give a lot of kudos to Grouchy for putting the topic out there and getting the talking and thinking going. And after having some good strong tea and rereading a lot on the Wire I will agree that the 5 round in the mag has been mentioned but plenty mentioned that the start of WB pre-formal SASS sounded a lot more fun. Sure some of those 1917 revolvers and lugers might be plinkers, but in my opinion that is like saying using a replica open top colt or cap and ball pistol is just plinking because if your really serious you would be using a set of rugers and a 73. There are a lot of people who shoot CAS because they want to have fun and do not worry about being in the top five overall shooters. A couple more categories to me would not hurt. As for drawing only from SASS folks I agree but I think that is still where a majority will come from. Most of the younger (20s and 30s) that I have been around could care less about dressing up, wearing boots that kind of thing. The fact that some of the higher placed shooters sport shirts covered in logos and sponsors, with baseball caps and shorts is almost a uniform. To me CAS/WBAS suffers from not enough exposure and of course the fact that the Western has not been a major theme on TV or in the theaters for a long time with few exceptions. While I know a lot do not like the sci-fi theme of HBO Westworld, the fact that it has caught on gives exposure. You might not get to shoot life like androids but come on down people, and pretend your in Westworld, let's see those six gun skills. Oh you want a bit more fun? Well step right this way...we call it Wild Bunch. Sorry, off the soapbox again.
  21. I use the Hi-Tek bullets and love them. No I have not ever chronographed or done any other testing but the barrels take very little cleaning. I got 230gr SNS coated round nose to load in 45ACP and some 200gr coated to load in 45 Schofiled for rifle. I have yet to have a problem with the bullets, even used the 45s out of a semi auto Thompson without any problems. The only thing I have ever read is if the barrel is a bit tight, then the coating can be stripped right off and one can get leading of the barrel. Otherwise from what I have seen there is very little residue left unlike the moly coated. As far as CAS shooting, out of say 35 shooters probably only 3 to 5 of us had Hi Tek coated bullets. So I do not think it has caught on as much but I also like that your lead exposure is lower than regular cast.
  22. I see something of the same. WBAS here has maybe five to eight and I am not sure how many are even interested. I do know that some Cowboy shooters do not like the idea of having to do another rifle or shotgun. I know some cowboy shooters would not like that but I think most would not care as long as things are scored differently. The big argument has been that most TO/ROs are not trained on semi-autos. That would be something that would have to be changed. One club did something like this though for a bit and not sure why it dropped off (I am thinking WB came along but it was before I started with the club) called Turn of the Century cowboy. Same cowboy setup as the cowboy shooters but instead of two single action revolvers it was any semi-auto up to about 1917. Of course that would be something SASS would have to decide on. However whether that would draw more people to WB or not is not certain. CAS is having enough trouble with keeping its numbers up, most of the cowboys including me are getting on and while I see some younger folks (less than 50) come around by far most younger shooters are heading off to 3 gun. It is what they are used to seeing. I have tried 3 gun but my knees and hips cannot take some of the scenarios. That being said, I have sometimes gone to 3 gun and instead taken my cowboy or WB guns instead. I am not competitive at all and with the cowboy guns definitely puts me at the bottom. However, I see a few of the younger crowd watch and start asking questions. A few ask about CAS and I tell them about that and also WB which might appeal to being used to semi crowd. Flipping open a schofield has gotten a few to go "OH WOW! I did not know they could do that!" I have talked to the local 3 gun match director and he indicated that enough (3 or more) people want to shoot the scenarios with cowboy style guns he would call it a separate scoring category almost like the Western 3 gun. Well off the soapbox now.
  23. Yep loved the song as well. As for revolver, it was a thought. Just another way to buy some guns and have some fun,
  24. I am still getting there. Right now club is letting me use semi auto Thompson. I managed to do some trades for a 45 Marlin. Holster is from my old Lara Croft costume days. Covers the ejection port and most of the slide.
  25. I got to thinking after WB today what about a revolver category? A S&W 1917 or replica (or even the Colt version) with moonclips could probably not be far behind a 1911 with five rounds. Moonclip change out can be almost if not as fast as a 1911 magazine change. A lot of revolver preferring folks around.
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