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  1. https://mdocweb.state.mi.us/OTIS2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=249215
    3 points
  2. Kingsnake has done both my 1911's with these. They're great
    3 points
  3. Mine run 15 recoil, 19 main. You can easily tell if you're sprung correctly. Fire a couple mags of your match ammo from one spot. Look for the center of the pattern of ejected cases. Step that off from your shooting position. If closer than 5 feet, you are sprung stronger than needed. (results in harder slide pull than needed, and can get to where you get a failure to eject) If pattern is more than 10 feet away, you are too lightly sprung (can batter the frame and slide). And the recoil and main springs usually "balance with each other" best with the recoil being about 3-4 pounds lighter than the main. The mainspring bore in the grip housing often needs honing to remove the roughness from factory machining. good luck, GJ
    3 points
  4. I have handled this gun in .45 ACP at my shop and it is so nice. It will be in Modern category. https://www.handgunsmag.com/editorial/ruger-sr1911-lightweight-pistol-review/517369?utm_source=WhatCounts-Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=AMO12-Months-engagement&utm_content=AMO Tuesday#replay
    2 points
  5. Th Rugers are great guns. I don’t think a Lightweight would be my choice for Wild Bunch.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Number your mags so you can identify any problem mags. +1 on case gauge. +1 on Bulge Buster for rounds that do not fit case gauge. +1 on knowing how to clear malfunctions. Be safe and have fun.
    1 point
  8. Thank you, sir. Got tired of breaking pins and figured there had to be a better way. Best, Boggus
    1 point
  9. Just wanted to close the loop here. THANK YOU to everyone that directed me the @Boggus Deal firing pin solution! Got mine in the mail today and 10 min later was out test firing it. What a great solution! I'm all set now and the M12 is much smoother. NOTE: I did leave the bolt lock/retaining lever installed as I really don't notice it interfering with the action at lease on my M12. Ready for my next WB Match! Totes
    1 point
  10. Regardless of how well tuned your 1911 is or how well you reload your ammo, knowing how to safely and quickly clear a jam is not something to be overlooked. Things happen and I've seen far too many newer shooters struggle with what to do when it happens. Going to slide lock, manually pulling mag from the mag well, clearing a FTF safely and indetifying what can't quickly be fixed should be learned/practiced. When things decide to go wrong, it can really eat up time fixing it. Totes
    1 point
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